Source code for robot.libdocpkg.model

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import json
import re
from itertools import chain

from robot.model import Tags
from robot.running import ArgumentSpec
from robot.utils import getshortdoc, Sortable, setter

from .htmlutils import DocFormatter, DocToHtml, HtmlToText
from .writer import LibdocWriter
from .output import LibdocOutput, get_generation_time

[docs]class LibraryDoc: """Documentation for a library, a resource file or a suite file.""" def __init__(self, name='', doc='', version='', type='LIBRARY', scope='TEST', doc_format='ROBOT', source=None, lineno=-1): = name self._doc = doc self.version = version self.type = type self.scope = scope self.doc_format = doc_format self.source = source self.lineno = lineno self.inits = () self.keywords = () self.type_docs = () @property def doc(self): if self.doc_format == 'ROBOT' and '%TOC%' in self._doc: return self._add_toc(self._doc) return self._doc def _add_toc(self, doc): toc = self._create_toc(doc) return '\n'.join(line if line.strip() != '%TOC%' else toc for line in doc.splitlines()) def _create_toc(self, doc): entries = re.findall(r'^\s*=\s+(.+?)\s+=\s*$', doc, flags=re.MULTILINE) if self.inits: entries.append('Importing') if self.keywords: entries.append('Keywords') return '\n'.join('- `%s`' % entry for entry in entries) @setter def doc_format(self, format): return format or 'ROBOT' @setter def inits(self, inits): """Initializer docs as :class:`~KeywordDoc` instances.""" return self._process_keywords(inits) @setter def keywords(self, kws): """Keyword docs as :class:`~KeywordDoc` instances.""" return self._process_keywords(kws) @setter def type_docs(self, type_docs): return set(type_docs) def _process_keywords(self, kws): for keyword in kws: keyword.parent = self return sorted(kws) @property def all_tags(self): return Tags(chain.from_iterable(kw.tags for kw in self.keywords))
[docs] def save(self, output=None, format='HTML', theme=None): with LibdocOutput(output, format) as outfile: LibdocWriter(format, theme).write(self, outfile)
[docs] def convert_docs_to_html(self): formatter = DocFormatter(self.keywords, self.type_docs, self.doc, self.doc_format) self._doc = formatter.html(self.doc, intro=True) for item in self.inits + self.keywords: # If 'shortdoc' is not set, it is generated automatically based on 'doc' # when accessed. Generate and set it to avoid HTML format affecting it. item.shortdoc = item.shortdoc item.doc = formatter.html(item.doc) for type_doc in self.type_docs: # Standard docs are always in ROBOT format ... if type_doc.type == type_doc.STANDARD: # ... unless they have been converted to HTML already. if not type_doc.doc.startswith('<p>'): type_doc.doc = DocToHtml('ROBOT')(type_doc.doc) else: type_doc.doc = formatter.html(type_doc.doc) self.doc_format = 'HTML'
[docs] def to_dictionary(self, include_private=False, theme=None): data = { 'specversion': 1, 'name':, 'doc': self.doc, 'version': self.version, 'generated': get_generation_time(), 'type': self.type, 'scope': self.scope, 'docFormat': self.doc_format, 'source': self.source, 'lineno': self.lineno, 'tags': list(self.all_tags), 'inits': [init.to_dictionary() for init in self.inits], 'keywords': [kw.to_dictionary() for kw in self.keywords if include_private or not kw.private], # 'dataTypes' was deprecated in RF 5, 'typedoc' should be used instead. 'dataTypes': self._get_data_types(self.type_docs), 'typedocs': [t.to_dictionary() for t in sorted(self.type_docs)] } if theme: data['theme'] = theme.lower() return data
def _get_data_types(self, types): enums = sorted(t for t in types if t.type == 'Enum') typed_dicts = sorted(t for t in types if t.type == 'TypedDict') return { 'enums': [t.to_dictionary(legacy=True) for t in enums], 'typedDicts': [t.to_dictionary(legacy=True) for t in typed_dicts] }
[docs] def to_json(self, indent=None, include_private=True, theme=None): data = self.to_dictionary(include_private, theme) return json.dumps(data, indent=indent)
[docs]class KeywordDoc(Sortable): """Documentation for a single keyword or an initializer.""" def __init__(self, name='', args=None, doc='', shortdoc='', tags=(), private=False, deprecated=False, source=None, lineno=-1, parent=None): = name self.args = args or ArgumentSpec() self.doc = doc self._shortdoc = shortdoc self.tags = Tags(tags) self.private = private self.deprecated = deprecated self.source = source self.lineno = lineno self.parent = parent # Map argument types to type documentations. self.type_docs = { {} for arg in self.args} @property def shortdoc(self): return self._shortdoc or self._doc_to_shortdoc() def _doc_to_shortdoc(self): if self.parent and self.parent.doc_format == 'HTML': doc = HtmlToText().get_shortdoc_from_html(self.doc) else: doc = self.doc return ' '.join(getshortdoc(doc).splitlines()) @shortdoc.setter def shortdoc(self, shortdoc): self._shortdoc = shortdoc @property def _sort_key(self): return
[docs] def to_dictionary(self): data = { 'name':, 'args': [self._arg_to_dict(arg) for arg in self.args], 'doc': self.doc, 'shortdoc': self.shortdoc, 'tags': list(self.tags), 'source': self.source, 'lineno': self.lineno } if self.private: data['private'] = True if self.deprecated: data['deprecated'] = True return data
def _arg_to_dict(self, arg): return { 'name':, 'types': arg.types_reprs, 'typedocs': self.type_docs.get(, {}), 'defaultValue': arg.default_repr, 'kind': arg.kind, 'required': arg.required, 'repr': str(arg) }