Source code for robot.running.arguments.argumentparser

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from inspect import isclass, signature, Parameter
from typing import get_type_hints

from robot.errors import DataError
from robot.utils import is_string, split_from_equals
from robot.variables import is_assign, is_scalar_assign

from .argumentspec import ArgumentSpec

[docs]class ArgumentParser(ABC): def __init__(self, type='Keyword', error_reporter=None): self._type = type self._error_reporter = error_reporter
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse(self, source, name=None): raise NotImplementedError
def _report_error(self, error): if self._error_reporter: self._error_reporter(error) else: raise DataError(f'Invalid argument specification: {error}')
[docs]class PythonArgumentParser(ArgumentParser):
[docs] def parse(self, handler, name=None): spec = ArgumentSpec(name, self._type) self._set_args(spec, handler) self._set_types(spec, handler) return spec
def _set_args(self, spec, handler): try: sig = signature(handler) except ValueError: # Can occur w/ C functions (incl. many builtins). spec.var_positional = 'args' return parameters = list(sig.parameters.values()) # `inspect.signature` drops `self` with bound methods and that's the case when # inspecting keywords. `__init__` is got directly from class (i.e. isn't bound) # so we need to handle that case ourselves. # Partial objects do not have __name__ at least in Python =< 3.10. if getattr(handler, '__name__', None) == '__init__': parameters = parameters[1:] setters = { Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY: spec.positional_only.append, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: spec.positional_or_named.append, Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: lambda name: setattr(spec, 'var_positional', name), Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY: spec.named_only.append, Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: lambda name: setattr(spec, 'var_named', name), } for param in parameters: setters[param.kind]( if param.default is not param.empty: spec.defaults[] = param.default def _set_types(self, spec, handler): # If types are set using the `@keyword` decorator, use them. Including when # types are explicitly disabled with `@keyword(types=None)`. Otherwise read # type hints. if isclass(handler): handler = handler.__init__ robot_types = getattr(handler, 'robot_types', ()) if robot_types or robot_types is None: spec.types = robot_types else: spec.types = self._get_type_hints(handler) def _get_type_hints(self, handler): try: return get_type_hints(handler) except Exception: # Can raise pretty much anything # Not all functions have `__annotations__`. # return getattr(handler, '__annotations__', {})
[docs]class ArgumentSpecParser(ArgumentParser):
[docs] def parse(self, argspec, name=None): spec = ArgumentSpec(name, self._type) named_only = positional_only_separator_seen = False for arg in argspec: arg = self._validate_arg(arg) if spec.var_named: self._report_error('Only last argument can be kwargs.') elif self._is_positional_only_separator(arg): if named_only: self._report_error('Positional-only separator must be before ' 'named-only arguments.') if positional_only_separator_seen: self._report_error('Too many positional-only separators.') spec.positional_only = spec.positional_or_named spec.positional_or_named = [] positional_only_separator_seen = True elif isinstance(arg, tuple): arg, default = arg arg = self._add_arg(spec, arg, named_only) spec.defaults[arg] = default elif self._is_var_named(arg): spec.var_named = self._format_var_named(arg) elif self._is_var_positional(arg): if named_only: self._report_error('Cannot have multiple varargs.') if not self._is_named_only_separator(arg): spec.var_positional = self._format_var_positional(arg) named_only = True elif spec.defaults and not named_only: self._report_error('Non-default argument after default arguments.') else: self._add_arg(spec, arg, named_only) return spec
@abstractmethod def _validate_arg(self, arg): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _is_var_named(self, arg): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _format_var_named(self, kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _is_positional_only_separator(self, arg): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _is_named_only_separator(self, arg): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _is_var_positional(self, arg): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _format_var_positional(self, varargs): raise NotImplementedError def _format_arg(self, arg): return arg def _add_arg(self, spec, arg, named_only=False): arg = self._format_arg(arg) target = spec.positional_or_named if not named_only else spec.named_only target.append(arg) return arg
[docs]class DynamicArgumentParser(ArgumentSpecParser): def _validate_arg(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, tuple): if self._is_invalid_tuple(arg): self._report_error(f'Invalid argument "{arg}".') if len(arg) == 1: return arg[0] return arg if '=' in arg: return tuple(arg.split('=', 1)) return arg def _is_invalid_tuple(self, arg): return (len(arg) > 2 or not is_string(arg[0]) or (arg[0].startswith('*') and len(arg) > 1)) def _is_var_named(self, arg): return arg[:2] == '**' def _format_var_named(self, kwargs): return kwargs[2:] def _is_var_positional(self, arg): return arg and arg[0] == '*' def _is_positional_only_separator(self, arg): return arg == '/' def _is_named_only_separator(self, arg): return arg == '*' def _format_var_positional(self, varargs): return varargs[1:]
[docs]class UserKeywordArgumentParser(ArgumentSpecParser): def _validate_arg(self, arg): arg, default = split_from_equals(arg) if not (is_assign(arg) or arg == '@{}'): self._report_error(f"Invalid argument syntax '{arg}'.") if default is None: return arg if not is_scalar_assign(arg): typ = 'list' if arg[0] == '@' else 'dictionary' self._report_error(f"Only normal arguments accept default values, " f"{typ} arguments like '{arg}' do not.") return arg, default def _is_var_named(self, arg): return arg and arg[0] == '&' def _format_var_named(self, kwargs): return kwargs[2:-1] def _is_var_positional(self, arg): return arg and arg[0] == '@' def _is_positional_only_separator(self, arg): return False def _is_named_only_separator(self, arg): return arg == '@{}' def _format_var_positional(self, varargs): return varargs[2:-1] def _format_arg(self, arg): return arg[2:-1]