robot.reporting package

Implements report, log, output XML, and xUnit file generation.

The public API of this package is the ResultWriter class. It can write result files based on XML output files on the file system, as well as based on the result objects returned by the ExecutionResult() factory method or an executed TestSuite.

It is highly recommended to use the public API via the robot.api package.

This package is considered stable.


robot.reporting.expandkeywordmatcher module

class robot.reporting.expandkeywordmatcher.ExpandKeywordMatcher(expand_keywords: str |[str][str,[str]])[source]

Bases: object

match(kw: robot.result.model.Keyword)[source]

robot.reporting.jsbuildingcontext module

class robot.reporting.jsbuildingcontext.JsBuildingContext(log_path=None, split_log=False, expand_keywords=None, prune_input=False)[source]

Bases: object

string(string, escape=True, attr=False)[source]

robot.reporting.jsexecutionresult module

class robot.reporting.jsexecutionresult.JsExecutionResult(suite, statistics, errors, strings, basemillis=None, split_results=None, min_level=None, expand_keywords=None)[source]

Bases: object


robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders module

class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.JsModelBuilder(log_path=None, split_log=False, expand_keywords=None, prune_input_to_save_memory=False)[source]

Bases: object

class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.SuiteBuilder(context)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders._Builder

class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.TestBuilder(context)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders._Builder

class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.KeywordBuilder(context)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders._Builder

build(item, split=False)[source]
build_keyword(kw, split=False)[source]
class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.MessageBuilder(context)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders._Builder

class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.StatisticsBuilder[source]

Bases: object

class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.ErrorsBuilder(context)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders._Builder

class robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.ErrorMessageBuilder(context)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.jsmodelbuilders.MessageBuilder


robot.reporting.jswriter module

class robot.reporting.jswriter.JsResultWriter(output, start_block='<script type="text/javascript">n', end_block='</script>n', split_threshold=9500)[source]

Bases: object

write(result, settings)[source]
class robot.reporting.jswriter.SuiteWriter(write_json, split_threshold)[source]

Bases: object

write(suite, variable)[source]
class robot.reporting.jswriter.SplitLogWriter(output)[source]

Bases: object

write(keywords, strings, index, notify)[source]

robot.reporting.logreportwriters module

class robot.reporting.logreportwriters.LogWriter(js_model)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.logreportwriters._LogReportWriter

usage = 'log'
write(path, config)[source]
class robot.reporting.logreportwriters.ReportWriter(js_model)[source]

Bases: robot.reporting.logreportwriters._LogReportWriter

usage = 'report'
write(path, config)[source]
class robot.reporting.logreportwriters.RobotModelWriter(output, model, config)[source]

Bases: robot.htmldata.htmlfilewriter.ModelWriter

handles(line: str)
handles_line = '<!-- JS MODEL -->'

robot.reporting.outputwriter module

class robot.reporting.outputwriter.OutputWriter(output, rpa=False)[source]

Bases: robot.output.xmllogger.XmlLogger


Called when a message starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

end_body_item(item: BodyItem)

Called, by default, when keywords, messages or control structures end.

More specific end_keyword(), end_message(), :meth:`end_for, etc. can be implemented to visit only keywords, messages or specific control structures.

Default implementation does nothing.


Called when a BREAK element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a CONTINUE element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a ERROR element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a FOR loop ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a FOR loop iteration ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when an IF/ELSE structure ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when an IF/ELSE branch ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a keyword ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_message(message: Message)

Called when a message ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a RETURN element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a suite ends. Default implementation does nothing.


Called when a test ends. Default implementation does nothing.


Called when a TRY/EXCEPT structure ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE and FINALLY branches end.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a WHILE loop ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.


Called when a WHILE loop iteration ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

start_body_item(item: BodyItem) → bool|None

Called, by default, when keywords, messages or control structures start.

More specific start_keyword(), start_message(), :meth:`start_for, etc. can be implemented to visit only keywords, messages or specific control structures.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting. Default implementation does nothing.


Called when a BREAK element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a CONTINUE element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a ERROR element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a FOR loop starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a FOR loop iteration starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when an IF/ELSE structure starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when an IF/ELSE branch starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a keyword starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a RETURN element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a suite starts. Default implementation does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a test starts. Default implementation does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a TRY/EXCEPT structure starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE or FINALLY branches start.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a WHILE loop starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a WHILE loop iteration starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

visit_break(break_: Break)

Visits BREAK elements.

visit_continue(continue_: Continue)

Visits CONTINUE elements.

visit_error(error: Error)

Visits body items resulting from invalid syntax.

Examples include syntax like END or ELSE in wrong place and invalid setting like [Invalid].

visit_for(for_: For)

Implements traversing through FOR loops.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in for_ without calling start_for() or end_for() nor visiting body.

visit_for_iteration(iteration: ForIteration)

Implements traversing through single FOR loop iteration.

