Source code for robot.libraries.Remote

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from contextlib import contextmanager

import http.client
import re
import socket
import sys
import xmlrpc.client
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError

from robot.errors import RemoteError
from robot.utils import (DotDict, is_bytes, is_dict_like, is_list_like, is_number,
                         is_string, safe_str, timestr_to_secs)

[docs]class Remote: ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = 'TEST SUITE' def __init__(self, uri='', timeout=None): """Connects to a remote server at ``uri``. Optional ``timeout`` can be used to specify a timeout to wait when initially connecting to the server and if a connection accidentally closes. Timeout can be given as seconds (e.g. ``60``) or using Robot Framework time format (e.g. ``60s``, ``2 minutes 10 seconds``). The default timeout is typically several minutes, but it depends on the operating system and its configuration. Notice that setting a timeout that is shorter than keyword execution time will interrupt the keyword. """ if '://' not in uri: uri = 'http://' + uri if timeout: timeout = timestr_to_secs(timeout) self._uri = uri self._client = XmlRpcRemoteClient(uri, timeout) self._lib_info = None self._lib_info_initialized = False
[docs] def get_keyword_names(self): if self._is_lib_info_available(): return [name for name in self._lib_info if not (name[:2] == '__' and name[-2:] == '__')] try: return self._client.get_keyword_names() except TypeError as error: raise RuntimeError('Connecting remote server at %s failed: %s' % (self._uri, error))
def _is_lib_info_available(self): if not self._lib_info_initialized: try: self._lib_info = self._client.get_library_information() except TypeError: pass self._lib_info_initialized = True return self._lib_info is not None
[docs] def get_keyword_arguments(self, name): return self._get_kw_info(name, 'args', self._client.get_keyword_arguments, default=['*args'])
def _get_kw_info(self, kw, info, getter, default=None): if self._is_lib_info_available(): return self._lib_info[kw].get(info, default) try: return getter(kw) except TypeError: return default
[docs] def get_keyword_types(self, name): return self._get_kw_info(name, 'types', self._client.get_keyword_types, default=())
[docs] def get_keyword_tags(self, name): return self._get_kw_info(name, 'tags', self._client.get_keyword_tags)
[docs] def get_keyword_documentation(self, name): return self._get_kw_info(name, 'doc', self._client.get_keyword_documentation)
[docs] def run_keyword(self, name, args, kwargs): coercer = ArgumentCoercer() args = coercer.coerce(args) kwargs = coercer.coerce(kwargs) result = RemoteResult(self._client.run_keyword(name, args, kwargs)) sys.stdout.write(result.output) if result.status != 'PASS': raise RemoteError(result.error, result.traceback, result.fatal, result.continuable) return result.return_
[docs]class ArgumentCoercer: binary = re.compile('[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]') non_ascii = re.compile('[\x80-\xff]')
[docs] def coerce(self, argument): for handles, handler in [(is_string, self._handle_string), (is_bytes, self._handle_bytes), (is_number, self._pass_through), (is_dict_like, self._coerce_dict), (is_list_like, self._coerce_list), (lambda arg: True, self._to_string)]: if handles(argument): return handler(argument)
def _handle_string(self, arg): if self._string_contains_binary(arg): return self._handle_binary_in_string(arg) return arg def _string_contains_binary(self, arg): return ( or is_bytes(arg) and def _handle_binary_in_string(self, arg): try: if not is_bytes(arg): # Map Unicode code points to bytes directly arg = arg.encode('latin-1') except UnicodeError: raise ValueError('Cannot represent %r as binary.' % arg) return xmlrpc.client.Binary(arg) def _handle_bytes(self, arg): return xmlrpc.client.Binary(arg) def _pass_through(self, arg): return arg def _coerce_list(self, arg): return [self.coerce(item) for item in arg] def _coerce_dict(self, arg): return dict((self._to_key(key), self.coerce(arg[key])) for key in arg) def _to_key(self, item): item = self._to_string(item) self._validate_key(item) return item def _to_string(self, item): item = safe_str(item) if item is not None else '' return self._handle_string(item) def _validate_key(self, key): if isinstance(key, xmlrpc.client.Binary): raise ValueError('Dictionary keys cannot be binary. Got %r.' % (,))
[docs]class RemoteResult: def __init__(self, result): if not (is_dict_like(result) and 'status' in result): raise RuntimeError('Invalid remote result dictionary: %s' % result) self.status = result['status'] self.output = safe_str(self._get(result, 'output')) self.return_ = self._get(result, 'return') self.error = safe_str(self._get(result, 'error')) self.traceback = safe_str(self._get(result, 'traceback')) self.fatal = bool(self._get(result, 'fatal', False)) self.continuable = bool(self._get(result, 'continuable', False)) def _get(self, result, key, default=''): value = result.get(key, default) return self._convert(value) def _convert(self, value): if isinstance(value, xmlrpc.client.Binary): return bytes( if is_dict_like(value): return DotDict((k, self._convert(v)) for k, v in value.items()) if is_list_like(value): return [self._convert(v) for v in value] return value
[docs]class XmlRpcRemoteClient: def __init__(self, uri, timeout=None): self.uri = uri self.timeout = timeout @property @contextmanager def _server(self): if self.uri.startswith('https://'): transport = TimeoutHTTPSTransport(timeout=self.timeout) else: transport = TimeoutHTTPTransport(timeout=self.timeout) server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(self.uri, encoding='UTF-8', transport=transport) try: yield server except (socket.error, xmlrpc.client.Error) as err: raise TypeError(err) finally: server('close')()
[docs] def get_library_information(self): with self._server as server: return server.get_library_information()
[docs] def get_keyword_names(self): with self._server as server: return server.get_keyword_names()
[docs] def get_keyword_arguments(self, name): with self._server as server: return server.get_keyword_arguments(name)
[docs] def get_keyword_types(self, name): with self._server as server: return server.get_keyword_types(name)
[docs] def get_keyword_tags(self, name): with self._server as server: return server.get_keyword_tags(name)
[docs] def get_keyword_documentation(self, name): with self._server as server: return server.get_keyword_documentation(name)
[docs] def run_keyword(self, name, args, kwargs): with self._server as server: run_keyword_args = [name, args, kwargs] if kwargs else [name, args] try: return server.run_keyword(*run_keyword_args) except xmlrpc.client.Fault as err: message = err.faultString except socket.error as err: message = 'Connection to remote server broken: %s' % err except ExpatError as err: message = ('Processing XML-RPC return value failed. ' 'Most often this happens when the return value ' 'contains characters that are not valid in XML. ' 'Original error was: ExpatError: %s' % err) raise RuntimeError(message)
# Custom XML-RPC timeouts based on #
[docs]class TimeoutHTTPTransport(xmlrpc.client.Transport): _connection_class = http.client.HTTPConnection def __init__(self, use_datetime=0, timeout=None): xmlrpc.client.Transport.__init__(self, use_datetime) if not timeout: timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def make_connection(self, host): if self._connection and host == self._connection[0]: return self._connection[1] chost, self._extra_headers, x509 = self.get_host_info(host) self._connection = host, self._connection_class(chost, timeout=self.timeout) return self._connection[1]
[docs]class TimeoutHTTPSTransport(TimeoutHTTPTransport): _connection_class = http.client.HTTPSConnection