Source code for robot.parsing.model.blocks

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import ast

from robot.utils import file_writer, is_pathlike, is_string

from .visitor import ModelVisitor
from ..lexer import Token

[docs]class Block(ast.AST): _fields = () _attributes = ('lineno', 'col_offset', 'end_lineno', 'end_col_offset', 'errors') errors = () @property def lineno(self): statement = FirstStatementFinder.find_from(self) return statement.lineno if statement else -1 @property def col_offset(self): statement = FirstStatementFinder.find_from(self) return statement.col_offset if statement else -1 @property def end_lineno(self): statement = LastStatementFinder.find_from(self) return statement.end_lineno if statement else -1 @property def end_col_offset(self): statement = LastStatementFinder.find_from(self) return statement.end_col_offset if statement else -1
[docs] def validate_model(self): ModelValidator().visit(self)
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class File(Block): _fields = ('sections',) _attributes = ('source',) + Block._attributes def __init__(self, sections=None, source=None): self.sections = sections or [] self.source = source
[docs] def save(self, output=None): """Save model to the given ``output`` or to the original source file. The ``output`` can be a path to a file or an already opened file object. If ``output`` is not given, the original source file will be overwritten. """ output = output or self.source if output is None: raise TypeError('Saving model requires explicit output ' 'when original source is not path.') ModelWriter(output).write(self)
[docs]class Section(Block): _fields = ('header', 'body') def __init__(self, header=None, body=None): self.header = header self.body = body or []
[docs]class SettingSection(Section): pass
[docs]class VariableSection(Section): pass
[docs]class TestCaseSection(Section): @property def tasks(self): return in ('TASKS', 'TASK')
[docs]class KeywordSection(Section): pass
[docs]class CommentSection(Section): pass
[docs]class TestCase(Block): _fields = ('header', 'body') def __init__(self, header, body=None): self.header = header self.body = body or [] @property def name(self): return
[docs]class Keyword(Block): _fields = ('header', 'body') def __init__(self, header, body=None): self.header = header self.body = body or [] @property def name(self): return
[docs]class If(Block): """Represents IF structures in the model. Used with IF, ELSE_IF and ELSE nodes. The :attr:`type` attribute specifies the type. """ _fields = ('header', 'body', 'orelse', 'end') def __init__(self, header, body=None, orelse=None, end=None, errors=()): self.header = header self.body = body or [] self.orelse = orelse self.end = end self.errors = errors @property def type(self): return self.header.type @property def condition(self): return self.header.condition
[docs] def validate(self): self._validate_body() if self.type == Token.IF: self._validate_structure() self._validate_end()
def _validate_body(self): if not self.body: self.errors += ('%s has empty body.' % self.type,) def _validate_structure(self): orelse = self.orelse else_seen = False while orelse: if else_seen: if orelse.type == Token.ELSE: self.errors += ('Multiple ELSE branches.',) else: self.errors += ('ELSE IF after ELSE.',) else_seen = else_seen or orelse.type == Token.ELSE orelse = orelse.orelse def _validate_end(self): if not self.end: self.errors += ('IF has no closing END.',)
[docs]class For(Block): _fields = ('header', 'body', 'end') def __init__(self, header, body=None, end=None, errors=()): self.header = header self.body = body or [] self.end = end self.errors = errors @property def variables(self): return self.header.variables @property def values(self): return self.header.values @property def flavor(self): return self.header.flavor
[docs] def validate(self): if not self.body: self.errors += ('FOR loop has empty body.',) if not self.end: self.errors += ('FOR loop has no closing END.',)
[docs]class ModelWriter(ModelVisitor): def __init__(self, output): if is_string(output) or is_pathlike(output): self.writer = file_writer(output) self.close_writer = True else: self.writer = output self.close_writer = False
[docs] def write(self, model): try: self.visit(model) finally: if self.close_writer: self.writer.close()
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): for token in statement.tokens: self.writer.write(token.value)
[docs]class ModelValidator(ModelVisitor):
[docs] def visit_Block(self, node): node.validate() ModelVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, node): node.validate() ModelVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
[docs]class FirstStatementFinder(ModelVisitor): def __init__(self): self.statement = None
[docs] @classmethod def find_from(cls, model): finder = cls() finder.visit(model) return finder.statement
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): if self.statement is None: self.statement = statement
[docs] def generic_visit(self, node): if self.statement is None: ModelVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
[docs]class LastStatementFinder(ModelVisitor): def __init__(self): self.statement = None
[docs] @classmethod def find_from(cls, model): finder = cls() finder.visit(model) return finder.statement
[docs] def visit_Statement(self, statement): self.statement = statement