Source code for robot.libdocpkg.model

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import json
import re
from itertools import chain

from robot.model import Tags
from robot.running import ArgumentSpec
from robot.utils import getshortdoc, get_timestamp, Sortable, setter

from .htmlutils import DocFormatter, DocToHtml, HtmlToText
from .writer import LibdocWriter
from .output import LibdocOutput

[docs]class LibraryDoc: def __init__(self, name='', doc='', version='', type='LIBRARY', scope='TEST', doc_format='ROBOT', source=None, lineno=-1): = name self._doc = doc self.version = version self.type = type self.scope = scope self.doc_format = doc_format self.source = source self.lineno = lineno self.inits = () self.keywords = () self.type_docs = () @property def doc(self): if self.doc_format == 'ROBOT' and '%TOC%' in self._doc: return self._add_toc(self._doc) return self._doc def _add_toc(self, doc): toc = self._create_toc(doc) return '\n'.join(line if line.strip() != '%TOC%' else toc for line in doc.splitlines()) def _create_toc(self, doc): entries = re.findall(r'^\s*=\s+(.+?)\s+=\s*$', doc, flags=re.MULTILINE) if self.inits: entries.append('Importing') if self.keywords: entries.append('Keywords') return '\n'.join('- `%s`' % entry for entry in entries) @setter def doc_format(self, format): return format or 'ROBOT' @setter def inits(self, inits): return self._process_keywords(inits) @setter def keywords(self, kws): return self._process_keywords(kws) @setter def type_docs(self, type_docs): return set(type_docs) def _process_keywords(self, kws): for keyword in kws: keyword.parent = self return sorted(kws) @property def all_tags(self): return Tags(chain.from_iterable(kw.tags for kw in self.keywords))
[docs] def save(self, output=None, format='HTML'): with LibdocOutput(output, format) as outfile: LibdocWriter(format).write(self, outfile)
[docs] def convert_docs_to_html(self): formatter = DocFormatter(self.keywords, self.type_docs, self.doc, self.doc_format) self._doc = formatter.html(self.doc, intro=True) for item in self.inits + self.keywords: # If 'shortdoc' is not set, it is generated automatically based on 'doc' # when accessed. Generate and set it to avoid HTML format affecting it. item.shortdoc = item.shortdoc item.doc = formatter.html(item.doc) for type_doc in self.type_docs: # Standard docs are always in ROBOT format ... if type_doc.type == type_doc.STANDARD: # ... unless they have been converted to HTML already. if not type_doc.doc.startswith('<p>'): type_doc.doc = DocToHtml('ROBOT')(type_doc.doc) else: type_doc.doc = formatter.html(type_doc.doc) self.doc_format = 'HTML'
[docs] def to_dictionary(self): return { 'specversion': 1, 'name':, 'doc': self.doc, 'version': self.version, 'generated': get_timestamp(daysep='-', millissep=None), 'type': self.type, 'scope': self.scope, 'docFormat': self.doc_format, 'source': self.source, 'lineno': self.lineno, 'tags': list(self.all_tags), 'inits': [init.to_dictionary() for init in self.inits], 'keywords': [kw.to_dictionary() for kw in self.keywords], # 'dataTypes' was deprecated in RF 5, 'typedoc' should be used instead. 'dataTypes': self._get_data_types(self.type_docs), 'typedocs': [t.to_dictionary() for t in sorted(self.type_docs)] }
def _get_data_types(self, types): enums = sorted(t for t in types if t.type == 'Enum') typed_dicts = sorted(t for t in types if t.type == 'TypedDict') return { 'enums': [t.to_dictionary(legacy=True) for t in enums], 'typedDicts': [t.to_dictionary(legacy=True) for t in typed_dicts] }
[docs] def to_json(self, indent=None): data = self.to_dictionary() return json.dumps(data, indent=indent)
[docs]class KeywordDoc(Sortable): def __init__(self, name='', args=None, doc='', shortdoc='', tags=(), source=None, lineno=-1, parent=None): = name self.args = args or ArgumentSpec() self.doc = doc self._shortdoc = shortdoc self.tags = Tags(tags) self.source = source self.lineno = lineno self.parent = parent # Map argument types to type documentations. self.type_docs = { {} for arg in self.args} @property def shortdoc(self): return self._shortdoc or self._doc_to_shortdoc() def _doc_to_shortdoc(self): if self.parent and self.parent.doc_format == 'HTML': doc = HtmlToText().get_shortdoc_from_html(self.doc) else: doc = self.doc return ' '.join(getshortdoc(doc).splitlines()) @shortdoc.setter def shortdoc(self, shortdoc): self._shortdoc = shortdoc @property def deprecated(self): return self.doc.startswith('*DEPRECATED') and '*' in self.doc[1:] @property def _sort_key(self): return
[docs] def to_dictionary(self): return { 'name':, 'args': [self._arg_to_dict(arg) for arg in self.args], 'doc': self.doc, 'shortdoc': self.shortdoc, 'tags': list(self.tags), 'source': self.source, 'lineno': self.lineno }
def _arg_to_dict(self, arg): return { 'name':, 'types': arg.types_reprs, 'typedocs': self.type_docs.get(, {}), 'defaultValue': arg.default_repr, 'kind': arg.kind, 'required': arg.required, 'repr': str(arg) }