Source code for robot.running.bodyrunner

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import re
import time

from robot.errors import (BreakLoop, ContinueLoop, DataError, ExecutionFailed,
                          ExecutionFailures, ExecutionPassed, ExecutionStatus)
from robot.result import (For as ForResult, While as WhileResult, If as IfResult,
                          IfBranch as IfBranchResult, Try as TryResult,
                          TryBranch as TryBranchResult)
from robot.output import librarylogger as logger
from robot.utils import (cut_assign_value, frange, get_error_message, get_timestamp,
                         is_string, is_list_like, is_number, plural_or_not as s,
                         seq2str, split_from_equals, type_name, Matcher,
from robot.variables import is_dict_variable, evaluate_expression

from .statusreporter import StatusReporter


[docs]class BodyRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, body): errors = [] passed = None for step in body: try:, self._run, self._templated) except ExecutionPassed as exception: exception.set_earlier_failures(errors) passed = exception self._run = False except ExecutionFailed as exception: errors.extend(exception.get_errors()) self._run = exception.can_continue(self._context, self._templated) if passed: raise passed if errors: raise ExecutionFailures(errors)
[docs]class KeywordRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True): self._context = context self._run = run
[docs] def run(self, step, name=None): context = self._context runner = context.get_runner(name or if context.dry_run: return runner.dry_run(step, context) return, context, self._run)
[docs]def ForRunner(context, flavor='IN', run=True, templated=False): runners = {'IN': ForInRunner, 'IN RANGE': ForInRangeRunner, 'IN ZIP': ForInZipRunner, 'IN ENUMERATE': ForInEnumerateRunner} runner = runners[flavor or 'IN'] return runner(context, run, templated)
[docs]class ForInRunner: flavor = 'IN' def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data): error = None run = False if self._run: if data.error: error = DataError(data.error, syntax=True) else: run = True result = ForResult(data.variables, data.flavor, data.values) with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run) as status: if run: try: values_for_rounds = self._get_values_for_rounds(data) except DataError as err: error = err else: if self._run_loop(data, result, values_for_rounds): return status.pass_status = result.NOT_RUN self._run_one_round(data, result, run=False) if error: raise error
def _run_loop(self, data, result, values_for_rounds): errors = [] executed = False for values in values_for_rounds: executed = True try: self._run_one_round(data, result, values) except (BreakLoop, ContinueLoop) as ctrl: if ctrl.earlier_failures: errors.extend(ctrl.earlier_failures.get_errors()) if isinstance(ctrl, BreakLoop): break except ExecutionPassed as passed: passed.set_earlier_failures(errors) raise passed except ExecutionFailed as failed: errors.extend(failed.get_errors()) if not failed.can_continue(self._context, self._templated): break if errors: raise ExecutionFailures(errors) return executed def _get_values_for_rounds(self, data): if self._context.dry_run: return [None] values_per_round = len(data.variables) if self._is_dict_iteration(data.values): values = self._resolve_dict_values(data.values) values = self._map_dict_values_to_rounds(values, values_per_round) else: values = self._resolve_values(data.values) values = self._map_values_to_rounds(values, values_per_round) return values def _is_dict_iteration(self, values): all_name_value = True for item in values: if is_dict_variable(item): return True if split_from_equals(item)[1] is None: all_name_value = False if all_name_value and values: name, value = split_from_equals(values[0]) logger.warn( f"FOR loop iteration over values that are all in 'name=value' " f"format like '{values[0]}' is deprecated. In the future this syntax " f"will mean iterating over names and values separately like " f"when iterating over '&{{dict}} variables. Escape at least one " f"of the values like '{name}\\={value}' to use normal FOR loop " f"iteration and to disable this warning." ) return False def _resolve_dict_values(self, values): result = OrderedDict() replace_scalar = self._context.variables.replace_scalar for item in values: if is_dict_variable(item): result.update(replace_scalar(item)) else: key, value = split_from_equals(item) if value is None: raise DataError(f"Invalid FOR loop value '{item}'. When iterating " f"over dictionaries, values must be '&{{dict}}' " f"variables or use 'key=value' syntax.", syntax=True) try: result[replace_scalar(key)] = replace_scalar(value) except TypeError: err = get_error_message() raise DataError(f"Invalid dictionary