Source code for robot.parsing.lexer.tokens

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from robot.variables import VariableIterator

[docs]class Token: """Token representing piece of Robot Framework data. Each token has type, value, line number, column offset and end column offset in :attr:`type`, :attr:`value`, :attr:`lineno`, :attr:`col_offset` and :attr:`end_col_offset` attributes, respectively. Tokens representing error also have their error message in :attr:`error` attribute. Token types are declared as class attributes such as :attr:`SETTING_HEADER` and :attr:`EOL`. Values of these constants have changed slightly in Robot Framework 4.0 and they may change again in the future. It is thus safer to use the constants, not their values, when types are needed. For example, use ``Token(Token.EOL)`` instead of ``Token('EOL')`` and ``token.type == Token.EOL`` instead of ``token.type == 'EOL'``. If :attr:`value` is not given when :class:`Token` is initialized and :attr:`type` is :attr:`IF`, :attr:`ELSE_IF`, :attr:`ELSE`, :attr:`FOR`, :attr:`END`, :attr:`WITH_NAME` or :attr:`CONTINUATION`, the value is automatically set to the correct marker value like ``'IF'`` or ``'ELSE IF'``. If :attr:`type` is :attr:`EOL` in this case, the value is set to ``'\\n'``. """ SETTING_HEADER = 'SETTING HEADER' VARIABLE_HEADER = 'VARIABLE HEADER' TESTCASE_HEADER = 'TESTCASE HEADER' KEYWORD_HEADER = 'KEYWORD HEADER' COMMENT_HEADER = 'COMMENT HEADER' TESTCASE_NAME = 'TESTCASE NAME' KEYWORD_NAME = 'KEYWORD NAME' DOCUMENTATION = 'DOCUMENTATION' SUITE_SETUP = 'SUITE SETUP' SUITE_TEARDOWN = 'SUITE TEARDOWN' METADATA = 'METADATA' TEST_SETUP = 'TEST SETUP' TEST_TEARDOWN = 'TEST TEARDOWN' TEST_TEMPLATE = 'TEST TEMPLATE' TEST_TIMEOUT = 'TEST TIMEOUT' FORCE_TAGS = 'FORCE TAGS' DEFAULT_TAGS = 'DEFAULT TAGS' LIBRARY = 'LIBRARY' RESOURCE = 'RESOURCE' VARIABLES = 'VARIABLES' SETUP = 'SETUP' TEARDOWN = 'TEARDOWN' TEMPLATE = 'TEMPLATE' TIMEOUT = 'TIMEOUT' TAGS = 'TAGS' ARGUMENTS = 'ARGUMENTS' # Use ´RETURN_SETTING` type instead of `RETURN`. `[Return]` is deprecated and # `RETURN` type will be used with `RETURN` statement in the future. RETURN = 'RETURN' RETURN_SETTING = RETURN NAME = 'NAME' VARIABLE = 'VARIABLE' ARGUMENT = 'ARGUMENT' ASSIGN = 'ASSIGN' KEYWORD = 'KEYWORD' WITH_NAME = 'WITH NAME' FOR = 'FOR' FOR_SEPARATOR = 'FOR SEPARATOR' END = 'END' IF = 'IF' INLINE_IF = 'INLINE IF' ELSE_IF = 'ELSE IF' ELSE = 'ELSE' TRY = 'TRY' EXCEPT = 'EXCEPT' FINALLY = 'FINALLY' AS = 'AS' WHILE = 'WHILE' RETURN_STATEMENT = 'RETURN STATEMENT' CONTINUE = 'CONTINUE' BREAK = 'BREAK' OPTION = 'OPTION' SEPARATOR = 'SEPARATOR' COMMENT = 'COMMENT' CONTINUATION = 'CONTINUATION' EOL = 'EOL' EOS = 'EOS' ERROR = 'ERROR' FATAL_ERROR = 'FATAL ERROR' NON_DATA_TOKENS = frozenset(( SEPARATOR, COMMENT, CONTINUATION, EOL, EOS )) SETTING_TOKENS = frozenset(( DOCUMENTATION, SUITE_SETUP, SUITE_TEARDOWN, METADATA, TEST_SETUP, TEST_TEARDOWN, TEST_TEMPLATE, TEST_TIMEOUT, FORCE_TAGS, DEFAULT_TAGS, LIBRARY, RESOURCE, VARIABLES, SETUP, TEARDOWN, TEMPLATE, TIMEOUT, TAGS, ARGUMENTS, RETURN )) HEADER_TOKENS = frozenset(( SETTING_HEADER, VARIABLE_HEADER, TESTCASE_HEADER, KEYWORD_HEADER, COMMENT_HEADER )) ALLOW_VARIABLES = frozenset(( NAME, ARGUMENT, TESTCASE_NAME, KEYWORD_NAME )) __slots__ = ['type', 'value', 'lineno', 