Source code for robot.variables.assigner

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import re

from robot.errors import (DataError, ExecutionStatus, HandlerExecutionFailed,
from robot.utils import (ErrorDetails, format_assign_message, get_error_message,
                         is_number, is_string, prepr, type_name)

[docs]class VariableAssignment: def __init__(self, assignment): validator = AssignmentValidator() try: self.assignment = [validator.validate(var) for var in assignment] self.error = None except DataError as err: self.assignment = assignment self.error = err def __iter__(self): return iter(self.assignment) def __len__(self): return len(self.assignment)
[docs] def validate_assignment(self): if self.error: raise self.error
[docs] def assigner(self, context): self.validate_assignment() return VariableAssigner(self.assignment, context)
[docs]class AssignmentValidator: def __init__(self): self._seen_list = False self._seen_dict = False self._seen_any_var = False self._seen_assign_mark = False
[docs] def validate(self, variable): variable = self._validate_assign_mark(variable) self._validate_state(is_list=variable[0] == '@', is_dict=variable[0] == '&') return variable
def _validate_assign_mark(self, variable): if self._seen_assign_mark: raise DataError("Assign mark '=' can be used only with the last variable.") if variable.endswith('='): self._seen_assign_mark = True return variable[:-1].rstrip() return variable def _validate_state(self, is_list, is_dict): if is_list and self._seen_list: raise DataError('Assignment can contain only one list variable.') if self._seen_dict or is_dict and self._seen_any_var: raise DataError('Dictionary variable cannot be assigned with ' 'other variables.') self._seen_list += is_list self._seen_dict += is_dict self._seen_any_var = True
[docs]class VariableAssigner: _valid_extended_attr = re.compile(r'^[_a-zA-Z]\w*$') def __init__(self, assignment, context): self._assignment = assignment self._context = context def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, etype, error, tb): if error is None: return if not isinstance(error, ExecutionStatus): error = HandlerExecutionFailed(ErrorDetails(error)) if error.can_continue(self._context): self.assign(error.return_value)
[docs] def assign(self, return_value): context = self._context context.trace(lambda: 'Return: %s' % prepr(return_value)) resolver = ReturnValueResolver(self._assignment) for name, value in resolver.resolve(return_value): if not self._extended_assign(name, value, context.variables): value = self._normal_assign(name, value, context.variables), value))
def _extended_assign(self, name, value, variables): if name[0] != '$' or '.' not in name or name in variables: return False base, attr = [token.strip() for token in name[2:-1].rsplit('.', 1)] try: var = variables.replace_scalar('${%s}' % base) except VariableError: return False if not (self._variable_supports_extended_assign(var) and self._is_valid_extended_attribute(attr)): return False try: setattr(var, attr, value) except: raise VariableError("Setting attribute '%s' to variable '${%s}' failed: %s" % (attr, base, get_error_message())) return True def _variable_supports_extended_assign(self, var): return not (is_string(var) or is_number(var)) def _is_valid_extended_attribute(self, attr): return self._valid_extended_attr.match(attr) is not None def _normal_assign(self, name, value, variables): variables[name] = value # Always return the actually assigned value. return value if name[0] == '$' else variables[name]
[docs]def ReturnValueResolver(assignment): if not assignment: return NoReturnValueResolver() if len(assignment) == 1: return OneReturnValueResolver(assignment[0]) if any(a[0] == '@' for a in assignment): return ScalarsAndListReturnValueResolver(assignment) return ScalarsOnlyReturnValueResolver(assignment)
[docs]class NoReturnValueResolver:
[docs] def resolve(self, return_value): return []
[docs]class OneReturnValueResolver: def __init__(self, variable): self._variable = variable
[docs] def resolve(self, return_value): if return_value is None: identifier = self._variable[0] return_value = {'$': None, '@': [], '&': {}}[identifier] return [(self._variable, return_value)]
class _MultiReturnValueResolver: def __init__(self, variables): self._variables = variables self._min_count = len(variables) def resolve(self, return_value): return_value = self._convert_to_list(return_value) self._validate(len(return_value)) return self._resolve(return_value) def _convert_to_list(self, return_value): if return_value is None: return [None] * self._min_count if is_string(return_value): self._raise_expected_list(return_value) try: return list(return_value) except TypeError: self._raise_expected_list(return_value) def _raise_expected_list(self, ret): self._raise('Expected list-like value, got %s.' % type_name(ret)) def _raise(self, error): raise VariableError('Cannot set variables: %s' % error) def _validate(self, return_count): raise NotImplementedError def _resolve(self, return_value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ScalarsOnlyReturnValueResolver(_MultiReturnValueResolver): def _validate(self, return_count): if return_count != self._min_count: self._raise('Expected %d return values, got %d.' % (self._min_count, return_count)) def _resolve(self, return_value): return list(zip(self._variables, return_value))
[docs]class ScalarsAndListReturnValueResolver(_MultiReturnValueResolver): def __init__(self, variables): _MultiReturnValueResolver.__init__(self, variables) self._min_count -= 1 def _validate(self, return_count): if return_count < self._min_count: self._raise('Expected %d or more return values, got %d.' % (self._min_count, return_count)) def _resolve(self, return_value): before_vars, list_var, after_vars \ = self._split_variables(self._variables) before_items, list_items, after_items \ = self._split_return(return_value, before_vars, after_vars) before = list(zip(before_vars, before_items)) after = list(zip(after_vars, after_items)) return before + [(list_var, list_items)] + after def _split_variables(self, variables): list_index = [v[0] for v in variables].index('@') return (variables[:list_index], variables[list_index], variables[list_index+1:]) def _split_return(self, return_value, before_vars, after_vars): list_start = len(before_vars) list_end = len(return_value) - len(after_vars) return (return_value[:list_start], return_value[list_start:list_end], return_value[list_end:])