Source code for robot.tidypkg.transformers

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from itertools import takewhile

from robot.parsing import Token, ModelTransformer
from robot.parsing.model.statements import EmptyLine, End
from robot.utils import normalize_whitespace

[docs]class Cleaner(ModelTransformer): """Clean up and normalize data. Following transformations are made: 1) section headers are normalized to format `*** Section Name ***` 2) setting names are normalize in setting table and in test cases and user keywords to format `Setting Name` or `[Setting Name]` 3) settings without values are removed 4) Empty lines after section headers and within items are removed 5) For loop declaration and end tokens are normalized to `FOR` and `END` 6) Old style for loop indent (i.e. a cell with only a `\\`) are removed """ def __init__(self): self.in_data_section = False
[docs] def visit_CommentSection(self, section): self.generic_visit(section) return section
[docs] def visit_Section(self, section): self.in_data_section = True self._normalize_section_header(section) self.generic_visit(section) return section
def _normalize_section_header(self, section): header_token = section.header.data_tokens[0] normalized = self._normalize_name(header_token.value, remove='*') header_token.value = '*** %s ***' % normalized
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): statement.tokens = list(self._remove_old_for_loop_indent(statement)) if statement.type in Token.SETTING_TOKENS: self._normalize_setting_name(statement) self.generic_visit(statement) if self._is_setting_without_value(statement) or \ self._is_empty_line_in_data(statement): return None if self.in_data_section: self._remove_empty_lines_within_statement(statement) return statement
def _remove_old_for_loop_indent(self, statement): prev_was_for_indent = False for t in statement.tokens: if t.type == Token.OLD_FOR_INDENT: prev_was_for_indent = True continue elif prev_was_for_indent and t.type == Token.SEPARATOR: prev_was_for_indent = False continue else: yield t def _normalize_setting_name(self, statement): name = statement.data_tokens[0].value if name.startswith('['): cleaned = '[%s]' % self._normalize_name(name[1:-1]) else: cleaned = self._normalize_name(name) statement.data_tokens[0].value = cleaned def _normalize_name(self, marker, remove=None): if remove: marker = marker.replace(remove, '') return normalize_whitespace(marker).strip().title() def _is_setting_without_value(self, statement): return statement.type in Token.SETTING_TOKENS and \ len(statement.data_tokens) == 1 def _is_empty_line_in_data(self, statement): return self.in_data_section and statement.type == Token.EOL def _remove_empty_lines_within_statement(self, statement): new_tokens = [] for line in statement.lines: if len(line) == 1 and line[0].type == Token.EOL: continue new_tokens.extend(line) statement.tokens = new_tokens
[docs] def visit_ForLoop(self, loop): loop.header.data_tokens[0].value = 'FOR' if loop.end: loop.end.data_tokens[0].value = 'END' else: loop.end = End([Token(Token.SEPARATOR), Token(Token.END, 'END')]) self.generic_visit(loop) return loop
[docs]class NewlineNormalizer(ModelTransformer): """Normalize new lines in test data After this transformation, there is exactly one empty line between each section and between each test or user keyword. """ def __init__(self, newline, short_test_name_length): self.newline = newline self.short_test_name_length = short_test_name_length self.custom_test_section_headers = False self.last_test = None self.last_keyword = None self.last_section = None
[docs] def visit_File(self, node): self.last_section = node.sections[-1] if node.sections else None return self.generic_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_Section(self, node): if node is not self.last_section: node.body.append(EmptyLine.from_value(self.newline)) return self.generic_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_CommentSection(self, node): return self.generic_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_TestCaseSection(self, node): self.last_test = node.body[-1] if node.body else None self.custom_test_section_headers = len(node.header.data_tokens) > 1 section = self.visit_Section(node) self.custom_test_section_headers = False return section
[docs] def visit_TestCase(self, node): if not node.body or node is not self.last_test: node.body.append(EmptyLine.from_value(self.newline)) return self.generic_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_KeywordSection(self, node): self.last_keyword = node.body[-1] if node.body else None return self.visit_Section(node)
[docs] def visit_Keyword(self, node): if not node.body or node is not self.last_keyword: node.body.append(EmptyLine.from_value(self.newline)) return self.generic_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): if statement[-1].type != Token.EOL: if not self._should_write_content_after_name(statement): statement.tokens.append(Token(Token.EOL, self.newline)) for line in statement.lines: if line[-1].type == Token.EOL: line[-1].value = self.newline return statement
def _should_write_content_after_name(self, statement): return (statement.type in (Token.TESTCASE_NAME, Token.KEYWORD_NAME) and self.custom_test_section_headers and len(statement.tokens[0].value) < self.short_test_name_length)
[docs]class SeparatorNormalizer(ModelTransformer): """Make separators and indentation consistent.""" def __init__(self, use_pipes, space_count): self.use_pipes = use_pipes self.space_count = space_count self.indent = 0
[docs] def visit_TestCase(self, node): self.visit_Statement(node.header) self.indent += 1 node.body = [self.visit(item) for item in node.body] self.indent -= 1 return node
[docs] def visit_Keyword(self, node): self.visit_Statement(node.header) self.indent += 1 node.body = [self.visit(item) for item in node.body] self.indent -= 1 return node
[docs] def visit_ForLoop(self, node): self.visit_Statement(node.header) self.indent += 1 node.body = [self.visit(item) for item in node.body] self.indent -= 1 self.visit_Statement(node.end) return node