'col_offset', 'error', '_add_eos_before', '_add_eos_after'] def __init__(self, type=None, value=None, lineno=-1, col_offset=-1, error=None): self.type = type if value is None: value = { Token.IF: 'IF', Token.ELSE_IF: 'ELSE IF', Token.ELSE: 'ELSE', Token.INLINE_IF: 'IF', Token.FOR: 'FOR', Token.END: 'END', Token.RETURN_STATEMENT: 'RETURN', Token.CONTINUE: 'CONTINUE', Token.BREAK: 'BREAK', Token.CONTINUATION: '...', Token.EOL: '\n', Token.WITH_NAME: 'WITH NAME' }.get(type, '') self.value = value self.lineno = lineno self.col_offset = col_offset self.error = error # Used internally be lexer to indicate that EOS is needed before/after. self._add_eos_before = False self._add_eos_after = False @property def end_col_offset(self): if self.col_offset == -1: return -1 return self.col_offset + len(self.value)
[docs] def set_error(self, error, fatal=False): self.type = Token.ERROR if not fatal else Token.FATAL_ERROR self.error = error
[docs] def tokenize_variables(self): """Tokenizes possible variables in token value. Yields the token itself if the token does not allow variables (see :attr:`Token.ALLOW_VARIABLES`) or its value does not contain variables. Otherwise yields variable tokens as well as tokens before, after, or between variables so that they have the same type as the original token. """ if self.type not in Token.ALLOW_VARIABLES: return self._tokenize_no_variables() variables = VariableIterator(self.value) if not variables: return self._tokenize_no_variables() return self._tokenize_variables(variables)
def _tokenize_no_variables(self): yield self def _tokenize_variables(self, variables): lineno = self.lineno col_offset = self.col_offset remaining = '' for before, variable, remaining in variables: if before: yield Token(self.type, before, lineno, col_offset) col_offset += len(before) yield Token(Token.VARIABLE, variable, lineno, col_offset) col_offset += len(variable) if remaining: yield Token(self.type, remaining, lineno, col_offset) def __str__(self): return self.value def __repr__(self): type_ = self.type.replace(' ', '_') if self.type else 'None' error = '' if not self.error else ', %r' % self.error return 'Token(%s, %r, %s, %s%s)' % (type_, self.value, self.lineno, self.col_offset, error) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, Token) and self.type == other.type and self.value == other.value and self.lineno == other.lineno and self.col_offset == other.col_offset and self.error == other.error)
[docs]class EOS(Token): """Token representing end of a statement.""" __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, lineno=-1, col_offset=-1): Token.__init__(self, Token.EOS, '', lineno, col_offset)
[docs] @classmethod def from_token(cls, token, before=False): col_offset = token.col_offset if before else token.end_col_offset return EOS(token.lineno, col_offset)
[docs]class END(Token): """Token representing END token used to signify block ending. Virtual END tokens have '' as their value, with "real" END tokens the value is 'END'. """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, lineno=-1, col_offset=-1, virtual=False): value = 'END' if not virtual else '' Token.__init__(self, Token.END, value, lineno, col_offset)
[docs] @classmethod def from_token(cls, token, virtual=False): return END(token.lineno, token.end_col_offset, virtual)