Source code for robot.result.resultbuilder

#  Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
#  Copyright 2016-     Robot Framework Foundation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from robot.errors import DataError
from robot.model import SuiteVisitor
from robot.utils import ET, ETSource, get_error_message, unic

from .executionresult import Result, CombinedResult
from .flattenkeywordmatcher import (FlattenByNameMatcher, FlattenByTypeMatcher,
from .merger import Merger
from .xmlelementhandlers import XmlElementHandler

[docs]def ExecutionResult(*sources, **options): """Factory method to constructs :class:`~.executionresult.Result` objects. :param sources: XML source(s) containing execution results. Can be specified as paths, opened file objects, or strings/bytes containing XML directly. Support for bytes is new in RF 3.2. :param options: Configuration options. Using ``merge=True`` causes multiple results to be combined so that tests in the latter results replace the ones in the original. Setting ``rpa`` either to ``True`` (RPA mode) or ``False`` (test automation) sets execution mode explicitly. By default it is got from processed output files and conflicting modes cause an error. Other options are passed directly to the :class:`ExecutionResultBuilder` object used internally. :returns: :class:`~.executionresult.Result` instance. Should be imported by external code via the :mod:`robot.api` package. See the :mod:`robot.result` package for a usage example. """ if not sources: raise DataError('One or more data source needed.') if options.pop('merge', False): return _merge_results(sources[0], sources[1:], options) if len(sources) > 1: return _combine_results(sources, options) return _single_result(sources[0], options)
def _merge_results(original, merged, options): result = ExecutionResult(original, **options) merger = Merger(result, rpa=result.rpa) for path in merged: merged = ExecutionResult(path, **options) merger.merge(merged) return result def _combine_results(sources, options): return CombinedResult(ExecutionResult(src, **options) for src in sources) def _single_result(source, options): ets = ETSource(source) result = Result(source, rpa=options.pop('rpa', None)) try: return ExecutionResultBuilder(ets, **options).build(result) except IOError as err: error = err.strerror except: error = get_error_message() raise DataError("Reading XML source '%s' failed: %s" % (unic(ets), error))
[docs]class ExecutionResultBuilder(object): """Builds :class:`~.executionresult.Result` objects based on output files. Instead of using this builder directly, it is recommended to use the :func:`ExecutionResult` factory method. """ def __init__(self, source, include_keywords=True, flattened_keywords=None): """ :param source: Path to the XML output file to build :class:`~.executionresult.Result` objects from. :param include_keywords: Boolean controlling whether to include keyword information in the result or not. Keywords are not needed when generating only report. Although the the option name has word "keyword", it controls also including FOR and IF structures. :param flatten_keywords: List of patterns controlling what keywords to flatten. See the documentation of ``--flattenkeywords`` option for more details. """ self._source = source \ if isinstance(source, ETSource) else ETSource(source) self._include_keywords = include_keywords self._flattened_keywords = flattened_keywords
[docs] def build(self, result): # Parsing is performance optimized. Do not change without profiling! handler = XmlElementHandler(result) with self._source as source: self._parse(source, handler.start, handler.end) result.handle_suite_teardown_failures() if not self._include_keywords: result.suite.visit(RemoveKeywords()) return result
def _parse(self, source, start, end): context = ET.iterparse(source, events=('start', 'end')) if not self._include_keywords: context = self._omit_keywords(context) elif self._flattened_keywords: context = self._flatten_keywords(context, self._flattened_keywords) for event, elem in context: if event == 'start': start(elem) else: end(elem) elem.clear() def _omit_keywords(self, context): omitted_kws = 0 for event, elem in context: # Teardowns aren't omitted yet to allow checking suite teardown status. # They'll be removed later when not needed in `build()`. omit = elem.tag in ('kw', 'for', 'if') and elem.get('type') != 'TEARDOWN' start = event == 'start' if omit and start: omitted_kws += 1 if not omitted_kws: yield event, elem elif not start: elem.clear() if omit and not start: omitted_kws -= 1 def _flatten_keywords(self, context, flattened): # Performance optimized. Do not change without profiling! name_match, by_name = self._get_matcher(FlattenByNameMatcher, flattened) type_match, by_type = self._get_matcher(FlattenByTypeMatcher, flattened) tags_match, by_tags = self._get_matcher(FlattenByTagMatcher, flattened) started = -1 # if 0 or more, we are flattening tags = [] containers = {'kw', 'for', 'iter', 'if'} inside_kw = 0 # to make sure we don't read tags from a test seen_doc = False for event, elem in context: tag = elem.tag start = event == 'start' end = not start if start and tag in containers: inside_kw += 1 if started >= 0: started += 1 elif by_name and name_match(elem.get('name', ''), elem.get('library')): started = 0 seen_doc = False elif by_type and type_match(tag): started = 0 seen_doc = False elif started < 0 and by_tags and inside_kw: if end and tag == 'tag': tags.append(elem.text or '') elif end and tags: if tags_match(tags): started = 0 seen_doc = False tags = [] if end and tag in containers: inside_kw -= 1 if started == 0 and not seen_doc: doc = ET.Element('doc') doc.text = '_*Keyword content flattened.*_' yield 'start', doc yield 'end', doc if started == 0 and end and tag == 'doc': seen_doc = True elem.text = ('%s\n\n_*Keyword content flattened.*_' % (elem.text or '')).strip() if started <= 0 or tag == 'msg': yield event, elem else: elem.clear() if started >= 0 and end and tag in containers: started -= 1 def _get_matcher(self, matcher_class, flattened): matcher = matcher_class(flattened) return matcher.match, bool(matcher)
[docs]class RemoveKeywords(SuiteVisitor):
[docs] def start_suite(self, suite): suite.setup = None suite.teardown = None
[docs] def visit_test(self, test): test.body = []