Source code for robot.result.visitor

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Visitors can be used to easily traverse result structures.

This module contains :class:`ResultVisitor` for traversing the whole
:class:`~robot.result.executionresult.Result` object. It extends
:class:`~robot.model.visitor.SuiteVisitor` that contains visiting logic
for the test suite structure.

from robot.model import SuiteVisitor

[docs]class ResultVisitor(SuiteVisitor): """Abstract class to conveniently travel :class:`~robot.result.executionresult.Result` objects. A visitor implementation can be given to the :meth:`visit` method of a result object. This will cause the result object to be traversed and the visitor's :meth:`visit_x`, :meth:`start_x`, and :meth:`end_x` methods to be called for each suite, test, keyword and message, as well as for errors, statistics, and other information in the result object. See methods below for a full list of available visitor methods. See the :mod:`result package level <robot.result>` documentation for more information about handling results and a concrete visitor example. For more information about the visitor algorithm see documentation in :mod:`robot.model.visitor` module. """
[docs] def visit_result(self, result): if self.start_result(result) is not False: result.suite.visit(self) result.statistics.visit(self) result.errors.visit(self) self.end_result(result)
[docs] def start_result(self, result): pass
[docs] def end_result(self, result): pass
[docs] def visit_statistics(self, stats): if self.start_statistics(stats) is not False: stats.tags.visit(self) stats.suite.visit(self) self.end_statistics(stats)
[docs] def start_statistics(self, stats): pass
[docs] def end_statistics(self, stats): pass
[docs] def visit_total_statistics(self, stats): if self.start_total_statistics(stats) is not False: stats.visit(self) self.end_total_statistics(stats)
[docs] def start_total_statistics(self, stats): pass
[docs] def end_total_statistics(self, stats): pass
[docs] def visit_tag_statistics(self, stats): if self.start_tag_statistics(stats) is not False: for stat in stats: stat.visit(self) self.end_tag_statistics(stats)
[docs] def start_tag_statistics(self, stats): pass
[docs] def end_tag_statistics(self, stats): pass
[docs] def visit_suite_statistics(self, stats): if self.start_suite_statistics(stats) is not False: for stat in stats: stat.visit(self) self.end_suite_statistics(stats)
[docs] def start_suite_statistics(self, stats): pass
[docs] def end_suite_statistics(self, suite_stats): pass
[docs] def visit_stat(self, stat): if self.start_stat(stat) is not False: self.end_stat(stat)
[docs] def start_stat(self, stat): pass
[docs] def end_stat(self, stat): pass
[docs] def visit_errors(self, errors): self.start_errors(errors) for msg in errors: msg.visit(self) self.end_errors(errors)
[docs] def start_errors(self, errors): pass
[docs] def end_errors(self, errors): pass