Source code for

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import os

from robot.errors import DataError
from robot.output import LOGGER
from robot.parsing import SuiteStructureBuilder, SuiteStructureVisitor

from .parsers import RobotParser, NoInitFileDirectoryParser, RestParser
from .settings import Defaults

[docs]class TestSuiteBuilder: """Builder to construct ``TestSuite`` objects based on data on the disk. The :meth:`build` method constructs executable :class:`~robot.running.model.TestSuite` objects based on test data files or directories. There are two main use cases for this API: - Execute the created suite by using its :meth:`` method. The suite can be modified before execution if needed. - Inspect the suite to see, for example, what tests it has or what tags tests have. This can be more convenient than using the lower level :mod:`~robot.parsing` APIs but does not allow saving modified data back to the disk. Both modifying the suite and inspecting what data it contains are easiest done by using the :mod:`~robot.model.visitor` interface. This class is part of the public API and should be imported via the :mod:`robot.api` package. """ def __init__(self, included_suites=None, included_extensions=('robot',), rpa=None, lang=None, allow_empty_suite=False, process_curdir=True): """ :param include_suites: List of suite names to include. If ``None`` or an empty list, all suites are included. Same as using `--suite` on the command line. :param included_extensions: List of extensions of files to parse. Same as `--extension`. :param rpa: Explicit test execution mode. ``True`` for RPA and ``False`` for test automation. By default, mode is got from data file headers and possible conflicting headers cause an error. Same as `--rpa` or `--norpa`. :param lang: Additional languages to be supported during parsing. Can be a string matching any of the supported language codes or names, an initialized :class:`~robot.conf.languages.Language` subsclass, a list containing such strings or instances, or a :class:`~robot.conf.languages.Languages` instance. :param allow_empty_suite: Specify is it an error if the built suite contains no tests. Same as `--runemptysuite`. :param process_curdir: Control processing the special ``${CURDIR}`` variable. It is resolved already at parsing time by default, but that can be changed by giving this argument ``False`` value. """ self.rpa = rpa self.lang = lang self.included_suites = included_suites self.included_extensions = included_extensions self.allow_empty_suite = allow_empty_suite self.process_curdir = process_curdir
[docs] def build(self, *paths): """ :param paths: Paths to test data files or directories. :return: :class:`~robot.running.model.TestSuite` instance. """ structure = SuiteStructureBuilder(self.included_extensions, self.included_suites).build(paths) parser = SuiteStructureParser(self.included_extensions, self.rpa, self.lang, self.process_curdir) suite = parser.parse(structure) if not self.included_suites and not self.allow_empty_suite: self._validate_test_counts(suite, multisource=len(paths) > 1) suite.remove_empty_suites(preserve_direct_children=len(paths) > 1) return suite
def _validate_test_counts(self, suite, multisource=False): def validate(suite): if not suite.has_tests: raise DataError(f"Suite '{}' contains no tests or tasks.") if not multisource: validate(suite) else: for s in suite.suites: validate(s)
[docs]class SuiteStructureParser(SuiteStructureVisitor): def __init__(self, included_extensions, rpa=None, lang=None, process_curdir=True): self.rpa = rpa self._rpa_given = rpa is not None self.suite = None self._stack = [] self.parsers = self._get_parsers(included_extensions, lang, process_curdir) def _get_parsers(self, extensions, lang, process_curdir): robot_parser = RobotParser(lang, process_curdir) rest_parser = RestParser(lang, process_curdir) parsers = { None: NoInitFileDirectoryParser(), 'robot': robot_parser, 'rst': rest_parser, 'rest': rest_parser } for ext in extensions: if ext not in parsers: parsers[ext] = robot_parser return parsers def _get_parser(self, extension): try: return self.parsers[extension] except KeyError: return self.parsers['robot']
[docs] def parse(self, structure): structure.visit(self) self.suite.rpa = self.rpa return self.suite
[docs] def visit_file(self, structure):"Parsing file '{structure.source}'.") suite, _ = self._build_suite(structure) if self._stack: self._stack[-1][0].suites.append(suite) else: self.suite = suite
[docs] def start_directory(self, structure): if structure.source:"Parsing directory '{structure.source}'.") suite, defaults = self._build_suite(structure) if self.suite is None: self.suite = suite else: self._stack[-1][0].suites.append(suite) self._stack.append((suite, defaults))
[docs] def end_directory(self, structure): suite, _ = self._stack.pop() if suite.rpa is None and suite.suites: suite.rpa = suite.suites[0].rpa
def _build_suite(self, structure): parent_defaults = self._stack[-1][-1] if self._stack else None source = structure.source defaults = Defaults(parent_defaults) parser = self._get_parser(structure.extension) try: if structure.is_directory: suite = parser.parse_init_file(structure.init_file or source, defaults) else: suite = parser.parse_suite_file(source, defaults) if not suite.tests:"Data source '{source}' has no tests or tasks.") self._validate_execution_mode(suite) except DataError as err: raise DataError(f"Parsing '{source}' failed: {err.message}") return suite, defaults def _validate_execution_mode(self, suite): if self._rpa_given: suite.rpa = self.rpa elif suite.rpa is None: pass elif self.rpa is None: self.rpa = suite.rpa elif self.rpa is not suite.rpa: this, that = ('tasks', 'tests') if suite.rpa else ('tests', 'tasks') raise DataError(f"Conflicting execution modes. File has {this} " f"but files parsed earlier have {that}. Fix headers " f"or use '--rpa' or '--norpa' options to set the " f"execution mode explicitly.")
[docs]class ResourceFileBuilder: def __init__(self, lang=None, process_curdir=True): self.lang = lang self.process_curdir = process_curdir
[docs] def build(self, source):"Parsing resource file '{source}'.") resource = self._parse(source) if resource.imports or resource.variables or resource.keywords:"Imported resource file '{source}' ({len(resource.keywords)} " f"keywords).") else: LOGGER.warn(f"Imported resource file '{source}' is empty.") return resource
def _parse(self, source): if os.path.splitext(source)[1].lower() in ('.rst', '.rest'): return RestParser(self.lang, self.process_curdir).parse_resource_file(source) return RobotParser(self.lang, self.process_curdir).parse_resource_file(source)