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): has_pipes = statement.tokens[0].value.startswith('|') if self.use_pipes: return self._handle_pipes(statement, has_pipes) return self._handle_spaces(statement, has_pipes)
def _handle_spaces(self, statement, has_pipes=False): new_tokens = [] for line in statement.lines: if has_pipes and len(line) > 1: line = self._remove_consecutive_separators(line) new_tokens.extend([self._normalize_spaces(i, t, len(line)) for i, t in enumerate(line)]) statement.tokens = new_tokens self.generic_visit(statement) return statement def _remove_consecutive_separators(self, line): sep_count = len(list( takewhile(lambda t: t.type == Token.SEPARATOR, line) )) return line[sep_count - 1:] def _normalize_spaces(self, index, token, line_length): if token.type == Token.SEPARATOR: spaces = self.space_count * self.indent \ if index == 0 else self.space_count token.value = ' ' * spaces # The last token is always EOL, this removes all dangling whitespace # from the token before the EOL if index == line_length - 2: token.value = token.value.rstrip() return token def _handle_pipes(self, statement, has_pipes=False): new_tokens = [] for line in statement.lines: if len(line) == 1 and line[0].type == Token.EOL: new_tokens.extend(line) continue if not has_pipes: line = self._insert_leading_and_trailing_separators(line) for index, token in enumerate(line): if token.type == Token.SEPARATOR: if index == 0: if self.indent: token.value = '| ' else: token.value = '| ' elif index < self.indent: token.value = ' | ' elif len(line) > 1 and index == len(line) - 2: # This is the separator before EOL. token.value = ' |' else: token.value = ' | ' new_tokens.extend(line) statement.tokens = new_tokens return statement def _insert_leading_and_trailing_separators(self, line): """Add missing separators to the beginning and the end of the line. When converting from spaces to pipes, a separator token is needed in the beginning of the line, for each indent level and in the end of the line. """ separators_needed = 1 if self.indent > 1: # Space format has 1 separator token regardless of the indent level. # With pipes, we need to add one separator for each indent level # beyond 1. separators_needed += self.indent - 1 for _ in range(separators_needed): line = [Token(Token.SEPARATOR, '')] + line if len(line) > 1: if line[-2].type != Token.SEPARATOR: line = line[:-1] + [Token(Token.SEPARATOR, ''), line[-1]] return line
[docs]class ColumnAligner(ModelTransformer): def __init__(self, short_test_name_length, widths): self.short_test_name_length = short_test_name_length self.widths = widths self.test_name_len = 0 self.indent = 0 self.first_statement_after_name_seen = False
[docs] def visit_TestCase(self, node): self.first_statement_after_name_seen = False return self.generic_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_ForLoop(self, node): self.indent += 1 self.generic_visit(node) self.indent -= 1 return node
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): if statement.type == Token.TESTCASE_NAME: self.test_name_len = len(statement.tokens[0].value) elif statement.type == Token.TESTCASE_HEADER: self.align_header(statement) else: self.align_statement(statement) return statement
[docs] def align_header(self, statement): for token, width in zip(statement.data_tokens[:-1], self.widths): token.value = token.value.ljust(width)
[docs] def align_statement(self, statement): for line in statement.lines: line = [t for t in line if t.type not in (Token.SEPARATOR, Token.EOL)] line_pos = 0 exp_pos = 0 widths = self.widths_for_line(line) for token, width in zip(line, widths): exp_pos += width if self.should_write_content_after_name(line_pos): exp_pos -= self.test_name_len self.first_statement_after_name_seen = True token.value = (exp_pos - line_pos) * ' ' + token.value line_pos += len(token.value)
[docs] def widths_for_line(self, line): if self.indent > 0 and self._should_be_indented(line): widths = self.widths[1:] widths[0] = widths[0] + self.widths[0] return widths return self.widths
def _should_be_indented(self, line): return line[0].type in (Token.KEYWORD, Token.ASSIGN, Token.CONTINUATION)
[docs] def should_write_content_after_name(self, line_pos): return line_pos == 0 and not self.first_statement_after_name_seen \ and self.test_name_len < self.short_test_name_length
[docs]class ColumnWidthCounter(ModelTransformer): def __init__(self): self.widths = []
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): if statement.type == Token.TESTCASE_HEADER: self._count_widths_from_statement(statement) elif statement.type != Token.TESTCASE_NAME: self._count_widths_from_statement(statement, indent=1) return statement
def _count_widths_from_statement(self, statement, indent=0): for line in statement.lines: line = [t for t in line if t.type not in (Token.SEPARATOR, Token.EOL)] for index, token in enumerate(line, start=indent): if index >= len(self.widths): self.widths.append(len(token.value)) elif len(token.value) > self.widths[index]: self.widths[index] = len(token.value)
[docs]class Aligner(ModelTransformer): def __init__(self, short_test_name_length, setting_and_variable_name_length, pipes_mode): self.short_test_name_length = short_test_name_length self.setting_and_variable_name_length = \ setting_and_variable_name_length self.pipes_mode = pipes_mode
[docs] def visit_TestCaseSection(self, section): if len(section.header.data_tokens) > 1: counter = ColumnWidthCounter() counter.visit(section) ColumnAligner(self.short_test_name_length, counter.widths).visit(section) return section
[docs] def visit_KeywordSection(self, section): return section
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): for line in statement.lines: value_tokens = [t for t in line if t.type not in (Token.SEPARATOR, Token.EOL)] if self._should_be_aligned(value_tokens): first = value_tokens[0] first.value = first.value.ljust( self.setting_and_variable_name_length ) return statement
def _should_be_aligned(self, tokens): if not tokens: return False if len(tokens) == 1: return self.pipes_mode if len(tokens) == 2: return tokens[0].type != Token.CONTINUATION or tokens[1].value return True