Source code for robot.variables.tablesetter

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from typing import Any, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

from robot.errors import DataError
from robot.utils import DotDict, split_from_equals

from .resolvable import Resolvable
from .search import is_assign, is_list_variable, is_dict_variable

    from robot.running import Var, Variable
    from .store import VariableStore

[docs] class VariableTableSetter: def __init__(self, store: 'VariableStore'): = store
[docs] def set(self, variables: 'Sequence[Variable]', overwrite: bool = False): for var in variables: try: resolver = VariableResolver.from_variable(var), resolver, overwrite) except DataError as err: var.report_error(str(err))
[docs] class VariableResolver(Resolvable): def __init__(self, value: Sequence[str], error_reporter=None): self.value = tuple(value) self.error_reporter = error_reporter self.resolving = False self.resolved = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_name_and_value(cls, name: str, value: 'str|Sequence[str]', separator: 'str|None' = None, error_reporter=None) -> 'VariableResolver': if not is_assign(name, allow_nested=True): raise DataError(f"Invalid variable name '{name}'.") if name[0] == '$': return ScalarVariableResolver(value, separator, error_reporter) if separator is not None: raise DataError('Only scalar variables support separators.') klass = {'@': ListVariableResolver, '&': DictVariableResolver}[name[0]] return klass(value, error_reporter)
[docs] @classmethod def from_variable(cls, var: 'Var|Variable') -> 'VariableResolver': if var.error: raise DataError(var.error) return cls.from_name_and_value(, var.value, var.separator, getattr(var, 'report_error', None))
[docs] def resolve(self, variables) -> Any: if self.resolving: raise DataError('Recursive variable definition.') if not self.resolved: self.resolving = True try: self.value = self._replace_variables(variables) finally: self.resolving = False self.resolved = True return self.value
def _replace_variables(self, variables) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def report_error(self, error): if self.error_reporter: self.error_reporter(error) else: raise DataError(f'Error reporter not set. Reported error was: {error}')
[docs] class ScalarVariableResolver(VariableResolver): def __init__(self, value: 'str|Sequence[str]', separator: 'str|None' = None, error_reporter=None): value, separator = self._get_value_and_separator(value, separator) super().__init__(value, error_reporter) self.separator = separator def _get_value_and_separator(self, value, separator): if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] elif separator is None and value and value[0].startswith('SEPARATOR='): separator = value[0][10:] value = value[1:] return value, separator def _replace_variables(self, variables): value, separator = self.value, self.separator if self._is_single_value(value, separator): return variables.replace_scalar(value[0]) if separator is None: separator = ' ' else: separator = variables.replace_string(separator) value = variables.replace_list(value) return separator.join(str(item) for item in value) def _is_single_value(self, value, separator): return separator is None and len(value) == 1 and not is_list_variable(value[0])
[docs] class ListVariableResolver(VariableResolver): def _replace_variables(self, variables): return variables.replace_list(self.value)
[docs] class DictVariableResolver(VariableResolver): def __init__(self, value: Sequence[str], error_reporter=None): super().__init__(tuple(self._yield_formatted(value)), error_reporter) def _yield_formatted(self, values): for item in values: if is_dict_variable(item): yield item else: name, value = split_from_equals(item) if value is None: raise DataError( f"Invalid dictionary variable item '{item}'. Items must use " f"'name=value' syntax or be dictionary variables themselves." ) yield name, value def _replace_variables(self, variables): try: return DotDict(self._yield_replaced(self.value, variables.replace_scalar)) except TypeError as err: raise DataError(f'Creating dictionary variable failed: {err}') def _yield_replaced(self, values, replace_scalar): for item in values: if isinstance(item, tuple): key, values = item yield replace_scalar(key), replace_scalar(values) else: yield from replace_scalar(item).items()