Source code for robot.running.testlibraries

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import inspect
from functools import cached_property, partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Literal, overload, Sequence, TypeVar
from types import ModuleType

from robot.errors import DataError
from robot.libraries import STDLIBS
from robot.output import LOGGER
from robot.utils import (getdoc, get_error_details, Importer, is_dict_like,
                         is_list_like, normalize, NormalizedDict, seq2str2, setter, type_name)

from .arguments import CustomArgumentConverters
from .dynamicmethods import GetKeywordDocumentation, GetKeywordNames, RunKeyword
from .keywordfinder import KeywordFinder
from .librarykeyword import DynamicKeyword, LibraryInit, LibraryKeyword, StaticKeyword
from .libraryscopes import Scope, ScopeManager
from .outputcapture import OutputCapturer

Self = TypeVar('Self', bound='TestLibrary')

[docs] class TestLibrary: """Represents imported test library.""" def __init__(self, code: 'type|ModuleType', init: LibraryInit, name: 'str|None' = None, real_name: 'str|None' = None, source: 'Path|None' = None, logger=LOGGER): self.code = code self.init = init self.init.owner = self self.instance = None = name or code.__name__ self.real_name = real_name or self.source = source self._logger = logger self.keywords: list[LibraryKeyword] = [] self._has_listeners = None self.scope_manager = ScopeManager.for_library(self) self.keyword_finder = KeywordFinder[LibraryKeyword](self) @property def instance(self) -> Any: """Current library instance. With module based libraries this is the module itself. With class based libraries this is an instance of the class. Instances are cleared automatically during execution based on their scope. Accessing this property creates a new instance if needed. :attr:`codeĀ“ contains the original library code. With module based libraries it is the same as :attr:`instance`. With class based libraries it is the library class. """ instance = self.code if self._instance is None else self._instance if self._has_listeners is None: self._has_listeners = self._instance_has_listeners(instance) return instance @instance.setter def instance(self, instance: Any): self._instance = instance @property def listeners(self) -> 'list[Any]': if self._has_listeners is None: self._has_listeners = self._instance_has_listeners(self.instance) if self._has_listeners is False: return [] listener = self.instance.ROBOT_LIBRARY_LISTENER return list(listener) if is_list_like(listener) else [listener] def _instance_has_listeners(self, instance) -> bool: return getattr(instance, 'ROBOT_LIBRARY_LISTENER', None) is not None @property def converters(self) -> 'CustomArgumentConverters|None': converters = getattr(self.code, 'ROBOT_LIBRARY_CONVERTERS', None) if not converters: return None if not is_dict_like(converters): self.report_error(f'Argument converters must be given as a dictionary, ' f'got {type_name(converters)}.') return None return CustomArgumentConverters.from_dict(converters, self) @property def doc(self) -> str: return getdoc(self.instance) @property def doc_format(self) -> str: return self._attr('ROBOT_LIBRARY_DOC_FORMAT', upper=True) @property def scope(self) -> Scope: scope = self._attr('ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE', 'TEST', upper=True) if scope == 'GLOBAL': return Scope.GLOBAL if scope in ('SUITE', 'TESTSUITE'): return Scope.SUITE return Scope.TEST @setter def source(self, source: 'Path|str|None') -> 'Path|None': return Path(source) if source else None @property def version(self) -> str: return self._attr('ROBOT_LIBRARY_VERSION') or self._attr('__version__') @property def lineno(self) -> int: return 1 def _attr(self, name, default='', upper=False) -> str: value = str(getattr(self.code, name, default)) if upper: value = normalize(value, ignore='_').upper() return value
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name: str, real_name: 'str|None' = None, args: 'Sequence[str]|None' = None, variables=None, create_keywords: bool = True, logger=LOGGER) -> 'TestLibrary': if name in STDLIBS: import_name = 'robot.libraries.' + name else: import_name = name if Path(name).exists(): name = Path(name).stem with OutputCapturer(library_import=True): importer = Importer('library', logger=logger) code, source = importer.import_class_or_module(import_name, return_source=True) return cls.from_code(code, name, real_name, source, args, variables, create_keywords, logger)
[docs] @classmethod def from_code(cls, code: 'type|ModuleType', name: 'str|None' = None, real_name: 'str|None' = None, source: 'Path|None' = None, args: 'Sequence[str]|None' = None, variables=None, create_keywords: bool = True, logger=LOGGER) -> 'TestLibrary': if inspect.ismodule(code): lib = cls.from_module(code, name, real_name, source, create_keywords, logger) if args: # Resolving arguments reports an error. lib.init.resolve_arguments(args, variables) return lib return cls.from_class(code, name, real_name, source, args or (), variables, create_keywords, logger)
