Source code for robot.utils.importer

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import os
import sys
import importlib
import inspect

from robot.errors import DataError

from .error import get_error_details
from .misc import seq2str
from .robotpath import abspath, normpath
from .robotinspect import is_init
from .robottypes import type_name

[docs] class Importer: """Utility that can import modules and classes based on names and paths. Imported classes can optionally be instantiated automatically. """ def __init__(self, type=None, logger=None): """ :param type: Type of the thing being imported. Used in error and log messages. :param logger: Logger to be notified about successful imports and other events. Currently only needs the ``info`` method, but other level specific methods may be needed in the future. If not given, logging is disabled. """ self._type = type or '' self._logger = logger or NoLogger() library_import = type and type.upper() == 'LIBRARY' self._importers = (ByPathImporter(logger, library_import), NonDottedImporter(logger, library_import), DottedImporter(logger, library_import)) self._by_path_importer = self._importers[0]
[docs] def import_class_or_module(self, name_or_path, instantiate_with_args=None, return_source=False): """Imports Python class or module based on the given name or path. :param name_or_path: Name or path of the module or class to import. :param instantiate_with_args: When arguments are given, imported classes are automatically initialized using them. :param return_source: When true, returns a tuple containing the imported module or class and a path to it. By default, returns only the imported module or class. The class or module to import can be specified either as a name, in which case it must be in the module search path, or as a path to the file or directory implementing the module. See :meth:`import_class_or_module_by_path` for more information about importing classes and modules by path. Classes can be imported from the module search path using name like ``modulename.ClassName``. If the class name and module name are same, using just ``CommonName`` is enough. When importing a class by a path, the class name and the module name must match. Optional arguments to use when creating an instance are given as a list. Starting from Robot Framework 4.0, both positional and named arguments are supported (e.g. ``['positional', 'name=value']``) and arguments are converted automatically based on type hints and default values. If arguments needed when creating an instance are initially embedded into the name or path like ``Example:arg1:arg2``, separate :func:`~robot.utils.text.split_args_from_name_or_path` function can be used to split them before calling this method. Use :meth:`import_module` if only a module needs to be imported. """ try: imported, source = self._import(name_or_path) self._log_import_succeeded(imported, name_or_path, source) imported = self._instantiate_if_needed(imported, instantiate_with_args) except DataError as err: self._raise_import_failed(name_or_path, err) else: return self._handle_return_values(imported, source, return_source)
[docs] def import_module(self, name_or_path): """Imports Python module based on the given name or path. :param name_or_path: Name or path of the module to import. The module to import can be specified either as a name, in which case it must be in the module search path, or as a path to the file or directory implementing the module. See :meth:`import_class_or_module_by_path` for more information about importing modules by path. Use :meth:`import_class_or_module` if it is desired to get a class from the imported module automatically. New in Robot Framework 6.0. """ try: imported, source = self._import(name_or_path, get_class=False) self._log_import_succeeded(imported, name_or_path, source) except DataError as err: self._raise_import_failed(name_or_path, err) else: return imported
def _import(self, name, get_class=True): for importer in self._importers: if importer.handles(name): return importer.import_(name, get_class) def _handle_return_values(self, imported, source, return_source=False): if not return_source: return imported if source and os.path.exists(source): source = self._sanitize_source(source) return imported, source def _sanitize_source(self, source): source = normpath(source) if os.path.isdir(source): candidate = os.path.join(source, '') elif source.endswith('.pyc'): candidate = source[:-4] + '.py' else: return source return candidate if os.path.exists(candidate) else source
[docs] def import_class_or_module_by_path(self, path, instantiate_with_args=None): """Import a Python module or class using a file system path. :param path: Path to the module or class to import. :param instantiate_with_args: When arguments are given, imported classes are automatically initialized using them. When importing a Python file, the path must end with :file:`.py` and the actual file must also exist. Use :meth:`import_class_or_module` to support importing also using name, not only path. See the documentation of that function for more information about creating instances automatically. """ try: imported, source = self._by_path_importer.import_(path) self._log_import_succeeded(imported, imported.__name__, source) return self._instantiate_if_needed(imported, instantiate_with_args) except DataError as err: self._raise_import_failed(path, err)
