Source code for robot.running.bodyrunner

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import re
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import zip_longest

from robot.errors import (BreakLoop, ContinueLoop, DataError, ExecutionFailed,
                          ExecutionFailures, ExecutionPassed, ExecutionStatus)
from robot.output import librarylogger as logger
from robot.utils import (cut_assign_value, frange, get_error_message, is_list_like,
                         is_number, normalize, plural_or_not as s, secs_to_timestr, seq2str,
                         split_from_equals, type_name, Matcher, timestr_to_secs)
from robot.variables import is_dict_variable, evaluate_expression

from .statusreporter import StatusReporter


[docs] class BodyRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data, result): errors = [] passed = None for item in data.body: try:, self._context, self._run, self._templated) except ExecutionPassed as exception: exception.set_earlier_failures(errors) passed = exception self._run = False except ExecutionFailed as exception: errors.extend(exception.get_errors()) self._run = exception.can_continue(self._context, self._templated) if passed: raise passed if errors: raise ExecutionFailures(errors)
[docs] class KeywordRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True): self._context = context self._run = run
[docs] def run(self, data, result, name=None): context = self._context runner = context.get_runner(name or if context.dry_run: return runner.dry_run(data, result, context) return, result, context, self._run)
[docs] def ForRunner(context, flavor='IN', run=True, templated=False): runners = {'IN': ForInRunner, 'IN RANGE': ForInRangeRunner, 'IN ZIP': ForInZipRunner, 'IN ENUMERATE': ForInEnumerateRunner} runner = runners[flavor or 'IN'] return runner(context, run, templated)
[docs] class ForInRunner: flavor = 'IN' def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data, result): error = None run = False if self._run: if data.error: error = DataError(data.error, syntax=True) else: run = True with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run) as status: if run: try: values_for_rounds = self._get_values_for_rounds(data) except DataError as err: error = err else: if self._run_loop(data, result, values_for_rounds): return status.pass_status = result.NOT_RUN self._run_one_round(data, result, run=False) if error: raise error
def _run_loop(self, data, result, values_for_rounds): errors = [] executed = False for values in values_for_rounds: executed = True try: self._run_one_round(data, result, values) except (BreakLoop, ContinueLoop) as ctrl: if ctrl.earlier_failures: errors.extend(ctrl.earlier_failures.get_errors()) if isinstance(ctrl, BreakLoop): break except ExecutionPassed as passed: passed.set_earlier_failures(errors) raise passed except ExecutionFailed as failed: errors.extend(failed.get_errors()) if not failed.can_continue(self._context, self._templated): break if errors: raise ExecutionFailures(errors) return executed def _get_values_for_rounds(self, data): if self._context.dry_run: return [None] values_per_round = len(data.assign) if self._is_dict_iteration(data.values): values = self._resolve_dict_values(data.values) values = self._map_dict_values_to_rounds(values, values_per_round) else: values = self._resolve_values(data.values) values = self._map_values_to_rounds(values, values_per_round) return values def _is_dict_iteration(self, values): all_name_value = True for item in values: if is_dict_variable(item): return True if split_from_equals(item)[1] is None: all_name_value = False if all_name_value and values: name, value = split_from_equals(values[0]) logger.warn( f"FOR loop iteration over values that are all in 'name=value' " f"format like '{values[0]}' is deprecated. In the future this syntax " f"will mean iterating over names and values separately like " f"when iterating over '&{{dict}} variables. Escape at least one " f"of the values like '{name}\\={value}' to use normal FOR loop " f"iteration and to disable this warning." ) return False def _resolve_dict_values(self, values): result = OrderedDict() replace_scalar = self._context.variables.replace_scalar for item in values: if is_dict_variable(item): result.update(replace_scalar(item)) else: key, value = split_from_equals(item) if value is None: raise DataError(f"Invalid FOR loop value '{item}'. When iterating " f"over dictionaries, values must be '&{{dict}}' " f"variables or use 'key=value' syntax.", syntax=True) try: result[replace_scalar(key)] = replace_scalar(value) except TypeError: err = get_error_message() raise DataError(f"Invalid dictionary item '{item}': {err}") return result.items() def _map_dict_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): if per_round > 2: raise DataError(f'Number of FOR loop variables must be 1 or 2 when ' f'iterating over dictionaries, got {per_round}.', syntax=True) return values def _resolve_values(self, values): return self._context.variables.replace_list(values) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): count = len(values) if count % per_round != 0: self._raise_wrong_variable_count(per_round, count) # Map list of values to list of lists containing values per round. return (values[i:i+per_round] for i in range(0, count, per_round)) def _raise_wrong_variable_count(self, variables, values): raise DataError(f'Number of FOR loop values should be multiple of its ' f'variables. Got {variables} variables but {values} ' f'value{s(values)}.') def _run_one_round(self, data, result, values=None, run=True): iter_data = data.get_iteration() iter_result = result.body.create_iteration() if values is not None: variables = self._context.variables else: # Not really run (earlier failure, un-executed IF branch, dry-run) variables = {} values = [''] * len(data.assign) for name, value in self._map_variables_and_values(data.assign, values): variables[name] = value iter_data.assign[name] = value iter_result.assign[name] = cut_assign_value(value) runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated) with StatusReporter(iter_data, iter_result, self._context, run):, iter_result) def _map_variables_and_values(self, variables, values): if len(variables) == 1 and len(values) != 1: return [(variables[0], tuple(values))] return zip(variables, values)
[docs] class ForInRangeRunner(ForInRunner): flavor = 'IN RANGE' def _resolve_dict_values(self, values): raise DataError('FOR IN RANGE loops do not support iterating over ' 'dictionaries.', syntax=True) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): if not 1 <= len(values) <= 3: raise DataError(f'FOR IN RANGE expected 1-3 values, got {len(values)}.', syntax=True) try: values = [self._to_number_with_arithmetic(v) for v in values] except Exception: msg = get_error_message() raise DataError(f'Converting FOR IN RANGE values failed: {msg}.') values = frange(*values) return super()._map_values_to_rounds(values, per_round) def _to_number_with_arithmetic(self, item): if is_number(item): return item number = eval(str(item), {}) if not is_number(number): raise TypeError(f'Expected number, got {type_name(item)}.') return number
[docs] class ForInZipRunner(ForInRunner): flavor = 'IN ZIP' _mode = None _fill = None def _get_values_for_rounds(self, data): self._mode = self._resolve_mode(data.mode) self._fill = self._resolve_fill(data.fill) return super()._get_values_for_rounds(data) def _resolve_mode(self, mode): if not mode or self._context.dry_run: return None try: mode = self._context.variables.replace_string(mode) if mode.upper() in ('STRICT', 'SHORTEST', 'LONGEST'): return mode.upper() raise DataError(f"Value '{mode}' is not accepted. Valid values " f"are 'STRICT', 'SHORTEST' and 'LONGEST'.") except DataError as err: raise DataError(f'Invalid FOR IN ZIP mode: {err}') def _resolve_fill(self, fill): if not fill or self._context.dry_run: return None try: return self._context.variables.replace_scalar(fill) except DataError as err: raise DataError(f'Invalid FOR IN ZIP fill value: {err}') def _resolve_dict_values(self, values): raise DataError('FOR IN ZIP loops do not support iterating over dictionaries.', syntax=True) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): self._validate_types(values) if len(values) % per_round != 0: self._raise_wrong_variable_count(per_round, len(values)) if self._mode == 'LONGEST': return zip_longest(*values, fillvalue=self._fill) if self._mode == 'STRICT': self._validate_strict_lengths(values) if self._mode is None: self._deprecate_different_lengths(values) return zip(*values) def _validate_types(self, values): for index, item in enumerate(values, start=1): if not is_list_like(item): raise DataError(f"FOR IN ZIP items must be list-like, but item {index} " f"is {type_name(item)}.") def _validate_strict_lengths(self, values): lengths = [] for index, item in enumerate(values, start=1): try: lengths.append(len(item)) except TypeError: raise DataError(f"FOR IN ZIP items must have length in the STRICT " f"mode, but item {index} does not.") if len(set(lengths)) > 1: raise DataError(f"FOR IN ZIP items must have equal lengths in the STRICT " f"mode, but lengths are {seq2str(lengths, quote='')}.") def _deprecate_different_lengths(self, values): try: self._validate_strict_lengths(values) except DataError as err: logger.warn(f"FOR IN ZIP default mode will be changed from SHORTEST to " f"STRICT in Robot Framework 8.0. Use 'mode=SHORTEST' to keep " f"using the SHORTEST mode. If the mode is not changed, " f"execution will fail like this in the future: {err}")
[docs] class ForInEnumerateRunner(ForInRunner): flavor = 'IN ENUMERATE' _start = 0 def _get_values_for_rounds(self, data): self._start = self._resolve_start(data.start) return super()._get_values_for_rounds(data) def _resolve_start(self, start): if not start or self._context.dry_run: return 0 try: start = self._context.variables.replace_string(start) try: return int(start) except ValueError: raise DataError(f"Value must be an integer, got '{start}'.") except DataError as err: raise DataError(f'Invalid FOR IN ENUMERATE start value: {err}') def _map_dict_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): if per_round > 3: raise DataError(f'Number of FOR IN ENUMERATE loop variables must be 1-3 ' f'when iterating over dictionaries, got {per_round}.', syntax=True) if per_round == 2: return ((i, v) for i, v in enumerate(values, start=self._start)) return ((i,) + v for i, v in enumerate(values, start=self._start)) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): per_round = max(per_round-1, 1) values = super()._map_values_to_rounds(values, per_round) return ([i] + v for i, v in enumerate(values, start=self._start)) def _raise_wrong_variable_count(self, variables, values): raise DataError(f'Number of FOR IN ENUMERATE loop values should be multiple of ' f'its variables (excluding the index). Got {variables} ' f'variables but {values} value{s(values)}.')
[docs] class WhileRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data, result): ctx = self._context error = None run = False limit = None result.start_time = iter_result = result.body.create_iteration( if self._run: if data.error: error = DataError(data.error, syntax=True) elif not ctx.dry_run: try: limit = WhileLimit.create(data.limit, data.on_limit, data.on_limit_message, ctx.variables) run = self._should_run(data.condition, ctx.variables) except DataError as err: error = err with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run): iter_data = data.get_iteration() if ctx.dry_run or not run: self._run_iteration(iter_data, iter_result, run) if error: raise error return errors = [] while True: try: with limit: self._run_iteration(iter_data, iter_result) except (BreakLoop, ContinueLoop) as ctrl: if ctrl.earlier_failures: errors.extend(ctrl.earlier_failures.get_errors()) if isinstance(ctrl, BreakLoop): break except ExecutionPassed as passed: passed.set_earlier_failures(errors) raise passed except LimitExceeded as exceeded: if exceeded.on_limit_pass: else: errors.append(exceeded) break except ExecutionFailed as failed: errors.extend(failed.get_errors()) if not failed.can_continue(ctx, self._templated): break iter_result = result.body.create_iteration( iter_data = data.get_iteration() if not self._should_run(data.condition, ctx.variables): break if errors: raise ExecutionFailures(errors)
def _run_iteration(self, data, result, run=True): runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated) with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run):, result) def _should_run(self, condition, variables): if not condition: return True try: return evaluate_expression(condition, variables.current, resolve_variables=True) except Exception: msg = get_error_message() raise DataError(f'Invalid WHILE loop condition: {msg}')
