Source code for robot.parsing.parser.blockparsers

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from ..lexer import Token
from ..model import (Block, Container, End, For, If, Keyword, NestedBlock,
                     Statement, TestCase, Try, While)

[docs]class Parser(ABC): model: Container def __init__(self, model: Container): self.model = model
[docs] @abstractmethod def handles(self, statement: Statement) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'Parser|None': raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BlockParser(Parser, ABC): model: Block unhandled_tokens = Token.HEADER_TOKENS | frozenset((Token.TESTCASE_NAME, Token.KEYWORD_NAME)) def __init__(self, model: Block): super().__init__(model) self.parsers: 'dict[str, type[NestedBlockParser]]' = { Token.FOR: ForParser, Token.IF: IfParser, Token.INLINE_IF: IfParser, Token.TRY: TryParser, Token.WHILE: WhileParser }
[docs] def handles(self, statement: Statement) -> bool: return statement.type not in self.unhandled_tokens
[docs] def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'BlockParser|None': parser_class = self.parsers.get(statement.type) if parser_class: model_class = parser_class.__annotations__['model'] parser = parser_class(model_class(statement)) self.model.body.append(parser.model) return parser self.model.body.append(statement) return None
[docs]class TestCaseParser(BlockParser): model: TestCase
[docs]class KeywordParser(BlockParser): model: Keyword
[docs]class NestedBlockParser(BlockParser, ABC): model: NestedBlock def __init__(self, model: NestedBlock, handle_end: bool = True): super().__init__(model) self.handle_end = handle_end
[docs] def handles(self, statement: Statement) -> bool: if self.model.end: return False if statement.type == Token.END: return self.handle_end return super().handles(statement)
[docs] def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'BlockParser|None': if isinstance(statement, End): self.model.end = statement return None return super().parse(statement)
[docs]class ForParser(NestedBlockParser): model: For
[docs]class WhileParser(NestedBlockParser): model: While
[docs]class IfParser(NestedBlockParser): model: If
[docs] def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'BlockParser|None': if statement.type in (Token.ELSE_IF, Token.ELSE): parser = IfParser(If(statement), handle_end=False) self.model.orelse = parser.model return parser return super().parse(statement)
[docs]class TryParser(NestedBlockParser): model: Try
[docs] def parse(self, statement) -> 'BlockParser|None': if statement.type in (Token.EXCEPT, Token.ELSE, Token.FINALLY): parser = TryParser(Try(statement), handle_end=False) = parser.model return parser return super().parse(statement)