item '{item}': {err}") return result.items() def _map_dict_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): if per_round > 2: raise DataError(f'Number of FOR loop variables must be 1 or 2 when ' f'iterating over dictionaries, got {per_round}.', syntax=True) return values def _resolve_values(self, values): return self._context.variables.replace_list(values) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): count = len(values) if count % per_round != 0: self._raise_wrong_variable_count(per_round, count) # Map list of values to list of lists containing values per round. return (values[i:i+per_round] for i in range(0, count, per_round)) def _raise_wrong_variable_count(self, variables, values): raise DataError(f'Number of FOR loop values should be multiple of its ' f'variables. Got {variables} variables but {values} ' f'value{s(values)}.') def _run_one_round(self, data, result, values=None, run=True): result = result.body.create_iteration() if values is not None: variables = self._context.variables else: # Not really run (earlier failure, unexecuted IF branch, dry-run) variables = {} values = [''] * len(data.variables) for name, value in self._map_variables_and_values(data.variables, values): variables[name] = value result.variables[name] = cut_assign_value(value) runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated) with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run): def _map_variables_and_values(self, variables, values): if len(variables) == 1 and len(values) != 1: return [(variables[0], tuple(values))] return zip(variables, values)
[docs]class ForInRangeRunner(ForInRunner): flavor = 'IN RANGE' def _resolve_dict_values(self, values): raise DataError('FOR IN RANGE loops do not support iterating over ' 'dictionaries.', syntax=True) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): if not 1 <= len(values) <= 3: raise DataError(f'FOR IN RANGE expected 1-3 values, got {len(values)}.', syntax=True) try: values = [self._to_number_with_arithmetic(v) for v in values] except Exception: msg = get_error_message() raise DataError(f'Converting FOR IN RANGE values failed: {msg}.') values = frange(*values) return ForInRunner._map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round) def _to_number_with_arithmetic(self, item): if is_number(item): return item number = eval(str(item), {}) if not is_number(number): raise TypeError(f'Expected number, got {type_name(item)}.') return number
[docs]class ForInZipRunner(ForInRunner): flavor = 'IN ZIP' _start = 0 def _resolve_dict_values(self, values): raise DataError('FOR IN ZIP loops do not support iterating over dictionaries.', syntax=True) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): for item in values: if not is_list_like(item): raise DataError(f"FOR IN ZIP items must all be list-like, " f"got {type_name(item)} '{item}'.") if len(values) % per_round != 0: self._raise_wrong_variable_count(per_round, len(values)) return zip(*(list(item) for item in values))
[docs]class ForInEnumerateRunner(ForInRunner): flavor = 'IN ENUMERATE' def _is_dict_iteration(self, values): if values and values[-1].startswith('start='): values = values[:-1] return super()._is_dict_iteration(values) def _resolve_dict_values(self, values): self._start, values = self._get_start(values) return ForInRunner._resolve_dict_values(self, values) def _resolve_values(self, values): self._start, values = self._get_start(values) return ForInRunner._resolve_values(self, values) def _get_start(self, values): if not values[-1].startswith('start='): return 0, values *values, start = values if not values: raise DataError('FOR loop has no loop values.', syntax=True) try: start = self._context.variables.replace_string(start[6:]) try: start = int(start) except ValueError: raise DataError(f"Start value must be an integer, got '{start}'.") except DataError as err: raise DataError(f'Invalid start value: {err}') return start, values def _map_dict_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): if per_round > 3: raise DataError(f'Number of FOR IN ENUMERATE loop variables must be 1-3 ' f'when iterating over dictionaries, got {per_round}.', syntax=True) if per_round == 2: return ((i, v) for i, v in enumerate(values, start=self._start)) return ((i,) + v for i, v in enumerate(values, start=self._start)) def _map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round): per_round = max(per_round-1, 1) values = ForInRunner._map_values_to_rounds(self, values, per_round) return ([i] + v for i, v in enumerate(values, start=self._start)) def _raise_wrong_variable_count(self, variables, values): raise DataError(f'Number of FOR IN ENUMERATE loop values should be multiple of ' f'its variables (excluding the index). Got {variables} ' f'variables but {values} value{s(values)}.')
