Source code for robot.parsing.parser.fileparser

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from pathlib import Path

from robot.utils import Source

from ..lexer import Token
from ..model import (CommentSection, File, ImplicitCommentSection, InvalidSection,
                     Keyword, KeywordSection, Section, SettingSection, Statement,
                     TestCase, TestCaseSection, VariableSection)
from .blockparsers import KeywordParser, Parser, TestCaseParser

[docs]class FileParser(Parser): model: File def __init__(self, source: 'Source|None' = None): super().__init__(File(source=self._get_path(source))) self.parsers: 'dict[str, type[SectionParser]]' = { Token.SETTING_HEADER: SettingSectionParser, Token.VARIABLE_HEADER: VariableSectionParser, Token.TESTCASE_HEADER: TestCaseSectionParser, Token.TASK_HEADER: TestCaseSectionParser, Token.KEYWORD_HEADER: KeywordSectionParser, Token.COMMENT_HEADER: CommentSectionParser, Token.INVALID_HEADER: InvalidSectionParser, Token.CONFIG: ImplicitCommentSectionParser, Token.COMMENT: ImplicitCommentSectionParser, Token.ERROR: ImplicitCommentSectionParser, Token.EOL: ImplicitCommentSectionParser } def _get_path(self, source: 'Source|None') -> 'Path|None': if not source: return None if isinstance(source, str) and '\n' not in source: source = Path(source) try: if isinstance(source, Path) and source.is_file(): return source except OSError: # Can happen on Windows w/ Python < 3.10. pass return None
[docs] def handles(self, statement: Statement) -> bool: return True
[docs] def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'SectionParser': parser_class = self.parsers[statement.type] model_class: 'type[Section]' = parser_class.__annotations__['model'] parser = parser_class(model_class(statement)) self.model.sections.append(parser.model) return parser
[docs]class SectionParser(Parser): model: Section
[docs] def handles(self, statement: Statement) -> bool: return statement.type not in Token.HEADER_TOKENS
[docs] def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'Parser|None': self.model.body.append(statement) return None
[docs]class SettingSectionParser(SectionParser): model: SettingSection
[docs]class VariableSectionParser(SectionParser): model: VariableSection
[docs]class CommentSectionParser(SectionParser): model: CommentSection
[docs]class ImplicitCommentSectionParser(SectionParser): model: ImplicitCommentSection
[docs]class InvalidSectionParser(SectionParser): model: InvalidSection
[docs]class TestCaseSectionParser(SectionParser): model: TestCaseSection
[docs] def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'Parser|None': if statement.type == Token.TESTCASE_NAME: parser = TestCaseParser(TestCase(statement)) self.model.body.append(parser.model) return parser return super().parse(statement)
[docs]class KeywordSectionParser(SectionParser): model: KeywordSection
[docs] def parse(self, statement: Statement) -> 'Parser|None': if statement.type == Token.KEYWORD_NAME: parser = KeywordParser(Keyword(statement)) self.model.body.append(parser.model) return parser return super().parse(statement)