# Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
# Copyright 2016- Robot Framework Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import cast, Iterator, Sequence, TextIO, Union
from robot.utils import file_writer, test_or_task
from .statements import (Break, Continue, ElseHeader, ElseIfHeader, End, ExceptHeader,
Error, FinallyHeader, ForHeader, IfHeader, KeywordCall,
KeywordName, Node, ReturnSetting, ReturnStatement,
SectionHeader, Statement, TemplateArguments, TestCaseName,
TryHeader, Var, WhileHeader)
from .visitor import ModelVisitor
from ..lexer import Token
Body = Sequence[Union[Statement, 'Block']]
Errors = Sequence[str]
class Container(Node, ABC):
def lineno(self) -> int:
statement = FirstStatementFinder.find_from(self)
return statement.lineno if statement else -1
def col_offset(self) -> int:
statement = FirstStatementFinder.find_from(self)
return statement.col_offset if statement else -1
def end_lineno(self) -> int:
statement = LastStatementFinder.find_from(self)
return statement.end_lineno if statement else -1
def end_col_offset(self) -> int:
statement = LastStatementFinder.find_from(self)
return statement.end_col_offset if statement else -1
def validate_model(self):
def validate(self, ctx: 'ValidationContext'):
class File(Container):
_fields = ('sections',)
_attributes = ('source', 'languages') + Container._attributes
def __init__(self, sections: 'Sequence[Section]' = (), source: 'Path|None' = None,
languages: Sequence[str] = ()):
self.sections = list(sections)
self.source = source
self.languages = list(languages)
def save(self, output: 'Path|str|TextIO|None' = None):
"""Save model to the given ``output`` or to the original source file.
The ``output`` can be a path to a file or an already opened file
object. If ``output`` is not given, the original source file will
be overwritten.
output = output or self.source
if output is None:
raise TypeError('Saving model requires explicit output '
'when original source is not path.')
class Block(Container, ABC):
_fields = ('header', 'body')
def __init__(self, header: 'Statement|None', body: Body = (), errors: Errors = ()):
self.header = header
self.body = list(body)
self.errors = tuple(errors)
def _body_is_empty(self):
# This works with tests, keywords, and blocks inside them, not with sections.
valid = (KeywordCall, TemplateArguments, Var, Continue, Break, ReturnSetting,
ReturnStatement, NestedBlock, Error)
return not any(isinstance(node, valid) for node in self.body)
class Section(Block):
header: 'SectionHeader|None'
class SettingSection(Section):
header: SectionHeader
class VariableSection(Section):
header: SectionHeader
# TODO: should there be a separate TaskSection?
class TestCaseSection(Section):
header: SectionHeader
def tasks(self) -> bool:
return self.header.type == Token.TASK_HEADER
class KeywordSection(Section):
header: SectionHeader
class InvalidSection(Section):
class TestCase(Block):
header: TestCaseName
def name(self) -> str:
return self.header.name
def validate(self, ctx: 'ValidationContext'):
if self._body_is_empty():
self.errors += (test_or_task('{Test} cannot be empty.', ctx.tasks),)
class Keyword(Block):
header: KeywordName
def name(self) -> str:
return self.header.name
def validate(self, ctx: 'ValidationContext'):
if self._body_is_empty():
self.errors += ("User keyword cannot be empty.",)
class NestedBlock(Block):
_fields = ('header', 'body', 'end')
def __init__(self, header: Statement, body: Body = (), end: 'End|None' = None,
errors: Errors = ()):
super().__init__(header, body, errors)
self.end = end
class If(NestedBlock):
"""Represents IF structures in the model.
Used with IF, Inline IF, ELSE IF and ELSE nodes. The :attr:`type` attribute
specifies the type.
_fields = ('header', 'body', 'orelse', 'end')
header: 'IfHeader|ElseIfHeader|ElseHeader'
def __init__(self, header: Statement, body: Body = (), orelse: 'If|None' = None,
end: 'End|None' = None, errors: Errors = ()):
super().__init__(header, body, end, errors)
self.orelse = orelse
def type(self) -> str:
return self.header.type
def condition(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.condition
def assign(self) -> 'tuple[str, ...]':
return self.header.assign
def validate(self, ctx: 'ValidationContext'):
if self.type == Token.IF:
if self.type == Token.INLINE_IF:
def _validate_body(self):
if self._body_is_empty():
type = self.type if self.type != Token.INLINE_IF else 'IF'
self.errors += (f'{type} branch cannot be empty.',)
def _validate_structure(self):
orelse = self.orelse
else_seen = False
while orelse:
if else_seen:
if orelse.type == Token.ELSE:
error = 'Only one ELSE allowed.'
error = 'ELSE IF not allowed after ELSE.'
if error not in self.errors:
self.errors += (error,)
else_seen = else_seen or orelse.type == Token.ELSE
orelse = orelse.orelse
def _validate_end(self):
if not self.end:
self.errors += ('IF must have closing END.',)
def _validate_inline_if(self):
branch = self
assign = branch.assign
while branch:
if branch.body:
item = cast(Statement, branch.body[0])
if assign and item.type != Token.KEYWORD:
self.errors += ('Inline IF with assignment can only contain '
'keyword calls.',)
if getattr(item, 'assign', None):
self.errors += ('Inline IF branches cannot contain assignments.',)
if item.type == Token.INLINE_IF:
self.errors += ('Inline IF cannot be nested.',)
branch = branch.orelse
class For(NestedBlock):
header: ForHeader
def assign(self) -> 'tuple[str, ...]':
return self.header.assign
def variables(self) -> 'tuple[str, ...]': # TODO: Remove in RF 8.0.
