Source code for robot.running.importer

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import copy
import os.path
import os

from robot.output import LOGGER
from robot.errors import FrameworkError, DataError
from robot.utils import normpath, seq2str, seq2str2, is_string

from .builder import ResourceFileBuilder
from .handlerstore import HandlerStore
from .testlibraries import TestLibrary

RESOURCE_EXTENSIONS = {'.resource', '.robot', '.txt', '.tsv', '.rst', '.rest',
                       '.json', '.rsrc'}

[docs]class Importer: def __init__(self): self._library_cache = ImportCache() self._resource_cache = ImportCache()
[docs] def reset(self): self.__init__()
[docs] def close_global_library_listeners(self): for lib in self._library_cache.values(): lib.close_global_listeners()
[docs] def import_library(self, name, args, alias, variables): lib = TestLibrary(name, args, variables, create_handlers=False) positional, named = lib.positional_args, lib.named_args lib = self._import_library(name, positional, named, lib) if alias: alias = variables.replace_scalar(alias) lib = self._copy_library(lib, alias)"Imported library '{name}' with name '{alias}'.") return lib
[docs] def import_resource(self, path, lang=None): self._validate_resource_extension(path) if path in self._resource_cache:"Found resource file '{path}' from cache.") else: resource = ResourceFileBuilder(lang=lang).build(path) self._resource_cache[path] = resource return self._resource_cache[path]
def _validate_resource_extension(self, path): extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if extension.lower() not in RESOURCE_EXTENSIONS: extensions = seq2str(sorted(RESOURCE_EXTENSIONS)) raise DataError(f"Invalid resource file extension '{extension}'. " f"Supported extensions are {extensions}.") def _import_library(self, name, positional, named, lib): args = positional + [f'{name}={value}' for name, value in named] key = (name, positional, named) if key in self._library_cache:"Found library '{name}' with arguments {seq2str2(args)} " f"from cache.") return self._library_cache[key] lib.create_handlers() self._library_cache[key] = lib self._log_imported_library(name, args, lib) return lib def _log_imported_library(self, name, args, lib): type = lib.__class__.__name__.replace('Library', '').lower()[1:] listener = ', with listener' if lib.has_listener else ''"Imported library '{name}' with arguments {seq2str2(args)} " f"(version {lib.version or '<unknown>'}, {type} type, " f"{lib.scope} scope, {len(lib)} keywords{listener}).") if not lib: LOGGER.warn(f"Imported library '{name}' contains no keywords.") def _copy_library(self, orig, name): # This is pretty ugly. Hopefully we can remove cache and copying # altogether in 3.0 and always just re-import libraries: # lib = copy.copy(orig) = name lib.scope = type(lib.scope)(lib) lib.reset_instance() lib.handlers = HandlerStore() for handler in orig.handlers._normal.values(): handler = copy.copy(handler) handler.library = lib lib.handlers.add(handler) for handler in orig.handlers._embedded: handler = copy.copy(handler) handler.library = lib lib.handlers.add(handler, embedded=True) return lib
[docs]class ImportCache: """Keeps track on and optionally caches imported items. Handles paths in keys case-insensitively on case-insensitive OSes. Unlike dicts, this storage accepts mutable values in keys. """ def __init__(self): self._keys = [] self._items = [] def __setitem__(self, key, item): if not is_string(key) and not isinstance(key, tuple): raise FrameworkError('Invalid key for ImportCache') key = self._norm_path_key(key) if key not in self._keys: self._keys.append(key) self._items.append(item) else: self._items[self._keys.index(key)] = item
[docs] def add(self, key, item=None): self.__setitem__(key, item)
def __getitem__(self, key): key = self._norm_path_key(key) if key not in self._keys: raise KeyError return self._items[self._keys.index(key)] def __contains__(self, key): return self._norm_path_key(key) in self._keys
[docs] def values(self): return self._items
def _norm_path_key(self, key): if self._is_path(key): return normpath(key, case_normalize=True) if isinstance(key, tuple): return tuple(self._norm_path_key(k) for k in key) return key def _is_path(self, key): return is_string(key) and os.path.isabs(key) and os.path.exists(key)