Source code for robot.errors

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Exceptions and return codes used internally.

External libraries should not used exceptions defined here.

except NameError:
    unicode = str

# Return codes from Robot and Rebot.
# RC below 250 is the number of failed critical tests and exactly 250
# means that number or more such failures.
INFO_PRINTED    = 251   # --help or --version
DATA_ERROR      = 252   # Invalid data or cli args
STOPPED_BY_USER = 253   # KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit
FRAMEWORK_ERROR = 255   # Unexpected error

[docs]class RobotError(Exception): """Base class for Robot Framework errors. Do not raise this method but use more specific errors instead. """ def __init__(self, message='', details=''): Exception.__init__(self, message) self.details = details @property def message(self): return unicode(self)
[docs]class FrameworkError(RobotError): """Can be used when the core framework goes to unexpected state. It is good to explicitly raise a FrameworkError if some framework component is used incorrectly. This is pretty much same as 'Internal Error' and should of course never happen. """
[docs]class DataError(RobotError): """Used when the provided test data is invalid. DataErrors are not caught by keywords that run other keywords (e.g. `Run Keyword And Expect Error`). """
[docs]class VariableError(DataError): """Used when variable does not exist. VariableErrors are caught by keywords that run other keywords (e.g. `Run Keyword And Expect Error`). """
[docs]class KeywordError(DataError): """Used when no keyword is found or there is more than one match. KeywordErrors are caught by keywords that run other keywords (e.g. `Run Keyword And Expect Error`). """
[docs]class TimeoutError(RobotError): """Used when a test or keyword timeout occurs. This exception is handled specially so that execution of the current test is always stopped immediately and it is not caught by keywords executing other keywords (e.g. `Run Keyword And Expect Error`). """ def __init__(self, message='', test_timeout=True): RobotError.__init__(self, message) self.test_timeout = test_timeout @property def keyword_timeout(self): return not self.test_timeout
[docs]class Information(RobotError): """Used by argument parser with --help or --version."""
[docs]class ExecutionStatus(RobotError): """Base class for exceptions communicating status in test execution.""" def __init__(self, message, test_timeout=False, keyword_timeout=False, syntax=False, exit=False, continue_on_failure=False, skip=False, return_value=None): if '\r\n' in message: message = message.replace('\r\n', '\n') from robot.utils import cut_long_message RobotError.__init__(self, cut_long_message(message)) self.test_timeout = test_timeout self.keyword_timeout = keyword_timeout self.syntax = syntax self.exit = exit self._continue_on_failure = continue_on_failure self.skip = skip self.return_value = return_value @property def timeout(self): return self.test_timeout or self.keyword_timeout @property def dont_continue(self): return self.timeout or self.syntax or self.exit @property def continue_on_failure(self): return self._continue_on_failure @continue_on_failure.setter def continue_on_failure(self, continue_on_failure): self._continue_on_failure = continue_on_failure for child in getattr(self, '_errors', []): if child is not self: child.continue_on_failure = continue_on_failure
[docs] def can_continue(self, context, templated=False): if context.dry_run: return True if self.syntax or self.exit or self.skip or self.test_timeout: return False if templated: return True if self.keyword_timeout: if context.in_teardown: self.keyword_timeout = False return False if context.in_teardown or context.continue_on_failure: return True return self.continue_on_failure
[docs] def get_errors(self): return [self]
@property def status(self): return 'FAIL' if not self.skip else 'SKIP'
[docs]class ExecutionFailed(ExecutionStatus): """Used for communicating failures in test execution."""
[docs]class HandlerExecutionFailed(ExecutionFailed): def __init__(self, details): error = details.error timeout = isinstance(error, TimeoutError) test_timeout = timeout and error.test_timeout keyword_timeout = timeout and error.keyword_timeout syntax = (isinstance(error, DataError) and not isinstance(error, (KeywordError, VariableError))) exit_on_failure = self._get(error, 'EXIT_ON_FAILURE') continue_on_failure = self._get(error, 'CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE') skip = self._get(error, 'SKIP_EXECUTION') ExecutionFailed.__init__(self, details.message, test_timeout, keyword_timeout, syntax, exit_on_failure, continue_on_failure, skip) self.full_message = details.message self.traceback = details.traceback def _get(self, error, attr): return bool(getattr(error, 'ROBOT_' + attr, False))