This is only used with the result side model because on the running side there are no iterations.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in iteration without calling start_for_iteration() or end_for_iteration() nor visiting body.

visit_if(if_: If)

Implements traversing through IF/ELSE structures.

Notice that if_ does not have any data directly. Actual IF/ELSE branches are in its body and they are visited separately using visit_if_branch().

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in if_ without calling start_if() or end_if() nor visiting branches.

visit_if_branch(branch: IfBranch)

Implements traversing through single IF/ELSE branch.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in branch without calling start_if_branch() or end_if_branch() nor visiting body.

visit_keyword(keyword: Keyword)

Implements traversing through keywords.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in kw without calling start_keyword() or end_keyword() nor visiting the body of the keyword

visit_message(message: Message)

Implements visiting messages.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in msg without calling start_message() or end_message().

visit_return(return_: Return)

Visits a RETURN elements.

visit_suite(suite: TestSuite)

Implements traversing through suites.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in suite without calling start_suite() or end_suite() nor visiting child suites, tests or setup and teardown at all.

visit_test(test: TestCase)

Implements traversing through tests.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in test without calling start_test() or end_test() nor visiting the body of the test.

visit_try(try_: Try)

Implements traversing through TRY/EXCEPT structures.

This method is used with the TRY/EXCEPT root element. Actual TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE and FINALLY branches are visited separately using visit_try_branch().

visit_try_branch(branch: TryBranch)

Visits individual TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE and FINALLY branches.

visit_while(while_: While)

Implements traversing through WHILE loops.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in while_ without calling start_while() or end_while() nor visiting body.

visit_while_iteration(iteration: WhileIteration)

Implements traversing through single WHILE loop iteration.

This is only used with the result side model because on the running side there are no iterations.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in iteration without calling start_while_iteration() or end_while_iteration() nor visiting body.

robot.reporting.resultwriter module

class robot.reporting.resultwriter.ResultWriter(*sources)[source]

Bases: object

A class to create log, report, output XML and xUnit files.

Parameters:sources – Either one Result object, or one or more paths to existing output XML files.

By default writes report.html and log.html, but no output XML or xUnit files. Custom file names can be given and results disabled or enabled using settings or options passed to the write_results() method. The latter is typically more convenient:

writer = ResultWriter(result)
writer.write_results(report='custom.html', log=None, xunit='xunit.xml')
write_results(settings=None, **options)[source]

Writes results based on the given settings or options.

  • settingsRebotSettings object to configure result writing.
  • options – Used to construct new RebotSettings object if settings are not given.
class robot.reporting.resultwriter.Results(settings, *sources)[source]

Bases: object


robot.reporting.stringcache module

class robot.reporting.stringcache.StringIndex[source]

Bases: int


Return integer ratio.

Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is exactly equal to the original int and with a positive denominator.

>>> (10).as_integer_ratio()
(10, 1)
>>> (-10).as_integer_ratio()
(-10, 1)
>>> (0).as_integer_ratio()
(0, 1)

Number of ones in the binary representation of the absolute value of self.

Also known as the population count.

>>> bin(13)
>>> (13).bit_count()

Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary.

>>> bin(37)
>>> (37).bit_length()

Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int.


the denominator of a rational number in lowest terms


Return the integer represented by the given array of bytes.

Holds the array of bytes to convert. The argument must either support the buffer protocol or be an iterable object producing bytes. Bytes and bytearray are examples of built-in objects that support the buffer protocol.
The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is ‘big’, the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is ‘little’, the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder’ as the byte order value. Default is to use ‘big’.
Indicates whether two’s complement is used to represent the integer.

the imaginary part of a complex number


the numerator of a rational number in lowest terms


the real part of a complex number


Return an array of bytes representing an integer.

Length of bytes object to use. An OverflowError is raised if the integer is not representable with the given number of bytes. Default is length 1.
The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is ‘big’, the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is ‘little’, the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder’ as the byte order value. Default is to use ‘big’.
Determines whether two’s complement is used to represent the integer. If signed is False and a negative integer is given, an OverflowError is raised.
class robot.reporting.stringcache.StringCache[source]

Bases: object

add(text, html=False)[source]

robot.reporting.xunitwriter module

class robot.reporting.xunitwriter.XUnitWriter(execution_result)[source]

Bases: object

class robot.reporting.xunitwriter.XUnitFileWriter(xml_writer)[source]

Bases: robot.result.visitor.ResultVisitor

Provides an xUnit-compatible result file.

Attempts to adhere to the de facto schema guessed by Peter Reilly, see:


Called when a suite starts. Default implementation does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.


Called when a suite ends. Default implementation does nothing.


Implements traversing through tests.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in test without calling start_test() or end_test() nor visiting the body of the test.


