Source code for robot.reporting.jswriter

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from robot.htmldata import JsonWriter

[docs] class JsResultWriter: _output_attr = 'window.output' _settings_attr = 'window.settings' _suite_key = 'suite' _strings_key = 'strings' def __init__(self, output, start_block='<script type="text/javascript">\n', end_block='</script>\n', split_threshold=9500): writer = JsonWriter(output, separator=end_block+start_block) self._write = writer.write self._write_json = writer.write_json self._start_block = start_block self._end_block = end_block self._split_threshold = split_threshold
[docs] def write(self, result, settings): self._start_output_block() self._write_suite(result.suite) self._write_strings(result.strings) self._write_data( self._write_settings_and_end_output_block(settings)
def _start_output_block(self): self._write(self._start_block, postfix='', separator=False) self._write('%s = {}' % self._output_attr) def _write_suite(self, suite): writer = SuiteWriter(self._write_json, self._split_threshold) writer.write(suite, self._output_var(self._suite_key)) def _write_strings(self, strings): variable = self._output_var(self._strings_key) self._write('%s = []' % variable) prefix = '%s = %s.concat(' % (variable, variable) postfix = ');\n' threshold = self._split_threshold for index in range(0, len(strings), threshold): self._write_json(prefix, strings[index:index+threshold], postfix) def _write_data(self, data): for key in data: self._write_json('%s = ' % self._output_var(key), data[key]) def _write_settings_and_end_output_block(self, settings): self._write_json('%s = ' % self._settings_attr, settings, separator=False) self._write(self._end_block, postfix='', separator=False) def _output_var(self, key): return '%s["%s"]' % (self._output_attr, key)
[docs] class SuiteWriter: def __init__(self, write_json, split_threshold): self._write_json = write_json self._split_threshold = split_threshold
[docs] def write(self, suite, variable): mapping = {} self._write_parts_over_threshold(suite, mapping) self._write_json('%s = ' % variable, suite, mapping=mapping)
def _write_parts_over_threshold(self, data, mapping): if not isinstance(data, tuple): return 1 not_written = 1 + sum(self._write_parts_over_threshold(item, mapping) for item in data) if not_written > self._split_threshold: self._write_part(data, mapping) return 1 return not_written def _write_part(self, data, mapping): part_name = 'window.sPart%d' % len(mapping) self._write_json('%s = ' % part_name, data, mapping=mapping) mapping[data] = part_name
[docs] class SplitLogWriter: def __init__(self, output): self._writer = JsonWriter(output)
[docs] def write(self, keywords, strings, index, notify): self._writer.write_json('window.keywords%d = ' % index, keywords) self._writer.write_json('window.strings%d = ' % index, strings) self._writer.write('window.fileLoading.notify("%s")' % notify)