Source code for robot.utils.recommendations

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import difflib

[docs]class RecommendationFinder(object): def __init__(self, normalizer=None): self.normalizer = normalizer or (lambda x: x) self.recommendations = None
[docs] def find_and_format(self, name, candidates, message, max_matches=10): self.find(name, candidates, max_matches) return self.format(message)
[docs] def find(self, name, candidates, max_matches=10): """Return a list of close matches to `name` from `candidates`.""" if not name or not candidates: return [] norm_name = self.normalizer(name) norm_candidates = self._get_normalized_candidates(candidates) cutoff = self._calculate_cutoff(norm_name) norm_matches = difflib.get_close_matches( norm_name, norm_candidates, n=max_matches, cutoff=cutoff ) self.recommendations = self._get_original_candidates( norm_candidates, norm_matches ) return self.recommendations
[docs] def format(self, message, recommendations=None): """Add recommendations to the given message. The recommendation string looks like:: <message> Did you mean: <recommendations[0]> <recommendations[1]> <recommendations[2]> """ recommendations = recommendations or self.recommendations if recommendations: message += " Did you mean:" for rec in recommendations: message += "\n %s" % rec return message
def _get_normalized_candidates(self, candidates): norm_candidates = {} # sort before normalization for consistent Python/Jython ordering for cand in sorted(candidates): norm = self.normalizer(cand) norm_candidates.setdefault(norm, []).append(cand) return norm_candidates def _get_original_candidates(self, norm_candidates, norm_matches): candidates = [] for norm_match in norm_matches: candidates.extend(norm_candidates[norm_match]) return candidates def _calculate_cutoff(self, string, min_cutoff=.5, max_cutoff=.85, step=.03): """Calculate a cutoff depending on string length. Default values determined by manual tuning until the results "look right". """ cutoff = min_cutoff + len(string) * step return min(cutoff, max_cutoff)