Source code for robot.variables.scopes

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import os
import tempfile

from robot.errors import VariableError
from robot.model import Tags
from robot.output import LOGGER
from robot.utils import abspath, find_file, get_error_details, DotDict, NormalizedDict

from .resolvable import GlobalVariableValue
from .variables import Variables

[docs] class VariableScopes: def __init__(self, settings): self._global = GlobalVariables(settings) self._suite = None self._test = None self._scopes = [self._global] self._variables_set = SetVariables() @property def current(self): return self._scopes[-1] @property def _all_scopes(self): return reversed(self._scopes) @property def _scopes_until_suite(self): for scope in self._all_scopes: yield scope if scope is self._suite: break @property def _scopes_until_test(self): for scope in self._scopes_until_suite: yield scope if scope is self._test: break
[docs] def start_suite(self): self._suite = self._global.copy() self._scopes.append(self._suite) self._variables_set.start_suite() self._variables_set.update(self._suite)
[docs] def end_suite(self): self._scopes.pop() self._suite = self._scopes[-1] if len(self._scopes) > 1 else None self._variables_set.end_suite()
[docs] def start_test(self): self._test = self._suite.copy() self._scopes.append(self._test) self._variables_set.start_test()
[docs] def end_test(self): self._scopes.pop() self._test = None self._variables_set.end_test()
[docs] def start_keyword(self): kw = self._suite.copy() self._variables_set.start_keyword() self._variables_set.update(kw) self._scopes.append(kw)
[docs] def end_keyword(self): self._scopes.pop() self._variables_set.end_keyword()
def __getitem__(self, name): return self.current[name] def __setitem__(self, name, value): self.current[name] = value def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.current
[docs] def replace_list(self, items, replace_until=None, ignore_errors=False): return self.current.replace_list(items, replace_until, ignore_errors)
[docs] def replace_scalar(self, items, ignore_errors=False): return self.current.replace_scalar(items, ignore_errors)
[docs] def replace_string(self, string, custom_unescaper=None, ignore_errors=False): return self.current.replace_string(string, custom_unescaper, ignore_errors)
[docs] def set_from_file(self, path, args, overwrite=False): variables = None for scope in self._scopes_until_suite: if variables is None: variables = scope.set_from_file(path, args, overwrite) else: scope.set_from_file(variables, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def set_from_variable_section(self, variables, overwrite=False): for scope in self._scopes_until_suite: scope.set_from_variable_section(variables, overwrite)
[docs] def resolve_delayed(self): for scope in self._scopes_until_suite: scope.resolve_delayed()
[docs] def set_global(self, name, value): for scope in self._all_scopes: name, value = self._set_global_suite_or_test(scope, name, value) self._variables_set.set_global(name, value)
def _set_global_suite_or_test(self, scope, name, value): scope[name] = value # Avoid creating new list/dict objects in different scopes. if name[0] != '$': name = '$' + name[1:] value = scope[name] return name, value
[docs] def set_suite(self, name, value, top=False, children=False): if top: self._scopes[1][name] = value return for scope in self._scopes_until_suite: name, value = self._set_global_suite_or_test(scope, name, value) self._variables_set.set_suite(name, value, children)
[docs] def set_test(self, name, value): if self._test is None: raise VariableError('Cannot set test variable when no test is started.') for scope in self._scopes_until_test: name, value = self._set_global_suite_or_test(scope, name, value) self._variables_set.set_test(name, value)
[docs] def set_keyword(self, name, value): self.current[name] = value self._variables_set.set_keyword(name, value)
[docs] def set_local(self, name, value): self.current[name] = value
[docs] def as_dict(self, decoration=True): return self.current.as_dict(decoration=decoration)
[docs] class GlobalVariables(Variables): _import_by_path_ends = ('.py', '/', os.sep, '.yaml', '.yml', '.json') def __init__(self, settings): super().__init__() self._set_built_in_variables(settings) self._set_cli_variables(settings) def _set_cli_variables(self, settings): for name, args in settings.variable_files: try: if name.lower().endswith(self._import_by_path_ends): name = find_file(name, file_type='Variable file') self.set_from_file(name, args) except: msg, details = get_error_details() LOGGER.error(msg) for varstr in settings.variables: try: name, value = varstr.split(':', 1) except ValueError: name, value = varstr, '' self['${%s}' % name] = value def _set_built_in_variables(self, settings): for name, value in [('${TEMPDIR}', abspath(tempfile.gettempdir())), ('${EXECDIR}', abspath('.')), ('${OPTIONS}', DotDict({ 'include': Tags(settings.include), 'exclude': Tags(settings.exclude), 'skip': Tags(settings.skip), 'skip_on_failure': Tags(settings.skip_on_failure), 'console_width': settings.console_width })), ('${/}', os.sep), ('${:}', os.pathsep), ('${\\n}', os.linesep), ('${SPACE}', ' '), ('${True}', True), ('${False}', False), ('${None}', None), ('${null}', None), ('${OUTPUT_DIR}', str(settings.output_directory)), ('${OUTPUT_FILE}', str(settings.output or 'NONE')), ('${REPORT_FILE}', str( or 'NONE')), ('${LOG_FILE}', str(settings.log or 'NONE')), ('${DEBUG_FILE}', str(settings.debug_file or 'NONE')), ('${LOG_LEVEL}', settings.log_level), ('${PREV_TEST_NAME}', ''), ('${PREV_TEST_STATUS}', ''), ('${PREV_TEST_MESSAGE}', '')]: self[name] = GlobalVariableValue(value)
[docs] class SetVariables: def __init__(self): self._suite = None self._test = None self._scopes = []
[docs] def start_suite(self): if not self._scopes: self._suite = NormalizedDict(ignore='_') else: self._suite = self._scopes[-1].copy() self._scopes.append(self._suite)
[docs] def end_suite(self): self._scopes.pop() self._suite = self._scopes[-1] if self._scopes else None
[docs] def start_test(self): self._test = self._scopes[-1].copy() self._scopes.append(self._test)
[docs] def end_test(self): self._test = None self._scopes.pop()
[docs] def start_keyword(self): self._scopes.append(self._scopes[-1].copy())
[docs] def end_keyword(self): self._scopes.pop()
[docs] def set_global(self, name, value): for scope in self._scopes: if name in scope: scope.pop(name)
[docs] def set_suite(self, name, value, children=False): for scope in reversed(self._scopes): if children: scope[name] = value elif name in scope: scope.pop(name) if scope is self._suite: break
[docs] def set_test(self, name, value): for scope in reversed(self._scopes): scope[name] = value if scope is self._test: break
[docs] def set_keyword(self, name, value): self._scopes[-1][name] = value
[docs] def update(self, variables): for name, value in self._scopes[-1].items(): variables[name] = value