Source code for robot.model.testsuite

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from robot.utils import py3to2, setter

from .configurer import SuiteConfigurer
from .filter import Filter, EmptySuiteRemover
from .fixture import create_fixture
from .itemlist import ItemList
from .keyword import Keyword, Keywords
from .metadata import Metadata
from .modelobject import ModelObject
from .tagsetter import TagSetter
from .testcase import TestCase, TestCases

[docs]@py3to2 class TestSuite(ModelObject): """Base model for single suite. Extended by :class:`robot.running.model.TestSuite` and :class:`robot.result.model.TestSuite`. """ test_class = TestCase #: Internal usage only. fixture_class = Keyword #: Internal usage only. repr_args = ('name',) __slots__ = ['parent', 'source', '_name', 'doc', '_my_visitors', 'rpa'] def __init__(self, name='', doc='', metadata=None, source=None, rpa=False, parent=None): self._name = name self.doc = doc self.metadata = metadata self.source = source #: Path to the source file or directory. self.parent = parent #: Parent suite. ``None`` with the root suite. self.rpa = rpa #: ``True`` when RPA mode is enabled. self.suites = None self.tests = None self.setup = None self.teardown = None self._my_visitors = [] @property def _visitors(self): parent_visitors = self.parent._visitors if self.parent else [] return self._my_visitors + parent_visitors @property def name(self): """Test suite name. If not set, constructed from child suite names.""" return self._name or ' & '.join( for s in self.suites) @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name @property def longname(self): """Suite name prefixed with the long name of the parent suite.""" if not self.parent: return return '%s.%s' % (self.parent.longname, @setter def metadata(self, metadata): """Free test suite metadata as a dictionary.""" return Metadata(metadata) @setter def suites(self, suites): """Child suites as a :class:`~.TestSuites` object.""" return TestSuites(self.__class__, self, suites) @setter def tests(self, tests): """Tests as a :class:`~.TestCases` object.""" return TestCases(self.test_class, self, tests) @setter def setup(self, setup): """Suite setup as a :class:`~.model.keyword.Keyword` object. This attribute is a ``Keyword`` object also when a suite has no setup but in that case its truth value is ``False``. Setup can be modified by setting attributes directly:: = 'Example' suite.setup.args = ('First', 'Second') Alternatively the :meth:`config` method can be used to set multiple attributes in one call:: suite.setup.config(name='Example', args=('First', 'Second')) The easiest way to reset the whole setup is setting it to ``None``. It will automatically recreate the underlying ``Keyword`` object:: suite.setup = None New in Robot Framework 4.0. Earlier setup was accessed like ``suite.keywords.setup``. """ return create_fixture(setup, self, Keyword.SETUP) @setter def teardown(self, teardown): """Suite teardown as a :class:`~.model.keyword.Keyword` object. See :attr:`setup` for more information. """ return create_fixture(teardown, self, Keyword.TEARDOWN) @property def keywords(self): """Deprecated since Robot Framework 4.0 Use :attr:`setup` or :attr:`teardown` instead. """ keywords = [self.setup, self.teardown] return Keywords(self, [kw for kw in keywords if kw]) @keywords.setter def keywords(self, keywords): Keywords.raise_deprecation_error() @property def id(self): """An automatically generated unique id. The root suite has id ``s1``, its child suites have ids ``s1-s1``, ``s1-s2``, ..., their child suites get ids ``s1-s1-s1``, ``s1-s1-s2``, ..., ``s1-s2-s1``, ..., and so on. The first test in a suite has an id like ``s1-t1``, the second has an id ``s1-t2``, and so on. Similarly keywords in suites (setup/teardown) and in tests get ids like ``s1-k1``, ``s1-t1-k1``, and ``s1-s4-t2-k5``. """ if not self.parent: return 's1' return '%s-s%d' % (, self.parent.suites.index(self)+1) @property def test_count(self): """Number of the tests in this suite, recursively.""" return len(self.tests) + sum(suite.test_count for suite in self.suites) @property def has_tests(self): if self.tests: return True return any(s.has_tests for s in self.suites)
[docs] def set_tags(self, add=None, remove=None, persist=False): """Add and/or remove specified tags to the tests in this suite. :param add: Tags to add as a list or, if adding only one, as a single string. :param remove: Tags to remove as a list or as a single string. Can be given as patterns where ``*`` and ``?`` work as wildcards. :param persist: Add/remove specified tags also to new tests added to this suite in the future. """ setter = TagSetter(add, remove) self.visit(setter) if persist: self._my_visitors.append(setter)
[docs] def filter(self, included_suites=None, included_tests=None, included_tags=None, excluded_tags=None): """Select test cases and remove others from this suite. Parameters have the same semantics as ``--suite``, ``--test``, ``--include``, and ``--exclude`` command line options. All of them can be given as a list of strings, or when selecting only one, as a single string. Child suites that contain no tests after filtering are automatically removed. Example:: suite.filter(included_tests=['Test 1', '* Example'], included_tags='priority-1') """ self.visit(Filter(included_suites, included_tests, included_tags, excluded_tags))
[docs] def configure(self, **options): """A shortcut to configure a suite using one method call. Can only be used with the root test suite. :param options: Passed to :class:`~robot.model.configurer.SuiteConfigurer` that will then set suite attributes, call :meth:`filter`, etc. as needed. Not to be confused with :meth:`config` method that suites, tests, and keywords have to make it possible to set multiple attributes in one call. """ if self.parent is not None: raise ValueError("'TestSuite.configure()' can only be used with " "the root test suite.") if options: self.visit(SuiteConfigurer(**options))
[docs] def remove_empty_suites(self, preserve_direct_children=False): """Removes all child suites not containing any tests, recursively.""" self.visit(EmptySuiteRemover(preserve_direct_children))
[docs] def visit(self, visitor): """:mod:`Visitor interface <robot.model.visitor>` entry-point.""" visitor.visit_suite(self)
def __str__(self): return
[docs]class TestSuites(ItemList): __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, suite_class=TestSuite, parent=None, suites=None): ItemList.__init__(self, suite_class, {'parent': parent}, suites)