Source code for robot.utils.misc

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from operator import add, sub
import re

from .robottypes import is_integer
from .unic import safe_str

[docs]def printable_name(string, code_style=False): """Generates and returns printable name from the given string. Examples: 'simple' -> 'Simple' 'name with spaces' -> 'Name With Spaces' 'more spaces' -> 'More Spaces' 'Cases AND spaces' -> 'Cases AND Spaces' '' -> '' If 'code_style' is True: 'mixedCAPSCamel' -> 'Mixed CAPS Camel' 'camelCaseName' -> 'Camel Case Name' 'under_score_name' -> 'Under Score Name' 'under_and space' -> 'Under And Space' 'miXed_CAPS_nAMe' -> 'MiXed CAPS NAMe' '' -> '' """ if code_style and '_' in string: string = string.replace('_', ' ') parts = string.split() if code_style and len(parts) == 1 \ and not (string.isalpha() and string.islower()): parts = _split_camel_case(parts[0]) return ' '.join(part[0].upper() + part[1:] for part in parts)
def _split_camel_case(string): tokens = [] token = [] for prev, char, next in zip(' ' + string, string, string[1:] + ' '): if _is_camel_case_boundary(prev, char, next): if token: tokens.append(''.join(token)) token = [char] else: token.append(char) if token: tokens.append(''.join(token)) return tokens def _is_camel_case_boundary(prev, char, next): if prev.isdigit(): return not char.isdigit() if char.isupper(): return next.islower() or prev.isalpha() and not prev.isupper() return char.isdigit()
[docs]def plural_or_not(item): count = item if is_integer(item) else len(item) return '' if count in (1, -1) else 's'
[docs]def seq2str(sequence, quote="'", sep=', ', lastsep=' and '): """Returns sequence in format `'item 1', 'item 2' and 'item 3'`.""" sequence = [f'{quote}{safe_str(item)}{quote}' for item in sequence] if not sequence: return '' if len(sequence) == 1: return sequence[0] last_two = lastsep.join(sequence[-2:]) return sep.join(sequence[:-2] + [last_two])
[docs]def seq2str2(sequence): """Returns sequence in format `[ item 1 | item 2 | ... ]`.""" if not sequence: return '[ ]' return '[ %s ]' % ' | '.join(safe_str(item) for item in sequence)
[docs]def test_or_task(text, rpa=False): """Replaces `{test}` in `text` with `test` or `task` depending on `rpa`.""" def replace(match): test = if not rpa: return test upper = [c.isupper() for c in test] return ''.join(c.upper() if up else c for c, up in zip('task', upper)) return re.sub('{(test)}', replace, text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
[docs]def isatty(stream): # first check if buffer was detached if hasattr(stream, 'buffer') and stream.buffer is None: return False if not hasattr(stream, 'isatty'): return False try: return stream.isatty() except ValueError: # Occurs if file is closed. return False