[docs]class WhileRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data): ctx = self._context error = None run = False limit = None loop_result = WhileResult(data.condition, data.limit, starttime=get_timestamp()) iter_result = loop_result.body.create_iteration(starttime=get_timestamp()) if self._run: if data.error: error = DataError(data.error, syntax=True) elif not ctx.dry_run: try: limit = WhileLimit.create(data.limit, ctx.variables) run = self._should_run(data.condition, ctx.variables) except DataError as err: error = err with StatusReporter(data, loop_result, self._context, run): if ctx.dry_run or not run: self._run_iteration(data, iter_result, run) if error: raise error return errors = [] while True: try: with limit: self._run_iteration(data, iter_result) except (BreakLoop, ContinueLoop) as ctrl: if ctrl.earlier_failures: errors.extend(ctrl.earlier_failures.get_errors()) if isinstance(ctrl, BreakLoop): break except ExecutionPassed as passed: passed.set_earlier_failures(errors) raise passed except ExecutionFailed as failed: errors.extend(failed.get_errors()) if not failed.can_continue(ctx, self._templated): break iter_result = loop_result.body.create_iteration(starttime=get_timestamp()) if not self._should_run(data.condition, ctx.variables): break if errors: raise ExecutionFailures(errors)
def _run_iteration(self, data, result, run=True): runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated) with StatusReporter(data, result, self._context, run): def _should_run(self, condition, variables): try: condition = variables.replace_scalar(condition) if is_string(condition): return evaluate_expression(condition, return bool(condition) except Exception: msg = get_error_message() raise DataError(f'Evaluating WHILE condition failed: {msg}')
[docs]class IfRunner: _dry_run_stack = [] def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data): with self._dry_run_recursion_detection(data) as recursive_dry_run: error = None with StatusReporter(data, IfResult(), self._context, self._run): for branch in data.body: try: if self._run_if_branch(branch, recursive_dry_run, data.error): self._run = False except ExecutionStatus as err: error = err self._run = False if error: raise error
@contextmanager def _dry_run_recursion_detection(self, data): dry_run = self._context.dry_run if dry_run: recursive_dry_run = data in self._dry_run_stack self._dry_run_stack.append(data) else: recursive_dry_run = False try: yield recursive_dry_run finally: if dry_run: self._dry_run_stack.pop() def _run_if_branch(self, branch, recursive_dry_run=False, syntax_error=None): context = self._context result = IfBranchResult(branch.type, branch.condition, starttime=get_timestamp()) error = None if syntax_error: run_branch = False error = DataError(syntax_error, syntax=True) else: try: run_branch = self._should_run_branch(branch, context, recursive_dry_run) except DataError as err: error = err run_branch = False with StatusReporter(branch, result, context, run_branch): runner = BodyRunner(context, run_branch, self._templated) if not recursive_dry_run: if error and self._run: raise error return run_branch def _should_run_branch(self, branch, context, recursive_dry_run=False): condition = branch.condition variables = context.variables if context.dry_run: return not recursive_dry_run if not self._run: return False if condition is None: return True try: condition = variables.replace_scalar(condition) if is_string(condition): return evaluate_expression(condition, return bool(condition) except Exception: msg = get_error_message() raise DataError(f'Evaluating {branch.type} condition failed: {msg}')
[docs]class TryRunner: def __init__(self, context, run=True, templated=False): self._context = context self._run = run self._templated = templated
[docs] def run(self, data): run = self._run with StatusReporter(data, TryResult(), self._context, run): if data.error: self._run_invalid(data) return error = self._run_try(data, run) run_excepts_or_else = self._should_run_excepts_or_else(error, run) if error: error = self._run_excepts(data, error, run=run_excepts_or_else) self._run_else(data, run=False) else: self._run_excepts(data, error, run=False) error = self._run_else(data, run=run_excepts_or_else) error = self._run_finally(data, run) or error if error: raise error
