Source code for robot.model.testsuite

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from robot.utils import setter

from .configurer import SuiteConfigurer
from .filter import Filter, EmptySuiteRemover
from .itemlist import ItemList
from .keyword import Keyword, Keywords
from .metadata import Metadata
from .modelobject import ModelObject
from .tagsetter import TagSetter
from .testcase import TestCase, TestCases

[docs]class TestSuite(ModelObject): """Base model for single suite. Extended by :class:`robot.running.model.TestSuite` and :class:`robot.result.model.TestSuite`. """ __slots__ = ['parent', 'source', '_name', 'doc', '_my_visitors', 'rpa'] test_class = TestCase #: Internal usage only. keyword_class = Keyword #: Internal usage only. def __init__(self, name='', doc='', metadata=None, source=None, rpa=False): self.parent = None #: Parent suite. ``None`` with the root suite. self._name = name self.doc = doc #: Test suite documentation. self.metadata = metadata self.source = source #: Path to the source file or directory. self.rpa = rpa self.suites = None self.tests = None self.keywords = None self._my_visitors = [] @property def _visitors(self): parent_visitors = self.parent._visitors if self.parent else [] return self._my_visitors + parent_visitors @property def name(self): """Test suite name. If not set, constructed from child suite names.""" return self._name or ' & '.join( for s in self.suites) @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name @property def longname(self): """Suite name prefixed with the long name of the parent suite.""" if not self.parent: return return '%s.%s' % (self.parent.longname, @setter def metadata(self, metadata): """Free test suite metadata as a dictionary.""" return Metadata(metadata) @setter def suites(self, suites): """Child suites as a :class:`~.TestSuites` object.""" return TestSuites(self.__class__, self, suites) @setter def tests(self, tests): """Tests as a :class:`~.TestCases` object.""" return TestCases(self.test_class, self, tests) @setter def keywords(self, keywords): """Suite setup and teardown as a :class:`~.Keywords` object.""" return Keywords(self.keyword_class, self, keywords) @property def id(self): """An automatically generated unique id. The root suite has id ``s1``, its child suites have ids ``s1-s1``, ``s1-s2``, ..., their child suites get ids ``s1-s1-s1``, ``s1-s1-s2``, ..., ``s1-s2-s1``, ..., and so on. The first test in a suite has an id like ``s1-t1``, the second has an id ``s1-t2``, and so on. Similarly keywords in suites (setup/teardown) and in tests get ids like ``s1-k1``, ``s1-t1-k1``, and ``s1-s4-t2-k5``. """ if not self.parent: return 's1' return '%s-s%d' % (, self.parent.suites.index(self)+1) @property def test_count(self): """Number of the tests in this suite, recursively.""" return len(self.tests) + sum(suite.test_count for suite in self.suites) @property def has_tests(self): if self.tests: return True return any(s.has_tests for s in self.suites)
[docs] def set_tags(self, add=None, remove=None, persist=False): """Add and/or remove specified tags to the tests in this suite. :param add: Tags to add as a list or, if adding only one, as a single string. :param remove: Tags to remove as a list or as a single string. Can be given as patterns where ``*`` and ``?`` work as wildcards. :param persist: Add/remove specified tags also to new tests added to this suite in the future. """ setter = TagSetter(add, remove) self.visit(setter) if persist: self._my_visitors.append(setter)
[docs] def filter(self, included_suites=None, included_tests=None, included_tags=None, excluded_tags=None): """Select test cases and remove others from this suite. Parameters have the same semantics as ``--suite``, ``--test``, ``--include``, and ``--exclude`` command line options. All of them can be given as a list of strings, or when selecting only one, as a single string. Child suites that contain no tests after filtering are automatically removed. Example:: suite.filter(included_tests=['Test 1', '* Example'], included_tags='priority-1') """ self.visit(Filter(included_suites, included_tests, included_tags, excluded_tags))
[docs] def configure(self, **options): """A shortcut to configure a suite using one method call. Can only be used with the root test suite. :param options: Passed to :class:`~robot.model.configurer.SuiteConfigurer` that will then set suite attributes, call :meth:`filter`, etc. as needed. """ if self.parent is not None: raise ValueError("'TestSuite.configure()' can only be used with " "the root test suite.") if options: self.visit(SuiteConfigurer(**options))
[docs] def remove_empty_suites(self, preserve_direct_children=False): """Removes all child suites not containing any tests, recursively.""" self.visit(EmptySuiteRemover(preserve_direct_children))
[docs] def visit(self, visitor): """:mod:`Visitor interface <robot.model.visitor>` entry-point.""" visitor.visit_suite(self)
[docs]class TestSuites(ItemList): __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, suite_class=TestSuite, parent=None, suites=None): ItemList.__init__(self, suite_class, {'parent': parent}, suites)