[docs] class IfRunner: _dry_run_stack = [] def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data, result): with self._dry_run_recursion_detection(data) as recursive_dry_run: error = None with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, self._run): for branch in data.body: try: if self._run_if_branch(branch, result, recursive_dry_run, data.error): self._run = False except ExecutionStatus as err: error = err self._run = False if error: raise error
@contextmanager def _dry_run_recursion_detection(self, data): if not self._context.dry_run: yield False else: data = data.to_dict() recursive = data in self._dry_run_stack self._dry_run_stack.append(data) try: yield recursive finally: self._dry_run_stack.pop() def _run_if_branch(self, data, result, recursive_dry_run=False, syntax_error=None): context = self._context result = result.body.create_branch(data.type, data.condition, error = None if syntax_error: run_branch = False error = DataError(syntax_error, syntax=True) else: try: run_branch = self._should_run_branch(data, context, recursive_dry_run) except DataError as err: error = err run_branch = False with StatusReporter(data, result, context, run_branch): runner = BodyRunner(context, run_branch, self._templated) if not recursive_dry_run:, result) if error and self._run: raise error return run_branch def _should_run_branch(self, data, context, recursive_dry_run=False): if context.dry_run: return not recursive_dry_run if not self._run: return False if data.condition is None: return True try: return evaluate_expression(data.condition, context.variables.current, resolve_variables=True) except Exception: msg = get_error_message() raise DataError(f'Invalid {data.type} condition: {msg}')
[docs] class TryRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data, result): run = self._run with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run): if data.error: self._run_invalid(data, result) return error = self._run_try(data, result, run) run_excepts_or_else = self._should_run_excepts_or_else(error, run) if error: error = self._run_excepts(data, result, error, run=run_excepts_or_else) self._run_else(data, result, run=False) else: self._run_excepts(data, result, error, run=False) error = self._run_else(data, result, run=run_excepts_or_else) error = self._run_finally(data, result, run) or error if error: raise error
def _run_invalid(self, data, result): error_reported = False for branch in data.body: branch_result = result.body.create_branch(branch.type, branch.patterns, branch.pattern_type, branch.assign) with StatusReporter(branch, branch_result, self._context, run=False, suppress=True): runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run=False, templated=self._templated), branch_result) if not error_reported: error_reported = True raise DataError(data.error, syntax=True) raise ExecutionFailed(data.error, syntax=True) def _run_try(self, data, result, run): result = result.body.create_branch(data.TRY) return self._run_branch(data.try_branch, result, run) def _should_run_excepts_or_else(self, error, run): if not run: return False if not error: return True return not (error.skip or error.syntax or isinstance(error, ExecutionPassed)) def _run_branch(self, data, result, run=True, error=None): try: with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run): if error: raise error runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated), result) except ExecutionStatus as err: return err else: return None def _run_excepts(self, data, result, error, run): for branch in data.except_branches: try: run_branch = run and self._should_run_except(branch, error) except DataError as err: run_branch = True pattern_error = err else: pattern_error = None branch_result = result.body.create_branch(branch.type, branch.patterns, branch.pattern_type, branch.assign) if run_branch: if branch.assign: self._context.variables[branch.assign] = str(error) error = self._run_branch(branch, branch_result, error=pattern_error) run = False else: self._run_branch(branch, branch_result, run=False) return error def _should_run_except(self, branch, error): if not branch.patterns: return True matchers = { 'GLOB': lambda m, p: Matcher(p, spaceless=False, caseless=False).match(m), 'REGEXP': lambda m, p: re.fullmatch(p, m) is not None, 'START': lambda m, p: m.startswith(p), 'LITERAL': lambda m, p: m == p, } if branch.pattern_type: pattern_type = self._context.variables.replace_string(branch.pattern_type) else: pattern_type = 'LITERAL' matcher = matchers.get(pattern_type.upper()) if not matcher: raise DataError(f"Invalid EXCEPT pattern type '{pattern_type}'. " f"Valid values are {seq2str(matchers)}.") for pattern in branch.patterns: if matcher(error.message, self._context.variables.replace_string(pattern)): return True return False def _run_else(self, data, result, run): if data.else_branch: result = result.body.create_branch(data.ELSE) return self._run_branch(data.else_branch, result, run) def _run_finally(self, data, result, run): if data.finally_branch: result = result.body.create_branch(data.FINALLY) try: with StatusReporter(data.finally_branch, result, self._context, run): runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated), result) except ExecutionStatus as err: return err else: return None
[docs] class WhileLimit: def __init__(self, on_limit=None, on_limit_message=None): self.on_limit = on_limit self.on_limit_message = on_limit_message
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, limit, on_limit, on_limit_message, variables): if on_limit_message: try: on_limit_message = variables.replace_string(on_limit_message) except DataError as err: raise DataError(f"Invalid WHILE loop 'on_limit_message': '{err}") on_limit = cls._parse_on_limit(variables, on_limit) if not limit: return IterationCountLimit(DEFAULT_WHILE_LIMIT, on_limit, on_limit_message) limit = variables.replace_string(limit) if limit.upper() == 'NONE': return NoLimit() try: count = cls._parse_limit_as_count(limit) except ValueError: seconds = cls._parse_limit_as_timestr(limit) return DurationLimit(seconds, on_limit, on_limit_message) else: return IterationCountLimit(count, on_limit, on_limit_message)
@classmethod def _parse_on_limit(cls, variables, on_limit): if on_limit is None: return None try: on_limit = variables.replace_string(on_limit) if on_limit.upper() in ('PASS', 'FAIL'): return on_limit.upper() raise DataError(f"Value '{on_limit}' is not accepted. Valid values " f"are 'PASS' and 'FAIL'.") except DataError as err: raise DataError(f"Invalid WHILE loop 'on_limit' value: {err}") @classmethod def _parse_limit_as_count(cls, limit): limit = normalize(limit) if limit.endswith('times'): limit = limit[:-5] elif limit.endswith('x'): limit = limit[:-1] count = int(limit) if count <= 0: raise DataError(f"Invalid WHILE loop limit: Iteration count must be " f"a positive integer, got '{count}'.") return count @classmethod def _parse_limit_as_timestr(cls, limit): try: return timestr_to_secs(limit) except ValueError as err: raise DataError(f'Invalid WHILE loop limit: {err.args[0]}')
[docs] def limit_exceeded(self): on_limit_pass = self.on_limit == 'PASS' if self.on_limit_message: raise LimitExceeded(on_limit_pass, self.on_limit_message) else: raise LimitExceeded( on_limit_pass, f"WHILE loop was aborted because it did not finish within the limit of {self}. " f"Use the 'limit' argument to increase or remove the limit if needed." )
def __enter__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return None
[docs] class DurationLimit(WhileLimit): def __init__(self, max_time, on_limit, on_limit_message): super().__init__(on_limit, on_limit_message) self.max_time = max_time self.start_time = None def __enter__(self): if not self.start_time: self.start_time = time.time() if time.time() - self.start_time > self.max_time: self.limit_exceeded() def __str__(self): return secs_to_timestr(self.max_time)
[docs] class IterationCountLimit(WhileLimit): def __init__(self, max_iterations, on_limit, on_limit_message): super().__init__(on_limit, on_limit_message) self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.current_iterations = 0 def __enter__(self): if self.current_iterations >= self.max_iterations: self.limit_exceeded() self.current_iterations += 1 def __str__(self): return f'{self.max_iterations} iterations'
[docs] class NoLimit(WhileLimit): def __enter__(self): pass
[docs] class LimitExceeded(ExecutionFailed): def __init__(self, on_limit_pass, message): super().__init__(message) self.on_limit_pass = on_limit_pass