[docs] @classmethod def from_module(cls, module: ModuleType, name: 'str|None' = None, real_name: 'str|None' = None, source: 'Path|None' = None, create_keywords: bool = True, logger=LOGGER) -> 'TestLibrary': return ModuleLibrary.from_module(module, name, real_name, source, create_keywords, logger)
[docs] @classmethod def from_class(cls, klass: type, name: 'str|None' = None, real_name: 'str|None' = None, source: 'Path|None' = None, args: Sequence[str] = (), variables=None, create_keywords: bool = True, logger=LOGGER) -> 'TestLibrary': if not GetKeywordNames(klass): library = ClassLibrary elif not RunKeyword(klass): library = HybridLibrary else: library = DynamicLibrary return library.from_class(klass, name, real_name, source, args, variables, create_keywords, logger)
[docs] def create_keywords(self): raise NotImplementedError
@overload def find_keywords(self, name: str, count: Literal[1]) -> 'LibraryKeyword': ... @overload def find_keywords(self, name: str, count: 'int|None' = None) \ -> 'list[LibraryKeyword]': ...
[docs] def find_keywords(self, name: str, count: 'int|None' = None) \ -> 'list[LibraryKeyword]|LibraryKeyword': return self.keyword_finder.find(name, count)
[docs] def copy(self: Self, name: str) -> Self: lib = type(self)(self.code, self.init.copy(), name, self.real_name, self.source, self._logger) lib.instance = self.instance lib.keywords = [kw.copy(owner=lib) for kw in self.keywords] return lib
[docs] def report_error(self, message: str, details: 'str|None' = None, level: str = 'ERROR', details_level: str = 'INFO'): prefix = 'Error in' if level in ('ERROR', 'WARN') else 'In' self._logger.write(f"{prefix} library '{}': {message}", level) if details: self._logger.write(f'Details:\n{details}', details_level)
[docs] class ModuleLibrary(TestLibrary): @property def scope(self) -> Scope: return Scope.GLOBAL
[docs] @classmethod def from_module(cls, module: ModuleType, name: 'str|None' = None, real_name: 'str|None' = None, source: 'Path|None' = None, create_keywords: bool = True, logger=LOGGER) -> 'ModuleLibrary': library = cls(module, LibraryInit.null(), name, real_name, source, logger) if create_keywords: library.create_keywords() return library
[docs] @classmethod def from_class(cls, *args, **kws) -> 'TestLibrary': raise TypeError(f"Cannot create '{cls.__name__}' from class.")
[docs] def create_keywords(self): excludes = getattr(self.code, '__all__', None) StaticKeywordCreator(self, excluded_names=excludes).create_keywords()
[docs] class ClassLibrary(TestLibrary): @property def instance(self) -> Any: if self._instance is None: positional, named = self.init.positional, self.init.named try: with OutputCapturer(library_import=True): self._instance = self.code(*positional, **named) except Exception: message, details = get_error_details() if positional or named: args = seq2str2(positional + [f'{n}={named[n]}' for n in named]) args_text = f'arguments {args}' else: args_text = 'no arguments' raise DataError(f"Initializing library '{}' with {args_text} " f"failed: {message}\n{details}") if self._has_listeners is None: self._has_listeners = self._instance_has_listeners(self._instance) return self._instance @instance.setter def instance(self, instance): self._instance = instance @property def lineno(self) -> int: try: lines, start_lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(self.code) except (TypeError, OSError, IOError): return 1 for increment, line in enumerate(lines): if line.strip().startswith('class '): return start_lineno + increment return start_lineno
[docs] @classmethod def from_module(cls, *args, **kws) -> 'TestLibrary': raise TypeError(f"Cannot create '{cls.__name__}' from module.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_class(cls, klass: type, name: 'str|None' = None, real_name: 'str|None' = None, source: 'Path|None' = None, args: Sequence[str] = (), variables=None, create_keywords: bool = True, logger=LOGGER) -> 'ClassLibrary': init = LibraryInit.from_class(klass) library = cls(klass, init, name, real_name, source, logger) positional, named = init.args.resolve(args, variables) init.positional, init.named = list(positional), dict(named) if create_keywords: library.create_keywords() return library
[docs] def create_keywords(self): StaticKeywordCreator(self, avoid_properties=True).create_keywords()
[docs] class HybridLibrary(ClassLibrary):
[docs] def create_keywords(self): names = DynamicKeywordCreator(self).get_keyword_names() creator = StaticKeywordCreator(self, getting_method_failed_level='ERROR') creator.create_keywords(names)