warnings.warn("'For.variables' is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Robot Framework 8.0. Use 'For.assign' instead.")
return self.assign
def values(self) -> 'tuple[str, ...]':
return self.header.values
def flavor(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.flavor
def start(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.start
def mode(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.mode
def fill(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.fill
def validate(self, ctx: 'ValidationContext'):
if self._body_is_empty():
self.errors += ('FOR loop cannot be empty.',)
if not self.end:
self.errors += ('FOR loop must have closing END.',)
class Try(NestedBlock):
_fields = ('header', 'body', 'next', 'end')
header: 'TryHeader|ExceptHeader|ElseHeader|FinallyHeader'
def __init__(self, header: Statement, body: Body = (), next: 'Try|None' = None,
end: 'End|None' = None, errors: Errors = ()):
super().__init__(header, body, end, errors)
self.next = next
def type(self) -> str:
return self.header.type
def patterns(self) -> 'tuple[str, ...]':
return getattr(self.header, 'patterns', ())
def pattern_type(self) -> 'str|None':
return getattr(self.header, 'pattern_type', None)
def assign(self) -> 'str|None':
return getattr(self.header, 'assign', None)
def variable(self) -> 'str|None': # TODO: Remove in RF 8.0.
warnings.warn("'Try.variable' is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Robot Framework 8.0. Use 'Try.assign' instead.")
return self.assign
def validate(self, ctx: 'ValidationContext'):
if self.type == Token.TRY:
def _validate_body(self):
if self._body_is_empty():
self.errors += (f'{self.type} branch cannot be empty.',)
def _validate_structure(self):
else_count = 0
finally_count = 0
except_count = 0
empty_except_count = 0
branch = self.next
while branch:
if branch.type == Token.EXCEPT:
if else_count:
self.errors += ('EXCEPT not allowed after ELSE.',)
if finally_count:
self.errors += ('EXCEPT not allowed after FINALLY.',)
if branch.patterns and empty_except_count:
self.errors += ('EXCEPT without patterns must be last.',)
if not branch.patterns:
empty_except_count += 1
except_count += 1
if branch.type == Token.ELSE:
if finally_count:
self.errors += ('ELSE not allowed after FINALLY.',)
else_count += 1
if branch.type == Token.FINALLY:
finally_count += 1
branch = branch.next
if finally_count > 1:
self.errors += ('Only one FINALLY allowed.',)
if else_count > 1:
self.errors += ('Only one ELSE allowed.',)
if empty_except_count > 1:
self.errors += ('Only one EXCEPT without patterns allowed.',)
if not (except_count or finally_count):
self.errors += ('TRY structure must have EXCEPT or FINALLY branch.',)
def _validate_end(self):
if not self.end:
self.errors += ('TRY must have closing END.',)
class While(NestedBlock):
header: WhileHeader
def condition(self) -> str:
return self.header.condition
def limit(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.limit
def on_limit(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.on_limit
def on_limit_message(self) -> 'str|None':
return self.header.on_limit_message
def validate(self, ctx: 'ValidationContext'):
if self._body_is_empty():
self.errors += ('WHILE loop cannot be empty.',)
if not self.end:
self.errors += ('WHILE loop must have closing END.',)
class ModelWriter(ModelVisitor):
def __init__(self, output: 'Path|str|TextIO'):
if isinstance(output, (Path, str)):
self.writer = file_writer(output)
self.close_writer = True
self.writer = output
self.close_writer = False
def write(self, model: Node):
if self.close_writer:
def visit_Statement(self, statement: Statement):
for token in statement:
class ModelValidator(ModelVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.ctx = ValidationContext()
def visit_Block(self, node: Block):
with self.ctx.block(node):
def visit_Statement(self, node: Statement):
class ValidationContext:
def __init__(self):
self.blocks = []
def block(self, node: Block) -> Iterator[None]:
def parent_block(self) -> 'Block|None':
return self.blocks[-1] if self.blocks else None
def tasks(self) -> bool:
for parent in self.blocks:
if isinstance(parent, TestCaseSection):
return parent.tasks
return False
def in_keyword(self) -> bool:
return any(isinstance(b, Keyword) for b in self.blocks)
def in_loop(self) -> bool:
return any(isinstance(b, (For, While)) for b in self.blocks)
def in_finally(self) -> bool:
parent = self.parent_block
return isinstance(parent, Try) and parent.header.type == Token.FINALLY
class FirstStatementFinder(ModelVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.statement: 'Statement|None' = None
def find_from(cls, model: Node) -> 'Statement|None':
finder = cls()
return finder.statement
def visit_Statement(self, statement: Statement):
if self.statement is None:
self.statement = statement
def generic_visit(self, node: Node):
if self.statement is None:
class LastStatementFinder(ModelVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.statement: 'Statement|None' = None
def find_from(cls, model: Node) -> 'Statement|None':
finder = cls()
return finder.statement
def visit_Statement(self, statement: Statement):
self.statement = statement