Source code for robot.model.keyword

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter

from robot.utils import setter

from .itemlist import ItemList
from .message import Message, Messages
from .modelobject import ModelObject
from .tags import Tags

[docs]class Keyword(ModelObject): """Base model for a single keyword. Extended by :class:`robot.running.model.Keyword` and :class:`robot.result.model.Keyword`. """ __slots__ = ['_name', 'doc', 'args', 'assign', 'timeout', 'type', '_sort_key', '_next_child_sort_key'] KEYWORD_TYPE = 'kw' #: Normal keyword :attr:`type`. SETUP_TYPE = 'setup' #: Setup :attr:`type`. TEARDOWN_TYPE = 'teardown' #: Teardown :attr:`type`. FOR_LOOP_TYPE = 'for' #: For loop :attr:`type`. FOR_ITEM_TYPE = 'foritem' #: Single for loop iteration :attr:`type`. keyword_class = None #: Internal usage only. message_class = Message #: Internal usage only. def __init__(self, name='', doc='', args=(), assign=(), tags=(), timeout=None, type=KEYWORD_TYPE): self.parent = None self._name = name self.doc = doc self.args = args #: Keyword arguments as a list of strings. self.assign = assign #: Assigned variables as a list of strings. self.tags = tags self.timeout = timeout #: Keyword type as a string. The value is either :attr:`KEYWORD_TYPE`, #: :attr:`SETUP_TYPE`, :attr:`TEARDOWN_TYPE`, :attr:`FOR_LOOP_TYPE` or #: :attr:`FOR_ITEM_TYPE` constant defined on the class level. self.type = type self.messages = None self.keywords = None self._sort_key = -1 self._next_child_sort_key = 0 @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name @setter def parent(self, parent): """Parent test suite, test case or keyword.""" if parent and parent is not self.parent: self._sort_key = getattr(parent, '_child_sort_key', -1) return parent @property def _child_sort_key(self): self._next_child_sort_key += 1 return self._next_child_sort_key @setter def tags(self, tags): """Keyword tags as a :class:`~.model.tags.Tags` object.""" return Tags(tags) @setter def keywords(self, keywords): """Child keywords as a :class:`~.Keywords` object.""" return Keywords(self.keyword_class or self.__class__, self, keywords) @setter def messages(self, messages): """Messages as a :class:`~.model.message.Messages` object.""" return Messages(self.message_class, self, messages) @property def children(self): """Child :attr:`keywords` and :attr:`messages` in creation order.""" # It would be cleaner to store keywords/messages in same `children` # list and turn `keywords` and `messages` to properties that pick items # from it. That would require bigger changes to the model, though. return sorted(chain(self.keywords, self.messages), key=attrgetter('_sort_key')) @property def id(self): """Keyword id in format like ``s1-t3-k1``. See :attr:` <>` for more information. """ if not self.parent: return 'k1' return '%s-k%d' % (, self.parent.keywords.index(self)+1)
[docs] def visit(self, visitor): """:mod:`Visitor interface <robot.model.visitor>` entry-point.""" visitor.visit_keyword(self)
[docs]class Keywords(ItemList): """A list-like object representing keywords in a suite, a test or a keyword. Possible setup and teardown keywords are directly available as :attr:`setup` and :attr:`teardown` attributes. """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, keyword_class=Keyword, parent=None, keywords=None): ItemList.__init__(self, keyword_class, {'parent': parent}, keywords) @property def setup(self): """Keyword used as the setup or ``None`` if no setup. Can be set to a new setup keyword or ``None`` since RF 3.0.1. """ return self[0] if (self and self[0].type == 'setup') else None @setup.setter def setup(self, kw): if kw is not None and kw.type != 'setup': raise TypeError("Setup keyword type must be 'setup', " "got '%s'." % kw.type) if self.setup is not None: self.pop(0) if kw is not None: self.insert(0, kw) @property def teardown(self): """Keyword used as the teardown or ``None`` if no teardown. Can be set to a new teardown keyword or ``None`` since RF 3.0.1. """ return self[-1] if (self and self[-1].type == 'teardown') else None @teardown.setter def teardown(self, kw): if kw is not None and kw.type != 'teardown': raise TypeError("Teardown keyword type must be 'teardown', " "got '%s'." % kw.type) if self.teardown is not None: self.pop() if kw is not None: self.append(kw) @property def all(self): """Iterates over all keywords, including setup and teardown.""" return self @property def normal(self): """Iterates over normal keywords, omitting setup and teardown.""" kws = [kw for kw in self if kw.type not in ('setup', 'teardown')] return Keywords(self._item_class, self._common_attrs['parent'], kws) def __setitem__(self, index, item): old = self[index] ItemList.__setitem__(self, index, item) self[index]._sort_key = old._sort_key