Source code for robot.utils.argumentparser

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import getopt
import glob
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys
import string
import warnings

from robot.errors import DataError, Information, FrameworkError
from robot.version import get_full_version

from .encoding import console_decode, system_decode
from .filereader import FileReader
from .misc import plural_or_not
from .robottypes import is_falsy, is_integer, is_string

[docs]def cmdline2list(args, escaping=False): lexer = shlex.shlex(args, posix=True) if is_falsy(escaping): lexer.escape = '' lexer.escapedquotes = '"\'' lexer.commenters = '' lexer.whitespace_split = True try: return list(lexer) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError("Parsing '%s' failed: %s" % (args, err))
[docs]class ArgumentParser: _opt_line_re = re.compile(r''' ^\s{1,4} # 1-4 spaces in the beginning of the line ((-\S\s)*) # all possible short options incl. spaces (group 1) --(\S{2,}) # required long option (group 3) (\s\S+)? # optional value (group 4) (\s\*)? # optional '*' telling option allowed multiple times (group 5) ''', re.VERBOSE) def __init__(self, usage, name=None, version=None, arg_limits=None, validator=None, env_options=None, auto_help=True, auto_version=True, auto_pythonpath='DEPRECATED', auto_argumentfile=True): """Available options and tool name are read from the usage. Tool name is got from the first row of the usage. It is either the whole row or anything before first ' -- '. """ if not usage: raise FrameworkError('Usage cannot be empty') = name or usage.splitlines()[0].split(' -- ')[0].strip() self.version = version or get_full_version() self._usage = usage self._arg_limit_validator = ArgLimitValidator(arg_limits) self._validator = validator self._auto_help = auto_help self._auto_version = auto_version # TODO: Change DeprecationWarning to more loud UserWarning in RF 5.1. if auto_pythonpath == 'DEPRECATED': auto_pythonpath = False else: warnings.warn("ArgumentParser option 'auto_pythonpath' is deprecated " "since Robot Framework 5.0.", DeprecationWarning) self._auto_pythonpath = auto_pythonpath self._auto_argumentfile = auto_argumentfile self._env_options = env_options self._short_opts = '' self._long_opts = [] self._multi_opts = [] self._flag_opts = [] self._short_to_long = {} self._expected_args = () self._create_options(usage)
[docs] def parse_args(self, args): """Parse given arguments and return options and positional arguments. Arguments must be given as a list and are typically sys.argv[1:]. Options are returned as a dictionary where long options are keys. Value is a string for those options that can be given only one time (if they are given multiple times the last value is used) or None if the option is not used at all. Value for options that can be given multiple times (denoted with '*' in the usage) is a list which contains all the given values and is empty if options are not used. Options not taken arguments have value False when they are not set and True otherwise. Positional arguments are returned as a list in the order they are given. If 'check_args' is True, this method will automatically check that correct number of arguments, as parsed from the usage line, are given. If the last argument in the usage line ends with the character 's', the maximum number of arguments is infinite. Possible errors in processing arguments are reported using DataError. Some options have a special meaning and are handled automatically if defined in the usage and given from the command line: --argumentfile can be used to automatically read arguments from a specified file. When --argumentfile is used, the parser always allows using it multiple times. Adding '*' to denote that is thus recommend. A special value 'stdin' can be used to read arguments from stdin instead of a file. --pythonpath can be used to add extra path(s) to sys.path. This functionality was deprecated in Robot Framework 5.0. --help and --version automatically generate help and version messages. Version is generated based on the tool name and version -- see __init__ for information how to set them. Help contains the whole usage given to __init__. Possible <VERSION> text in the usage is replaced with the given version. Both help and version are wrapped to Information exception. """ args = self._get_env_options() + list(args) args = [system_decode(a) for a in args] if self._auto_argumentfile: args = self._process_possible_argfile(args) opts, args = self._parse_args(args) if self._auto_argumentfile and opts.get('argumentfile'): raise DataError("Using '--argumentfile' option in shortened format " "like '--argumentf' is not supported.") opts, args = self._handle_special_options(opts, args) self._arg_limit_validator(args) if self._validator: opts, args = self._validator(opts, args) return opts, args
def _get_env_options(self): if self._env_options: options = os.getenv(self._env_options) if options: return cmdline2list(options) return [] def _handle_special_options(self, opts, args): if self._auto_help and opts.get('help'): self._raise_help() if self._auto_version and opts.get('version'): self._raise_version() if self._auto_pythonpath and opts.get('pythonpath'): sys.path = self._get_pythonpath(opts['pythonpath']) + sys.path for auto, opt in [(self._auto_help, 'help'), (self._auto_version, 'version'), (self._auto_pythonpath, 'pythonpath'), (self._auto_argumentfile, 'argumentfile')]: if auto and opt in opts: opts.pop(opt) return opts, args def _parse_args(self, args): args = [self._lowercase_long_option(a) for a in args] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, self._short_opts, self._long_opts) except getopt.GetoptError as err: raise DataError(err.msg) return self._process_opts(opts), self._glob_args(args) def _lowercase_long_option(self, opt): if not opt.startswith('--'): return opt if '=' not in opt: return opt.lower() opt, value = opt.split('=', 1) return '%s=%s' % (opt.lower(), value) def _process_possible_argfile(self, args): options = ['--argumentfile'] for short_opt, long_opt in self._short_to_long.items(): if long_opt == 'argumentfile': options.append('-'+short_opt) return ArgFileParser(options).process(args) def _process_opts(self, opt_tuple): opts = self._get_default_opts() for name, value in opt_tuple: name = self._get_name(name) if name in self._multi_opts: opts[name].append(value) elif name in self._flag_opts: opts[name] = True elif name.startswith('no') and name[2:] in self._flag_opts: opts[name[2:]] = False else: opts[name] = value return opts def _get_default_opts(self): defaults = {} for opt in self._long_opts: opt = opt.rstrip('=') if opt.startswith('no') and opt[2:] in self._flag_opts: continue defaults[opt] = [] if opt in self._multi_opts else None return defaults def _glob_args(self, args): temp = [] for path in args: paths = sorted(glob.glob(path)) if paths: temp.extend(paths) else: temp.append(path) return temp def _get_name(self, name): name = name.lstrip('-') try: return self._short_to_long[name] except KeyError: return name def _create_options(self, usage): for line in usage.splitlines(): res = self._opt_line_re.match(line) if res: self._create_option(short_opts=[o[1] for o in],, takes_arg=bool(, is_multi=bool( def _create_option(self, short_opts, long_opt, takes_arg, is_multi): self._verify_long_not_already_used(long_opt, not takes_arg) for sopt in short_opts: if sopt in self._short_to_long: self._raise_option_multiple_times_in_usage('-' + sopt) self._short_to_long[sopt] = long_opt if is_multi: self._multi_opts.append(long_opt) if takes_arg: long_opt += '=' short_opts = [sopt+':' for sopt in short_opts] else: if long_opt.startswith('no'): long_opt = long_opt[2:] self._long_opts.append('no' + long_opt) self._flag_opts.append(long_opt) self._long_opts.append(long_opt) self._short_opts += (''.join(short_opts)) def _verify_long_not_already_used(self, opt, flag=False): if flag: if opt.startswith('no'): opt = opt[2:] self._verify_long_not_already_used(opt) self._verify_long_not_already_used('no' + opt) elif opt in [o.rstrip('=') for o in self._long_opts]: self._raise_option_multiple_times_in_usage('--' + opt) def _get_pythonpath(self, paths): if is_string(paths): paths = [paths] temp = [] for path in self._split_pythonpath(paths): temp.extend(glob.glob(path)) return [os.path.abspath(path) for path in temp if path] def _split_pythonpath(self, paths): # paths may already contain ':' as separator tokens = ':'.join(paths).split(':') if os.sep == '/': return tokens # Fix paths split like 'c:\temp' -> 'c', '\temp' ret = [] drive = '' for item in tokens: item = item.replace('/', '\\') if drive and item.startswith('\\'): ret.append('%s:%s' % (drive, item)) drive = '' continue if drive: ret.append(drive) drive = '' if len(item) == 1 and item in string.ascii_letters: drive = item else: ret.append(item) if drive: ret.append(drive) return ret def _raise_help(self): usage = self._usage if self.version: usage = usage.replace('<VERSION>', self.version) raise Information(usage) def _raise_version(self): raise Information('%s %s' % (, self.version)) def _raise_option_multiple_times_in_usage(self, opt): raise FrameworkError("Option '%s' multiple times in usage" % opt)
[docs]class ArgLimitValidator: def __init__(self, arg_limits): self._min_args, self._max_args = self._parse_arg_limits(arg_limits) def _parse_arg_limits(self, arg_limits): if arg_limits is None: return 0, sys.maxsize if is_integer(arg_limits): return arg_limits, arg_limits if len(arg_limits) == 1: return arg_limits[0], sys.maxsize return arg_limits[0], arg_limits[1] def __call__(self, args): if not (self._min_args <= len(args) <= self._max_args): self._raise_invalid_args(self._min_args, self._max_args, len(args)) def _raise_invalid_args(self, min_args, max_args, arg_count): min_end = plural_or_not(min_args) if min_args == max_args: expectation = "%d argument%s" % (min_args, min_end) elif max_args != sys.maxsize: expectation = "%d to %d arguments" % (min_args, max_args) else: expectation = "at least %d argument%s" % (min_args, min_end) raise DataError("Expected %s, got %d." % (expectation, arg_count))
[docs]class ArgFileParser: def __init__(self, options): self._options = options
[docs] def process(self, args): while True: path, replace = self._get_index(args) if not path: break args[replace] = self._get_args(path) return args
def _get_index(self, args): for opt in self._options: start = opt + '=' if opt.startswith('--') else opt for index, arg in enumerate(args): normalized_arg = arg.lower() if opt.startswith('--') else arg # Handles `--argumentfile foo` and `-A foo` if normalized_arg == opt and index + 1 < len(args): return args[index+1], slice(index, index+2) # Handles `--argumentfile=foo` and `-Afoo` if normalized_arg.startswith(start): return arg[len(start):], slice(index, index+1) return None, -1 def _get_args(self, path): if path.upper() != 'STDIN': content = self._read_from_file(path) else: content = self._read_from_stdin() return self._process_file(content) def _read_from_file(self, path): try: with FileReader(path) as reader: return except (IOError, UnicodeError) as err: raise DataError("Opening argument file '%s' failed: %s" % (path, err)) def _read_from_stdin(self): return console_decode( def _process_file(self, content): args = [] for line in content.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('-'): args.extend(self._split_option(line)) elif line and not line.startswith('#'): args.append(line) return args def _split_option(self, line): separator = self._get_option_separator(line) if not separator: return [line] option, value = line.split(separator, 1) if separator == ' ': value = value.strip() return [option, value] def _get_option_separator(self, line): if ' ' not in line and '=' not in line: return None if '=' not in line: return ' ' if ' ' not in line: return '=' return ' ' if line.index(' ') < line.index('=') else '='