[docs] class DynamicLibrary(ClassLibrary): _supports_named_args = None @property def supports_named_args(self) -> bool: if self._supports_named_args is None: self._supports_named_args = RunKeyword(self.instance).supports_named_args return self._supports_named_args @property def doc(self) -> str: return GetKeywordDocumentation(self.instance)('__intro__') or super().doc
[docs] def create_keywords(self): DynamicKeywordCreator(self).create_keywords()
[docs] class KeywordCreator: def __init__(self, library: TestLibrary, getting_method_failed_level='INFO'): self.library = library self.getting_method_failed_level = getting_method_failed_level
[docs] def get_keyword_names(self) -> 'list[str]': raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_keywords(self, names: 'list[str]|None' = None): library = self.library library.keyword_finder.invalidate_cache() instance = library.instance keywords = library.keywords = [] if names is None: names = self.get_keyword_names() seen = NormalizedDict(ignore='_') for name in names: try: kw = self._create_keyword(instance, name) except DataError as err: self._adding_keyword_failed(name, err, self.getting_method_failed_level) else: if not kw: continue try: if kw.embedded: self._validate_embedded(kw) else: self._handle_duplicates(kw, seen) except DataError as err: self._adding_keyword_failed(, err) else: keywords.append(kw) library._logger.debug(f"Created keyword '{}'.")
def _create_keyword(self, instance, name) -> 'LibraryKeyword|None': raise NotImplementedError def _handle_duplicates(self, kw, seen: NormalizedDict): if in seen: error = 'Keyword with same name defined multiple times.' seen[].error = error raise DataError(error) seen[] = kw def _validate_embedded(self, kw): if len(kw.embedded.args) > kw.args.maxargs: raise DataError(f'Keyword must accept at least as many positional ' f'arguments as it has embedded arguments.') kw.args.embedded = kw.embedded.args def _adding_keyword_failed(self, name, error, level='ERROR'): self.library.report_error( f"Adding keyword '{name}' failed: {error}", error.details, level=level, details_level='DEBUG' )
[docs] class StaticKeywordCreator(KeywordCreator): def __init__(self, library: TestLibrary, getting_method_failed_level='INFO', excluded_names=None, avoid_properties=False): super().__init__(library, getting_method_failed_level) self.excluded_names = excluded_names self.avoid_properties = avoid_properties
[docs] def get_keyword_names(self) -> 'list[str]': instance = self.library.instance try: return self._get_names(instance) except Exception: message, details = get_error_details() raise DataError(f"Getting keyword names from library '{}' " f"failed: {message}", details)
def _get_names(self, instance) -> 'list[str]': def explicitly_included(name): candidate = inspect.getattr_static(instance, name) if isinstance(candidate, (classmethod, staticmethod)): candidate = candidate.__func__ try: return hasattr(candidate, 'robot_name') except Exception: return False names = [] auto_keywords = getattr(instance, 'ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS', True) excluded_names = self.excluded_names for name in dir(instance): if not auto_keywords: if not explicitly_included(name): continue elif name[:1] == '_': if not explicitly_included(name): continue elif excluded_names is not None: if name not in excluded_names: continue names.append(name) return names def _create_keyword(self, instance, name) -> 'StaticKeyword|None': if self.avoid_properties: candidate = inspect.getattr_static(instance, name) self._pre_validate_method(candidate) try: method = getattr(instance, name) except Exception: message, details = get_error_details() raise DataError(f'Getting handler method failed: {message}', details) self._validate_method(method) try: return StaticKeyword.from_name(name, self.library) except DataError as err: self._adding_keyword_failed(name, err) def _pre_validate_method(self, candidate): if isinstance(candidate, classmethod): candidate = candidate.__func__ if isinstance(candidate, cached_property) or not inspect.isroutine(candidate): raise DataError('Not a method or function.') def _validate_method(self, candidate): if not (inspect.isroutine(candidate) or isinstance(candidate, partial)): raise DataError('Not a method or function.') if getattr(candidate, 'robot_not_keyword', False): raise DataError('Not exposed as a keyword.')
[docs] class DynamicKeywordCreator(KeywordCreator): library: DynamicLibrary def __init__(self, library: 'DynamicLibrary|HybridLibrary'): super().__init__(library, getting_method_failed_level='ERROR')
[docs] def get_keyword_names(self) -> 'list[str]': try: return GetKeywordNames(self.library.instance)() except DataError as err: raise DataError(f"Getting keyword names from library '{}' " f"failed: {err}")
def _create_keyword(self, instance, name) -> DynamicKeyword: return DynamicKeyword.from_name(name, self.library)