def _log_import_succeeded(self, item, name, source): prefix = f'Imported {self._type.lower()}' if self._type else 'Imported' item_type = 'module' if inspect.ismodule(item) else 'class' source = f"'{source}'" if source else 'unknown location'"{prefix} {item_type} '{name}' from {source}.") def _raise_import_failed(self, name, error): prefix = f'Importing {self._type.lower()}' if self._type else 'Importing' raise DataError(f"{prefix} '{name}' failed: {error}") def _instantiate_if_needed(self, imported, args): if args is None: return imported if inspect.isclass(imported): return self._instantiate_class(imported, args) if args: raise DataError("Modules do not take arguments.") return imported def _instantiate_class(self, imported, args): spec = self._get_arg_spec(imported) try: positional, named = spec.resolve(args) except ValueError as err: raise DataError(err.args[0]) try: return imported(*positional, **dict(named)) except Exception: message, traceback = get_error_details() raise DataError(f'Creating instance failed: {message}\n{traceback}') def _get_arg_spec(self, imported): # Avoid cyclic import. Yuck. from robot.running.arguments import ArgumentSpec, PythonArgumentParser init = getattr(imported, '__init__', None) name = imported.__name__ if not is_init(init): return ArgumentSpec(name, self._type) return PythonArgumentParser(self._type).parse(init, name)
class _Importer: def __init__(self, logger, library_import=False): self.logger = logger self.library_import = library_import def _import(self, name, fromlist=None): if name in sys.builtin_module_names: raise DataError('Cannot import custom module with same name as ' 'Python built-in module.') importlib.invalidate_caches() try: return __import__(name, fromlist=fromlist) except Exception: message, traceback = get_error_details(full_traceback=False) path = '\n'.join(f' {p}' for p in sys.path) raise DataError(f'{message}\n{traceback}\nPYTHONPATH:\n{path}') def _verify_type(self, imported): if inspect.isclass(imported) or inspect.ismodule(imported): return imported raise DataError(f'Expected class or module, got {type_name(imported)}.') def _get_possible_class(self, module, name=None): cls = self._get_class_matching_module_name(module, name) if not cls and self.library_import: cls = self._get_decorated_library_class_in_imported_module(module) return cls or module def _get_class_matching_module_name(self, module, name): cls = getattr(module, name or module.__name__, None) return cls if inspect.isclass(cls) else None def _get_decorated_library_class_in_imported_module(self, module): def predicate(item): return (inspect.isclass(item) and hasattr(item, 'ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS') and item.__module__ == module.__name__) classes = [cls for _, cls in inspect.getmembers(module, predicate)] return classes[0] if len(classes) == 1 else None def _get_source(self, imported): try: source = inspect.getfile(imported) except TypeError: return None return abspath(source) if source else None
[docs] class ByPathImporter(_Importer): _valid_import_extensions = ('.py', '')
[docs] def handles(self, path): return os.path.isabs(path)
[docs] def import_(self, path, get_class=True): self._verify_import_path(path) self._remove_wrong_module_from_sys_modules(path) imported = self._import_by_path(path) if get_class: imported = self._get_possible_class(imported) return self._verify_type(imported), path
def _verify_import_path(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): raise DataError('File or directory does not exist.') if not os.path.isabs(path): raise DataError('Import path must be absolute.') if not os.path.splitext(path)[1] in self._valid_import_extensions: raise DataError('Not a valid file or directory to import.') def _remove_wrong_module_from_sys_modules(self, path): importing_from, name = self._split_path_to_module(path) importing_package = os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '' if self._wrong_module_imported(name, importing_from, importing_package): del sys.modules[name]"Removed module '{name}' from sys.modules to import " f"a fresh module.") def _split_path_to_module(self, path): module_dir, module_file = os.path.split(abspath(path)) module_name = os.path.splitext(module_file)[0] return module_dir, module_name def _wrong_module_imported(self, name, importing_from, importing_package): if name not in sys.modules: return False source = getattr(sys.modules[name], '__file__', None) if not source: # play safe return True imported_from, imported_package = self._get_import_information(source) return (normpath(importing_from, case_normalize=True) != normpath(imported_from, case_normalize=True) or importing_package != imported_package) def _get_import_information(self, source): imported_from, imported_file = self._split_path_to_module(source) imported_package = imported_file == '__init__' if imported_package: imported_from = os.path.dirname(imported_from) return imported_from, imported_package def _import_by_path(self, path): module_dir, module_name = self._split_path_to_module(path) sys.path.insert(0, module_dir) try: return self._import(module_name) finally: sys.path.remove(module_dir)
[docs] class NonDottedImporter(_Importer):
[docs] def handles(self, name): return '.' not in name
[docs] def import_(self, name, get_class=True): imported = self._import(name) if get_class: imported = self._get_possible_class(imported) return self._verify_type(imported), self._get_source(imported)
[docs] class DottedImporter(_Importer):
[docs] def handles(self, name): return '.' in name
[docs] def import_(self, name, get_class=True): parent_name, lib_name = name.rsplit('.', 1) parent = self._import(parent_name, fromlist=[str(lib_name)]) try: imported = getattr(parent, lib_name) except AttributeError: raise DataError(f"Module '{parent_name}' does not contain '{lib_name}'.") if get_class: imported = self._get_possible_class(imported, lib_name) return self._verify_type(imported), self._get_source(imported)
[docs] class NoLogger: error = warn = info = debug = trace = lambda self, *args, **kws: None