Source code for robot.api.logger

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

"""Public logging API for test libraries.

This module provides a public API for writing messages to the log file
and the console. Test libraries can use this API like::'My message')

instead of logging through the standard output like::

    print('*INFO* My message')

In addition to a programmatic interface being cleaner to use, this API
has a benefit that the log messages have accurate timestamps.

If the logging methods are used when Robot Framework is not running,
the messages are redirected to the standard Python ``logging`` module
using logger named ``RobotFramework``.

Log levels

It is possible to log messages using levels ``TRACE``, ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``,
``WARN`` and ``ERROR`` either using the :func:`write` function or, more
commonly, with the log level specific :func:`trace`, :func:`debug`,
:func:`info`, :func:`warn`, :func:`error` functions.

The trace and debug messages are not logged by default, but that can be
changed with the ``--loglevel`` command line option. Warnings and errors are
automatically written also to the console and to the *Test Execution Errors*
section in the log file.

Logging HTML

All methods that are used for writing messages to the log file have an
optional ``html`` argument. If a message to be logged is supposed to be
shown as HTML, this argument should be set to ``True``. Alternatively,
:func:`write` accepts a pseudo log level ``HTML``.



    from robot.api import logger

    def my_keyword(arg):
        logger.debug(f'Got argument {arg}.')
        do_something()'<i>This</i> is a boring example.', html=True)

import logging
from typing import Literal

from robot.output import librarylogger
from robot.running.context import EXECUTION_CONTEXTS


[docs] def write(msg: str, level: LOGLEVEL = 'INFO', html: bool = False): """Writes the message to the log file using the given level. Valid log levels are ``TRACE``, ``DEBUG``, ``INFO`` (default), ``WARN``, and ``ERROR``. In addition to that, there are pseudo log levels ``HTML`` and ``CONSOLE`` for logging messages as HTML and for logging messages both to the log file and to the console, respectively. With both of these pseudo levels the level in the log file will be ``INFO``. The ``CONSOLE`` level is new in Robot Framework 6.1. Instead of using this method, it is generally better to use the level specific methods such as ``info`` and ``debug`` that have separate ``html`` argument to control the message format. """ if EXECUTION_CONTEXTS.current is not None: librarylogger.write(msg, level, html) else: logger = logging.getLogger("RobotFramework") level_int = { 'TRACE': logging.DEBUG // 2, 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'CONSOLE': logging.INFO, 'HTML': logging.INFO, 'WARN': logging.WARN, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR }[level] logger.log(level_int, msg)
[docs] def trace(msg: str, html: bool = False): """Writes the message to the log file using the ``TRACE`` level.""" write(msg, 'TRACE', html)
[docs] def debug(msg: str, html: bool = False): """Writes the message to the log file using the ``DEBUG`` level.""" write(msg, 'DEBUG', html)
[docs] def info(msg: str, html: bool = False, also_console: bool = False): """Writes the message to the log file using the ``INFO`` level. If ``also_console`` argument is set to ``True``, the message is written both to the log file and to the console. """ write(msg, 'INFO', html) if also_console: console(msg)
[docs] def warn(msg: str, html: bool = False): """Writes the message to the log file using the ``WARN`` level.""" write(msg, 'WARN', html)
[docs] def error(msg: str, html: bool = False): """Writes the message to the log file using the ``ERROR`` level. """ write(msg, 'ERROR', html)
[docs] def console(msg: str, newline: bool = True, stream: Literal['stdout', 'stderr'] = 'stdout'): """Writes the message to the console. If the ``newline`` argument is ``True``, a newline character is automatically added to the message. The message is written to the standard output stream by default. Using the standard error stream is possibly by giving the ``stream`` argument value ``'stderr'``. """ librarylogger.console(msg, newline, stream)