Implements traversing through keywords.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in kw without calling start_keyword() or end_keyword() nor visiting the body of the keyword

end_body_item(item: BodyItem)

Called, by default, when keywords, messages or control structures end.

More specific end_keyword(), end_message(), :meth:`end_for, etc. can be implemented to visit only keywords, messages or specific control structures.

Default implementation does nothing.

end_break(break_: Break)

Called when a BREAK element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_continue(continue_: Continue)

Called when a CONTINUE element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_error(error: Error)

Called when a ERROR element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_for(for_: For)

Called when a FOR loop ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_for_iteration(iteration: ForIteration)

Called when a FOR loop iteration ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_if(if_: If)

Called when an IF/ELSE structure ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_if_branch(branch: IfBranch)

Called when an IF/ELSE branch ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_keyword(keyword: Keyword)

Called when a keyword ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_message(message: Message)

Called when a message ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_return(return_: Return)

Called when a RETURN element ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_test(test: TestCase)

Called when a test ends. Default implementation does nothing.

end_try(try_: Try)

Called when a TRY/EXCEPT structure ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_try_branch(branch: TryBranch)

Called when TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE and FINALLY branches end.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_while(while_: While)

Called when a WHILE loop ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

end_while_iteration(iteration: WhileIteration)

Called when a WHILE loop iteration ends.

By default, calls end_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

start_body_item(item: BodyItem) → bool|None

Called, by default, when keywords, messages or control structures start.

More specific start_keyword(), start_message(), :meth:`start_for, etc. can be implemented to visit only keywords, messages or specific control structures.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting. Default implementation does nothing.

start_break(break_: Break) → bool|None

Called when a BREAK element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_continue(continue_: Continue) → bool|None

Called when a CONTINUE element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_error(error: Error) → bool|None

Called when a ERROR element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_for(for_: For) → bool|None

Called when a FOR loop starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_for_iteration(iteration: ForIteration) → bool|None

Called when a FOR loop iteration starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_if(if_: If) → bool|None

Called when an IF/ELSE structure starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_if_branch(branch: IfBranch) → bool|None

Called when an IF/ELSE branch starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_keyword(keyword: Keyword) → bool|None

Called when a keyword starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_message(message: Message) → bool|None

Called when a message starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_return(return_: Return) → bool|None

Called when a RETURN element starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_test(test: TestCase) → bool|None

Called when a test starts. Default implementation does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_try(try_: Try) → bool|None

Called when a TRY/EXCEPT structure starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_try_branch(branch: TryBranch) → bool|None

Called when TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE or FINALLY branches start.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_while(while_: While) → bool|None

Called when a WHILE loop starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

start_while_iteration(iteration: WhileIteration) → bool|None

Called when a WHILE loop iteration starts.

By default, calls start_body_item() which, by default, does nothing.

Can return explicit False to stop visiting.

visit_break(break_: Break)

Visits BREAK elements.

visit_continue(continue_: Continue)

Visits CONTINUE elements.

visit_error(error: Error)

Visits body items resulting from invalid syntax.

Examples include syntax like END or ELSE in wrong place and invalid setting like [Invalid].

visit_for(for_: For)

Implements traversing through FOR loops.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in for_ without calling start_for() or end_for() nor visiting body.

visit_for_iteration(iteration: ForIteration)

Implements traversing through single FOR loop iteration.

This is only used with the result side model because on the running side there are no iterations.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in iteration without calling start_for_iteration() or end_for_iteration() nor visiting body.

visit_if(if_: If)

Implements traversing through IF/ELSE structures.

Notice that if_ does not have any data directly. Actual IF/ELSE branches are in its body and they are visited separately using visit_if_branch().

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in if_ without calling start_if() or end_if() nor visiting branches.

visit_if_branch(branch: IfBranch)

Implements traversing through single IF/ELSE branch.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in branch without calling start_if_branch() or end_if_branch() nor visiting body.

visit_message(message: Message)

Implements visiting messages.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in msg without calling start_message() or end_message().

visit_return(return_: Return)

Visits a RETURN elements.

visit_suite(suite: TestSuite)

Implements traversing through suites.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in suite without calling start_suite() or end_suite() nor visiting child suites, tests or setup and teardown at all.

visit_try(try_: Try)

Implements traversing through TRY/EXCEPT structures.

This method is used with the TRY/EXCEPT root element. Actual TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE and FINALLY branches are visited separately using visit_try_branch().

visit_try_branch(branch: TryBranch)

Visits individual TRY, EXCEPT, ELSE and FINALLY branches.

visit_while(while_: While)

Implements traversing through WHILE loops.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in while_ without calling start_while() or end_while() nor visiting body.

visit_while_iteration(iteration: WhileIteration)

Implements traversing through single WHILE loop iteration.

This is only used with the result side model because on the running side there are no iterations.

Can be overridden to allow modifying the passed in iteration without calling start_while_iteration() or end_while_iteration() nor visiting body.