def _run_invalid(self, data): error_reported = False for branch in data.body: result = TryBranchResult(branch.type, branch.patterns, branch.variable) with StatusReporter(branch, result, self._context, run=False, suppress=True): runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run=False, templated=self._templated) if not error_reported: error_reported = True raise DataError(data.error, syntax=True) raise ExecutionFailed(data.error, syntax=True) def _run_try(self, data, run): result = TryBranchResult(data.TRY) return self._run_branch(data.try_branch, result, run) def _should_run_excepts_or_else(self, error, run): if not run: return False if not error: return True return not (error.skip or error.syntax or isinstance(error, ExecutionPassed)) def _run_branch(self, branch, result, run=True, error=None): try: with StatusReporter(branch, result, self._context, run): if error: raise error runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated) except ExecutionStatus as err: return err else: return None def _run_excepts(self, data, error, run): for branch in data.except_branches: try: run_branch = run and self._should_run_except(branch, error) except DataError as err: run_branch = True pattern_error = err else: pattern_error = None result = TryBranchResult(branch.type, branch.patterns, branch.pattern_type, branch.variable) if run_branch: if branch.variable: self._context.variables[branch.variable] = str(error) error = self._run_branch(branch, result, error=pattern_error) run = False else: self._run_branch(branch, result, run=False) return error def _should_run_except(self, branch, error): if not branch.patterns: return True matchers = { 'GLOB': lambda m, p: Matcher(p, spaceless=False, caseless=False).match(m), 'LITERAL': lambda m, p: m == p, 'REGEXP': lambda m, p: re.match(rf'{p}\Z', m) is not None, 'START': lambda m, p: m.startswith(p) } if branch.pattern_type: pattern_type = self._context.variables.replace_string(branch.pattern_type) else: pattern_type = 'LITERAL' matcher = matchers.get(pattern_type.upper()) if not matcher: raise DataError(f"Invalid EXCEPT pattern type '{pattern_type}', " f"expected {seq2str(matchers, lastsep=' or ')}.") for pattern in branch.patterns: if matcher(error.message, self._context.variables.replace_string(pattern)): return True return False def _run_else(self, data, run): if data.else_branch: result = TryBranchResult(data.ELSE) return self._run_branch(data.else_branch, result, run) def _run_finally(self, data, run): if data.finally_branch: result = TryBranchResult(data.FINALLY) try: with StatusReporter(data.finally_branch, result, self._context, run): runner = BodyRunner(self._context, run, self._templated) except ExecutionStatus as err: return err else: return None
[docs]class WhileLimit:
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, limit, variables): if not limit: return IterationCountLimit(DEFAULT_WHILE_LIMIT) value = variables.replace_string(limit) if value.upper() == 'NONE': return NoLimit() try: count = int(value.replace(' ', '')) except ValueError: pass else: if count <= 0: raise DataError(f"Invalid WHILE loop limit: Iteration count must be " f"a positive integer, got '{count}'.") return IterationCountLimit(count) try: secs = timestr_to_secs(value) except ValueError as err: raise DataError(f'Invalid WHILE loop limit: {err.args[0]}') else: return DurationLimit(secs)
[docs] def limit_exceeded(self): raise ExecutionFailed(f"WHILE loop was aborted because it did not finish " f"within the limit of {self}. Use the 'limit' argument " f"to increase or remove the limit if needed.")
def __enter__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return None
[docs]class DurationLimit(WhileLimit): def __init__(self, max_time): self.max_time = max_time self.start_time = None def __enter__(self): if not self.start_time: self.start_time = time.time() if time.time() - self.start_time > self.max_time: self.limit_exceeded() def __str__(self): return f'{self.max_time} seconds'
[docs]class IterationCountLimit(WhileLimit): def __init__(self, max_iterations): self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.current_iterations = 0 def __enter__(self): if self.current_iterations >= self.max_iterations: self.limit_exceeded() self.current_iterations += 1 def __str__(self): return f'{self.max_iterations} iterations'
[docs]class NoLimit(WhileLimit): def __enter__(self): pass