Source code for robot.model.filter

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from typing import Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

from robot.utils import setter

from .tags import TagPatterns
from .namepatterns import SuiteNamePatterns, TestNamePatterns
from .visitor import SuiteVisitor

    from .keyword import Keyword
    from .testcase import TestCase
    from .testsuite import TestSuite

[docs]class EmptySuiteRemover(SuiteVisitor): def __init__(self, preserve_direct_children: bool = False): self.preserve_direct_children = preserve_direct_children
[docs] def end_suite(self, suite: 'TestSuite'): if suite.parent or not self.preserve_direct_children: suite.suites = [s for s in suite.suites if s.test_count]
[docs] def visit_test(self, test: 'TestCase'): pass
[docs] def visit_keyword(self, keyword: 'Keyword'): pass
[docs]class Filter(EmptySuiteRemover): def __init__(self, include_suites: 'SuiteNamePatterns|Sequence[str]|None' = None, include_tests: 'TestNamePatterns|Sequence[str]|None' = None, include_tags: 'TagPatterns|Sequence[str]|None' = None, exclude_tags: 'TagPatterns|Sequence[str]|None' = None): super().__init__() self.include_suites = include_suites self.include_tests = include_tests self.include_tags = include_tags self.exclude_tags = exclude_tags @setter def include_suites(self, suites) -> 'SuiteNamePatterns|None': return self._patterns_or_none(suites, SuiteNamePatterns) @setter def include_tests(self, tests) -> 'TestNamePatterns|None': return self._patterns_or_none(tests, TestNamePatterns) @setter def include_tags(self, tags) -> 'TagPatterns|None': return self._patterns_or_none(tags, TagPatterns) @setter def exclude_tags(self, tags) -> 'TagPatterns|None': return self._patterns_or_none(tags, TagPatterns) def _patterns_or_none(self, items, pattern_class): if items is None or isinstance(items, pattern_class): return items return pattern_class(items)
[docs] def start_suite(self, suite: 'TestSuite'): if not self: return False if hasattr(suite, 'starttime'): suite.starttime = suite.endtime = None if self.include_suites is not None: if self.include_suites.match(, suite.longname): suite.visit(Filter(include_tests=self.include_tests, include_tags=self.include_tags, exclude_tags=self.exclude_tags)) return False suite.tests = [] return True if self.include_tests is not None: suite.tests = [t for t in suite.tests if self.include_tests.match(, t.longname)] if self.include_tags is not None: suite.tests = [t for t in suite.tests if self.include_tags.match(t.tags)] if self.exclude_tags is not None: suite.tests = [t for t in suite.tests if not self.exclude_tags.match(t.tags)] return bool(suite.suites)
def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self.include_suites is not None or self.include_tests is not None or self.include_tags is not None or self.exclude_tags is not None)