[docs]class ExecutionFailures(ExecutionFailed): def __init__(self, errors, message=None): message = message or self._format_message(errors) ExecutionFailed.__init__(self, message, **self._get_attrs(errors)) self._errors = errors def _format_message(self, errors): messages = [e.message for e in errors] if len(messages) == 1: return messages[0] prefix = 'Several failures occurred:' if any(msg.startswith('*HTML*') for msg in messages): html_prefix = '*HTML* ' messages = [self._html_format(msg) for msg in messages] else: html_prefix = '' if any(e.skip for e in errors): skip_idx = errors.index([e for e in errors if e.skip][0]) skip_msg = messages[skip_idx] messages = messages[:skip_idx] + messages[skip_idx+1:] if len(messages) == 1: return '%s%s\n\nAlso failure occurred:\n%s' \ % (html_prefix, skip_msg, messages[0]) prefix = '%s\n\nAlso failures occurred:' % skip_msg return '\n\n'.join( [html_prefix + prefix] + ['%d) %s' % (i, m) for i, m in enumerate(messages, start=1)] ) def _html_format(self, msg): from robot.utils import html_escape if msg.startswith('*HTML*'): return msg[6:].lstrip() return html_escape(msg) def _get_attrs(self, errors): return { 'test_timeout': any(e.test_timeout for e in errors), 'keyword_timeout': any(e.keyword_timeout for e in errors), 'syntax': any(e.syntax for e in errors), 'exit': any(e.exit for e in errors), 'continue_on_failure': all(e.continue_on_failure for e in errors), 'skip': any(e.skip for e in errors) }
[docs] def get_errors(self): return self._errors
[docs]class UserKeywordExecutionFailed(ExecutionFailures): def __init__(self, run_errors=None, teardown_errors=None): errors = self._get_active_errors(run_errors, teardown_errors) message = self._get_message(run_errors, teardown_errors) ExecutionFailures.__init__(self, errors, message) if run_errors and not teardown_errors: self._errors = run_errors.get_errors() else: self._errors = [self] def _get_active_errors(self, *errors): return [err for err in errors if err] def _get_message(self, run_errors, teardown_errors): run_msg = run_errors.message if run_errors else '' td_msg = teardown_errors.message if teardown_errors else '' if not td_msg: return run_msg if not run_msg: return 'Keyword teardown failed:\n%s' % td_msg return '%s\n\nAlso keyword teardown failed:\n%s' % (run_msg, td_msg)
[docs]class ExecutionPassed(ExecutionStatus): """Base class for all exceptions communicating that execution passed. Should not be raised directly, but more detailed exceptions used instead. """ def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): ExecutionStatus.__init__(self, message or self._get_message(), **kwargs) self._earlier_failures = [] def _get_message(self): from robot.utils import printable_name return ("Invalid '%s' usage." % printable_name(type(self).__name__, code_style=True))
[docs] def set_earlier_failures(self, failures): if failures: self._earlier_failures = list(failures) + self._earlier_failures
@property def earlier_failures(self): if not self._earlier_failures: return None return ExecutionFailures(self._earlier_failures) @property def status(self): return 'PASS' if not self._earlier_failures else 'FAIL'
[docs]class PassExecution(ExecutionPassed): """Used by 'Pass Execution' keyword.""" def __init__(self, message): ExecutionPassed.__init__(self, message)
[docs]class ContinueForLoop(ExecutionPassed): """Used by 'Continue For Loop' keyword."""
[docs]class ExitForLoop(ExecutionPassed): """Used by 'Exit For Loop' keyword."""
[docs]class ReturnFromKeyword(ExecutionPassed): """Used by 'Return From Keyword' keyword.""" def __init__(self, return_value=None, failures=None): ExecutionPassed.__init__(self, return_value=return_value) if failures: self.set_earlier_failures(failures)
[docs]class RemoteError(RobotError): """Used by Remote library to report remote errors.""" def __init__(self, message='', details='', fatal=False, continuable=False): RobotError.__init__(self, message, details) self.ROBOT_EXIT_ON_FAILURE = fatal self.ROBOT_CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE = continuable